,,,,,,<img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes1.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">(display: "ResetVariables")It is another quite gloriously sunny day in the Emerald Hill Zone and, true to form, our hero, Sonic the Hedgehog, and his foxy friend, Miles Prowers (also known as Tails), are doing nothing very much. Well, unless you count lying on their backs at the top of a hill, watching fluffy clouds drift lazily across the brilliant blue sky.
'Hey look, little dude,' says Sonic, pointing up at one cloud. 'There's one that looks like a rabbit.'
'Right!' Tails agrees. 'And look, that one looks like a squirrel.'
'Oh yeah — but see that other one, the big one coming up fast: doesn't that cloud look just like fatty Robotnik?'
'It does, too — and, what's more, it's getting closer, and darker!'
Now Sonic and Tails are both intently watching the Robotnik-shaped cloud. It is huge, blotting out most of the sky, and it has turned from white to a dark threatening grey.
'I do hope it's not going to rain,' Sonic mutters, just as a large raindrop splashes on the end of his nose. 'Gross!' he exclaims, scowling. Then the heavens open. Sonic and Tails are caught in the downpour and suddenly the prospect of a lovely lazy morning has gone pear-shaped. A deep rumble of thunder comes from the cloud, which now seems to have blotted out the entire sky, and a bolt of lightning streaks down and zaps into the hillside near by.
'That was close!' Tails yelps. Decision time. Should Sonic and Tails run for cover from the storm [[(turn to **78**)|78]] or stay out in the open [[(turn to **99**)|99]]?The two pals make a dash for it and are soon shivering under a nearby clump of trees. There is a blinding flash as another lightning-bolt shoots out of the cloud and come to ground in a tree right next to Sonic and Tails! In an explosion of flame, the tree splits in half and topples forward. Roll on Sonic's Speed to beat a 9.
(set: $Rating to 9)(display:"SpeedTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If you make a roll, [[turn to **152**|152]]. If you fail, turn to **42**.](else:)[If you make a roll, turn to **152**. If you fail, [[turn to **42**|42]].]It is soon raining very hard and the two heroes are soaked to the skin. 'If this keeps up it'll soon be raining cats and dogs,' Tails announces glibly.
There is an almighty crash behind the pair, then they hear a robotic clanking which sounds like it is getting closer. Looking around in panic, they are confronted by a huge, snarling robot dog and a vicious metal cat which are advancing towards them. The animals pounce! Sonic must fight the robots using his Strength (add 3 because tails is helping). The cat and dog each have a rating of 7.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 2)(set:$Enemy2 to "metal cat")(set:$Enemy1 to "robot dog")(set:$Rating to 7)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Strength")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
If the hedgehog and fox defeat the robots, [[turn to **291**|291]].]'Goodness!' Tails gasps as he and Sonic get their breath back. 'What strange weather we've been having recently. Why, it'll probably be raining -'
With a yell Sonic moves to clamp his hand over Tails' mouth, but does he do it in time? Roll against his Quick Wits, to beat an 8.
(set: $Rating to 8)(display:"QuickWitsTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he makes it, [[turn to **104**|104]]. If he fails, turn to **13**.](else:)[If he makes it, turn to **104**. If he fails, [[turn to **13**|13]].](set:$Rings to 0)(set:$Lives to 3)(set:$100Rings to 100)(set:$YetiFight to "Unfinished")(set:$PenguinFight to "Unfinished")(set:$ScorpionFight to "Unfinished")(set:$BuzzerFight to "Unfinished")(set:$GrabberFight to "Unfinished")(set:$ApeFight to "Unfinished")(set:$GrabberHits to 0)(set:$BuzzerHits to 0)(set:$TurnTo60 to "False")(set:$RayMissed to "False")(set:$TailsOnIce to "False")(set:$SoughtShelter to "False")(set:$LaserUsed to "False")(set:$SnowFlakeCircuitBoard to "False")(set:$RoundCircuitBoard to "False")(set:$RaindropCircuitBoard to "False")(set:$CloudCircuitBoard to "False")(set:$InkSac to "False")(set:$FreezeRay to "False")(set:$Laser to "False")(set:$Bandages to "False")(set:$Shield to "False")(set:$WaterCanister to "False")(set:$SallysScarf to "False")(set:$Battery to "False")(set:$Bananas to "False")(set:$TriangularKey to "False")(set:$NorthExplored to "False")(set:$EastExplored to "False")(set:$SouthExplored to "False")(set:$WestExplored to "False")(set:$CaveRolls to 0)(set:$PyramidLeft to "Unvisited")(set:$PyramidRight to "Unvisited")(set:$PyramidAhead to "Unvisited")(set:$BreakWarning to "False")(set:$ZoneHits to 0)(set:$Surfing to "False")(set:$SonicsStuff to (dataset:))(set:$CheckpointTurnTo60 to 0)(set:$CheckpointRayMissed to 0)(set:$CheckpointTailsOnIce to 0)(set:$CheckpointSoughtShelter to 0)(set:$CheckpointLaserUsed to 0)(set:$CheckpointSnowFlakeCircuitBoard to 0)(set:$CheckpointRoundCircuitBoard to 0)(set:$CheckpointRaindropCircuitBoard to 0)(set:$CheckpointCloudCircuitBoard to 0)(set:$CheckpointInkSac to 0)(set:$CheckpointFreezeRay to 0)(set:$CheckpointLaser to 0)(set:$CheckpointBandages to 0)(set:$CheckpointWaterCanister to 0)(set:$CheckpointSallysScarf to 0)(set:$CheckpointBattery to 0)(set:$CheckpointBananas to 0)(set:$CheckpointTriangularKey to 0)(set:$CheckpointNorthExplored to 0)(set:$CheckpointEastExplored to 0)(set:$CheckpointSouthExplored to 0)(set:$CheckpointWestExplored to 0)(set:$CheckpointCaveRolls to 0)(set:$CheckpointPyramidLeft to 0)(set:$CheckpointPyramidRight to 0)(set:$CheckpointPyramidAhead to 0)(set:$CheckpointBreakWarning to 0)(set:$CheckpointZoneHits to 0)(set:$CheckpointSurfing to 0)(set:$CheckpointSonicsStuff to (dataset:))(set:$CheckpointPage to 0)<div class="game">(if:$AbilityUsed is "Speed")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Speed)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Strength")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Strength)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Agility")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Agility)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Coolness")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Coolness)](if:$AbilityUsed is "QuickWits")[(set: $AbilityValue to $QuickWits)](if:$AbilityUsed is "GoodLooks")[(set: $AbilityValue to $GoodLooks)](if: $Rating is 0)[RATING NOT SET|](if:$AbilityUsed is "None")[ABILITYUSED NOT SET|](if:$EnemiesRemaining is 0)[ENEMIES REMAINING NOT SET|](if: $Enemy1 is "Enemy1")[ENEMY NAME NOT SET|](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(if: (passage:)'s name is "254")[(display: "SonicTurn-2")](else:)[(display: "SonicTurn")]<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](set: $Rating to 0)(set:$AbilityUsed to "None")(set: $Enemy1 to "Enemy1")(set:$Enemy2 to "Enemy2")</div>(if:$Lives > 0)[(if:$EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $AbilityValue(if:$TailsHelping > 0)[ + $TailsHelping] = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$AbilityValue+$TailsHelping)(if: $RollTotal>$Rating-1)[Success!
Sonic (if:$Enemy1 is not "Knuckles")[destroys the ](else:)[defeats ](if:$EnemiesRemaining is 2)[$Enemy2](else:)[$Enemy1] (wallop!).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to $EnemiesRemaining-1)](else:)[Failure!
Sonic misses!]]](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[
(if:$EnemiesRemaining > 4 and $Lives > 0)[(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
(if: $RollTotal>10)[Sonic is hit by the $Enemy2 (bam!).
](else:)[The $Enemy2 misses.
]](if:$EnemiesRemaining > 3 and $Lives > 0)[(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
(if: $RollTotal>10)[Sonic is hit by the $Enemy2 (bam!).
](else:)[The $Enemy2 misses.
]](if:$EnemiesRemaining > 2 and $Lives > 0)[(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
(if: $RollTotal>10)[Sonic is hit by the $Enemy2 (bam!).
](else:)[The $Enemy2 misses.
]](if:$EnemiesRemaining > 1 and $Lives > 0)[(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
(if: $RollTotal>10)[Sonic is hit by the $Enemy2 (bam!).
](else:)[The $Enemy2 misses.
]](if:$EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $Lives > 0)[(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
(if: $RollTotal>10)[Sonic is hit by the $Enemy1 (bam!).
(display:"Damage")](else:)[The $Enemy1 misses.]]
](set:$Speed to 5)(set:$Strength to 5)(set:$Agility to 5)(set:$Coolness to 5)(set:$QuickWits to 5)(set:$GoodLooks to 2)(set:$Rings to 10)(set:$Lives to 3)<div class="game">(if:$Shield is "True")[**Sonic loses his shield!**(set:$Shield to "False")](else:)[(if:$Rings > 0)[**Sonic loses all his rings!(set:$100Rings to 100)**(set:$Rings to 0)](else:)[(if:$Rings is 0)[(if:$Lives > 1)[**Sonic loses a life!**(set: $Lives to $Lives-1)](else:)[**Sonic loses a life!**
(display: "Game Over")(set: $Lives to $Lives-1)]]]]</div>(if: (passage:)'s name is not "224" and (passage:)'s name is not "57")[
(if:$CheckpointPage is not 0)[[[Start again from checkpoint|Load Checkpoint]]
][[Start again from beginning with same abilities|1]]
(link:"Start again from beginning with new abilities")[(set:$Speed to 0)(set:$Strength to 0)(set:$Agility to 0)(set:$Coolness to 0)(set:$QuickWits to 0)(set:$GoodLooks to 0)(set:$AbilityScore to 5)(goto:"Sonic's Vital Statistics")]Before the hedgehog can get out of the way, the tree crashes down on top of him. (Cross one of Sonic's lives off his Vital Statistics.)
So much for taking shelter! Tails grabs his stunned friend and pulls him back out into the open. [[Turn to **99**|99]].Sonic hurtles out of the shelter of the trees just in time, grabbing Tails by the hand and pulling him away from the falling tree. As it hits the gound, <div class="sic">`[sic]`</div> five gold rings fall out of its branches; Sonic can take them (write them down on his *Vital Statistics*).
(set:$Gain to 5)(display:"RingCheck")
[[Turn to **99**|99]].<img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes13.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">'Sheep and starfish next!' Tails finishes his sentence. Immediately there is another crash and something else falls from the turbulent sky. Stalking towards the pair now are — yes, you've guessed it — a large robotic sheep and a huge, annoyed-looking metal starfish.
'Here we go again!' Sonic mutters, shaping up for some bad guy bashing. The sheep and starfish each have a rating of 7, and they must fight against Sonic's Speed (plus 3 because Tails is helping).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 2)(set:$Enemy2 to "robotic sheep")(set:$Enemy1 to "metal starfish")(set:$Rating to 7)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
If our heroes win, they see the Robotnik-shaped cloud speed up and fly away across the zone. 'Come on,' Sonic sighs. 'This rain's getting stupider by the minute.' What should Sonic and Tails do now? Should they look for their friends [[(turn to **233**)|233]] or follow the cloud and try to find out what is going on [[(turn to **210**)|210]]?]'Oh no, you don't!' Sonic commands, slapping his hand quickly across the fox's mouth. 'Watch what you're saying in future!' As the rain continues to pour down, the Robotnik-shaped cloud speeds up and flies away across the zone. 'Come on,' Sonic orders. 'This rain's getting stupider by the minute.' What should Sonic and Tails do now? Should they look for their friends [[(turn to **233**)|233]] or follow the cloud and try to find out what is going on [[(turn to **210**)|210]]?Running through the rain, Sonic and Tails soon catch sight of a bedraggled chicken trying to shelter under a lightning-scorched bush. 'Chirps!' Sonic cries. 'What's happenin', dude?'
'Hello, you two,' says the soggy chicken, brightening up. 'I was just enjoying a stroll when the sky turned all dark and it started to rain. The next thing I knew, there was a huge bang and a flash of light, and I came this close to being turned into a pair of chicken drumsticks!'
'Where's everyone else?' Tails asks.
'Search me,' Chirps replies. 'You're the only guys I've seen since the storm began.'
Sonic takes charge. 'Come on, then. You can help us look for them.'
'Hold on, what's that?' Tails suddenly exclaims, pointing up into the sky, where a red speck is dropping towards the ground very quickly indeed. Should Sonic try to catch whatever is it [[(turn to **25**)|25]] or just wait to see what happens when it hits the ground [[(turn to **270**)|270]]?Sonic and Tails dash away across the Emerald Hill Zone, following the fast-moving cloud. As they reach the brow of another hill, in the distance they see a cottage being struck by a bolt of lightning which has come from the cloud. The building is blown apart and the family of squirrels who lived there are left fleeing in panic. Even though the two heroes are running as fast as they can, the strange cloud is travelling much faster. After slogging through the muddy grass for ages, Sonic and Tails are worn out, and the cloud is still getiing further and further away, so the pair stop for a rest. Sonic notices something glinting in mud near by. Should he investigate [[(turn to **134**)|134]] or go and look for his friends [[(turn to **233**)|233]]?<img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes25.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">As the shape speeds towards him, Sonic prepares to catch it. Just too late, the hedgehog realises who it is. 'Aw no! No! Not him!' he yells unhappily. Oh yes. Knuckles, the red-dreaded echidna (the two of you who don't know what an 'echidna' is can look at the drawing opposite, and you will at once realise that it is a spiny anteater), slams down on top of Sonic the Hedgehog at great speed, knocking him flat. Cross off all of Sonic's rings (or a life if he has no rings left).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
'Ow, ow, gerroff!' Sonic splutters, with his face in the mud.
'With pleasure, hedgehog!' Knuckles snarls. 'I might have known you were behind all this!'
'What are you talking about?' Sonic snaps, pulling himself to his feet and trying to wipe off the worst of the mud.
'Not that it's any of your business, but a mega-volt bolt of lightning from a huge cloud ripped open a hole between the dimensions, blasting me off my floating island and down on to this miserable part of Mobius — and I bet it's all your doing, you worthless worm-eater! While I'm down here, who's going to guard the Chaos Emeralds?'
With that, the angry echidna leaps at Sonic, ready to punch his lights out! Sonic must fight Knuckles, who has a rating of 9, using his Strength. (set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Knuckles")(set:$Rating to 9)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Strength")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)
<div class="game">The text does not state that Tails is helping during this fight, however it does not state that he and Sonic have been seperated.
You may interpret the rules on this occassion.
[[Tails is helping]<TailsChoose|
[Tails is not helping]<TailsNotChoose|]<Choices|</div>
(click: ?TailsChoose)[(set: $TailsHelping to 3)(replace:?Choices)[**Tails is helping**
Tails is not helping(show:?KnucklesFight)]](click: ?TailsNotChoose)[(set: $TailsHelping to 0)(replace:?Choices)[Tails is helping
**Tails is not helping**(show:?KnucklesFight)]]
|KnucklesFight)[<div class="game">A fight in this game usually ends with Sonic winning, or a game over. From context given by later parts of the game, Knuckles landing a hit on Sonic will be considered a 'win' for Knuckles.</div>
(display:"GrabberFight")(if:$Lives >0)[
(if:$GrabberHits<1)[If Sonic wins the fight, [[turn to **17**|17]]. If Knuckles wins, turn to **84**.](else:)[If Sonic wins the fight, turn to **17**. If Knuckles wins, [[turn to **84**|84]].
<div class="game">A fight in this game usually ends with Sonic winning, or a game over. From context given by later parts of the game, Knuckles landing a hit on Sonic will be considered a 'win' for Knuckles.</div>]]]](set:$GrabberHits to 0)Sonic sees in time that the red shape speeding towards him is his arch-rival, the read-dreaded echidna, Knuckles! (Echidna = spiny anteater — Who says gamebooks aren't educational!) 'Phew, thank goodness I didn't try to catch that bogus dude,' Sonic chuckles.
Fortunately for Knuckles, however his fall is broken by Chirps. 'Ooof!' the chicken gasps as all the breath is knocked out of him.
'Hedgehog!' Knuckles snarls, jumping to his feet. 'I might have known you were behind all this!'
'What are you talking about?' Sonic sneers, puzzled.
'Not that it's any of your business, but a mega-volt bolt of lightning from a huge cloud ripped open a hole between the dimensions, blasting me off my floating island and down on to this miserable part of Mobius — and I bet it's all your doing, you worthless worm-eater! While I'm down here, who's going to guard the Chaos Emeralds?'
With that, the angry echidna leaps at Sonic, ready to punch his lights out! Sonic must fight Knuckles, who has a rating of 9, using his Strength.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Knuckles")(set:$Rating to 9)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Strength")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)
<div class="game">The text does not state that Tails is helping during this fight, however it does not state that he and Sonic have been seperated.
You may interpret the rules on this occassion.
[[Tails is helping]<TailsChoose|
[Tails is not helping]<TailsNotChoose|]<Choices|</div>
(click: ?TailsChoose)[(set: $TailsHelping to 3)(replace:?Choices)[**Tails is helping**
Tails is not helping(show:?KnucklesFight)]](click: ?TailsNotChoose)[(set: $TailsHelping to 0)(replace:?Choices)[Tails is helping
**Tails is not helping**(show:?KnucklesFight)]]
|KnucklesFight)[<div class="game">A fight in this game usually ends with Sonic winning, or a game over. From context given by later parts of the game, Knuckles landing a hit on Sonic will be considered a 'win' for Knuckles.</div>
(display:"GrabberFight")(if:$Lives >0)[
(if:$GrabberHits<1)[If Sonic wins the fight, [[turn to **17**|17]]. If Knuckles wins, turn to **84**.](else:)[If Sonic wins the fight, turn to **17**. If Knuckles wins, [[turn to **84**|84]].]]](set:$GrabberHits to 0)<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Speed = (set: $TotalRoll to $Roll+$Speed)(if:$TotalRoll < $Rating)[Failure!(set:$Success to "False")](else:)[Success!(set:$Success to "True")]</div><div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $QuickWits (if: $Surfing is "True")[+ 1 ]= (if: $Surfing is "True")[(set: $TotalRoll to $Roll+$QuickWits+1)](else:)[(set: $TotalRoll to $Roll+$QuickWits)](if:$TotalRoll < $Rating)[Failure!(set:$Success to "False")](else:)[Success!(set:$Success to "True")]</div>'That showed him,' Sonic says, looking down at the unconscious echidna. Sonic notices that Knuckles has dropped ten gold rings he must have been carrying and quickly scoops them up before turning to Tails. 'Well, we can't hang around here, my bushy-tailed buddy. We've got to discover what's going on.'
(set:$Gain to 10)(display:"RingCheck")
In order to find out what's happening to the Emerald Hill Zone, Sonic and Tails are going to have to explore further afield. Should they head north [[(turn to **116**)|116]], south [[(turn to **180**)|180]], east [[(turn to **157**)|157]] or west [[(turn to **252**)|252]]?Sonic lies in a dazed heap at feet of the victorious Knuckles. 'I'm going to find out what's going on around here so I can get back to my island,' the dreadlocked red dude declares, turning to go. 'Stay away from me, Sonic,' he adds warningly. 'If you cross me again, you'll really be for it!' With that, the echidna dashes off after the rapidly disappearing, Robotnik-shaped cloud.
Sonic eventually recovers enough to carry on. Should he follow Knuckles [[(turn to **171**)|171]] or set about trying to discover what's going on [[(turn to **65**)|65]]?<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Strength = (set: $TotalRoll to $Roll+$Strength)(if:$TotalRoll < $Rating)[Failure!(set:$Success to "False")](else:)[Success!(set:$Success to "True")]</div>(set:$NorthExplored to "True")As the two friend trudge north across the hills, it starts to get noticeably colder and when they reach the brow of the next hill they find themselves looking across a snow-covered landscape! What is going on here?
'Blimey, this looks just like the Icecap Zone,' Sonic gasps. 'But I'm sure we haven't left Emerald Hill!'
'Cool!' Tails puns, frolicking in the snow. 'This is brilliant! But where did it come fr-aaaaaghh!'
'What was that, buddy of mine?' Sonic asks, looking around. 'Tails?' The fox has vanished — but now a large snowball, with two orange tails hanging from it, can be seen rolling down the hillside! Should Sonic chase after his friend [[(turn to **75**)|75]] or wait and see what happens [[(turn to **231**)|231]]?(set:$SouthExplored to "True")Walking south, Sonic and Tails can see that, rather than being wet after all the bad weather, this part of the zone is quite warm and dry — and it seems to be getting warmer and drier by the minute. 'Come on, Tails,' Sonic says. 'We've got a lot of ground to cover if we're going to find our friends and get to the bottom of all this.' In which direction will our heroes explore first?
<div class="indented1">Westwards?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **28**|28]]</div>
Eastwards?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **258**|258]]</div>
Straight on?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **277**|277]]</div></div>(set:$EastExplored to "True")Shuffling through the desolate zone, Sonic and Tails suddenly become aware that is is growing distinctly foggy. The further east they walk, the denser the mist gets. Soon they can barely see each other in the thick misty gloom. 'Stick close, Tails,' Sonic advises. 'We don't want to get separated in this pea-souper.'
Tails looks as if he is about to reply — probably to make some dopey joke about pea soup, no doubt — but then he pauses and looks around. 'What was that?' he shivers.
'What was what?' Sonic asks. 'I didn't hear anything.'
'That extremely loud and obvious, spooky noise. Listen.'
Sonic stops in his tracks and cocks his head to one side, pretending to humour his barmy little buddy. But then from far away comes a faint, wavering voice. 'Helllp meee... helllp...' Tails was right! Roll against Sonic's Coolness to beat an 8.
(set:$Rating to 8)(display:"CoolnessTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **273**|273]]. If he fails, turn to **131**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **273**. If he fails, [[turn to **131**|131]].]It has stopped raining now in this part of the zone, but the damage has already been done. As Sonic and Tails reach the crest of the next hill, they look down, to see that the entire area is flooded. All the lower ground is now underwater and only the tallest hills are visible, like small grassy islands. If Sonic and Tails are going to explore here, they are going to have to get about in some way other than on foot. The tops of several trees are still above the water level, so Sonic could try swinging from tree to tree to get around [[(turn to **158**)|158]] or he could try something else [[(turn to **54**)|54]]. Alternatively, he and Tails could both leave this part of the zone and look somewhere else (if:$NorthExplored is "True" and $SouthExplored is "True" and $EastExplored is "True")[(turn to **20**). <div class="sic">`[You have already completed the other parts.]`](else:)[[[(turn to **20**)|20]].]<img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes75.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">Sonic is about to dash after the Tails-stuffed snowball when the snowy ground in front of him rises up into a mound, out of which bursts a giant, snake-like robot head, closely followed by a segmented metal body. The Snowworm's head sways from side to side, the the metal monster darts toward the hedgehog. Does Sonic keep on running and try to escape from the worm [[(turn to **30**)|30]], prepare to fight it [[(turn to **109**)|109]] or try a super spin attack against it [[(turn to **181**)|181]]?'Hey!' Sonic snaps, gazing out at you. 'He may be a little twit sometimes, but he's my chum, and *this* hedgehog doesn't let his chums go rolling off round the zone in the middle of giant snowballs. There may be Batniks about! I'm going after him.' [[Turn to **75**|75]].The worm strikes so fast that Sonic barely sees it move, and well before Sonic can get away. Cross off all Sonic's rings (or a life).
(display: "Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
He now has no choice but to fight it [[(turn to **109**)|109]] or try a super spin attack [[(turn to **181**)|181]].]As the Snowworm snaps at Sonic, he dodges around it, trying to hit its body while avoiding the head. Sonic must fight using his Speed, against a rating of 8.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Snowworm")(set:$Rating to 8)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set:$TailsHelping to 0)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
If Sonic wins, [[turn to **55**|55]].]Sonic, barely visible inside a speeding blue blur, shoots forward at the robotic worm. Roll against Sonic's Strength, to beat an 8.
(set: $Rating to 8)(display:"StrengthTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **55**|55]]. If he fails, turn to **121**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **55**. If he fails, [[turn to **121**|121]].](if:(passage:)'s name is not "Title" and (passage:)'s name is not "Load Checkpoint")[<center>**(if:(passage:)'s name is "150")[$Roll](else:)[(print: (passage:)'s name)]**</center>](if:(passage:)'s name is not "Title" and (passage:)'s name is not "Sonic's Vital Statistics")[
<div class="vitalbox"><div class="vitaltitle">**Sonic's Vital Statistics**</div>
<div class="vitals">Speed: <div style="float: right;">$Speed</div>
Strength: <div style="float: right;">$Strength</div>
Agility: <div style="float: right;">$Agility</div></div><div class="vitals">Coolness: <div style="float: right;">$Coolness</div>
Quick Wits: <div style="float: right;">$QuickWits</div>
Good Looks: <div style="float: right;">$GoodLooks</div></div><div class="vitals">[Lives: <font size=4>(if:$Lives > 0)[■](else:)[□](if:$Lives > 1)[■](else:)[□](if:$Lives > 2)[■](else:)[□](if:$Lives > 3)[■](else:)[□](if:$Lives > 4)[■](else:)[□](if:$Lives > 5)[■](else:)[□](if:$Lives > 6)[■](else:)[□]</font>
Rings: $Rings]<RingSwap|(if:$Rings>99 and $RingRules is 1)[ Swap 100 rings for a life.]<SwapOffer|(Click: ?SwapOffer)[(set:$Rings to $Rings-100)(set:$Lives to $Lives+1)(Replace: ?RingSwap)[Lives: <font size=4>(if:$Lives > 0)[■](else:)[□](if:$Lives > 1)[■](else:)[□](if:$Lives > 2)[■](else:)[□](if:$Lives > 3)[■](else:)[□](if:$Lives > 4)[■](else:)[□](if:$Lives > 5)[■](else:)[□](if:$Lives > 6)[■](else:)[□]</font>
Rings: $Rings](Replace: ?SwapOffer)[]]</div><div class="sonicsstuff">Sonic's stuff:$SonicsStuff</div><div class="vitals">
(if:$ZoneHits >0)[Hits: $ZoneHits]</div></div>(if:$SonicsStuff contains " shieeeld" and $SonicsStuff contains " shieeeeld" and $Shield is "True")[(replace:"shieeeld")[(css: "text-decoration: line-through")[shield power-up]](replace:"shieeeeld")[shield power-up]](else:)[(if:$Shield is "True")[(replace:"shieeeld")[shield power-up]](else:)[(replace:"shieeeld")[(css: "text-decoration: line-through")[shield power-up]]](if:$Shield is "True")[(replace:"shieeeeld")[shield power-up]](else:)[(replace:"shieeeeld")[(css: "text-decoration: line-through")[shield power-up]]]]]Using all his fabled speed, Sonic eventually catches up with his rival. 'Not you again!' Knuckles exclaims as the hedgehog races up.
'Yeah, me again!' Sonic retorts wittily. 'No one gets the better of Sonic the Hedgehog, especially not a stupid red ant-scoffer with girly hair!'
'Why, I ought to -' Knuckles splutters, and then the two are at each other's throats again. This time Sonic uses his Speed to fight Knuckles, who has a rating of 8.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Knuckles")(set:$Rating to 8)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)
<div class="game">The text does not state that Tails is helping during this fight, however it does not state that he and Sonic have been seperated.
You may interpret the rules on this occassion.
[[Tails is helping]<TailsChoose|
[Tails is not helping]<TailsNotChoose|]<Choices|</div>
(click: ?TailsChoose)[(set: $TailsHelping to 3)(replace:?Choices)[**Tails is helping**
Tails is not helping(show:?KnucklesFight)]](click: ?TailsNotChoose)[(set: $TailsHelping to 0)(replace:?Choices)[Tails is helping
**Tails is not helping**(show:?KnucklesFight)]]
|KnucklesFight)[(display:"GrabberFight")(if:$Lives >0)[
(if:$GrabberHits<1)[If Knuckles wins again, turn to **187**. If Sonic triumphs this time, [[turn to **17**|17]].](else:)[If Knuckles wins again, [[turn to **187**|187]]. If Sonic triumphs this time, turn to **17**.]](set:$GrabberHits to 0)To find out what's happening to Emerald Hill Zone, Sonic and Tails are going to have to explore further afield. Should they head north [[(turn to **116**)|116]], south [[(turn to **180**)|180]], east [[(turn to **157**)|157]] or west [[(turn to **252**)|252]]?The snowworm shatters into pieces and lies, motionless, in the snow. Sonic is about to set off in pursuit of his friend when he hears the sound of gunfire, immediately followed by an explosion near by. Coming over the top of the hill are a group of Badniks with skis in place of their feet. They are carrying guns — and are firing at Sonic. Should he stop and take them all on [[(turn to **253**)|253]], make a run for it down the hillside after Tails [[(turn to **140**)|140]] or try another means to escape [[(turn to **295**)|295]]?Sonic hits the worm with enough force to send it reeling, but not hard enough to destroy it totally. Sonic must now fight, using his Speed, against a rating of 8.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Snowworm")(set:$Rating to 8)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set:$TailsHelping to 0)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
If Sonic wins, [[turn to **55**|55]].]Sonic stands his ground, ready to bash the Badniks. However, this just makes him an easier target to hit. Sonic loses all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives> 0)[
Everything goes a fuzzy shade of black...
Sonic comes to inside a large ice-cave. The good news is: there is no sign of the Badniks. The bad news is: Tails is lying, unconscious, next to him — but, after a good deal of prodding and shaking from Sonic, he comes round.
'Where are we, Sonic?' Tails asks feebly.
'No idea, little dude. Perhaps we should stick our heads outside and take a look.' Just as they step outside, a huge, shaggy, white shape appears in front of them, as if out of nowhere.
'Boo!' it says, quite unnecessarily.
'Waaargh!' Sonic and Tails yelp in unison. The Yeti raises a paw and, without warning, fires its claws at the pair. Roll against Sonic's Agility, to beat a 6.
(set: $Rating to 6)(display:"AgilityTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **120**|120]]. If he fails, turn to **100**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **120**. If he fails, [[turn to **100**|100]].]]The hedgehog sets off at a gallop dow the steep hillside, follwing the path of Tails' snowball and dodging Badniks' bullets at the same time. As he speeds along between icicle-laden trees and boulders, he does not spot the tree-root that lies, hidden, just beneath the snow. Whoops! Roll one dice.
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to(random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")</div>
(if:$Roll < 4)[On a roll of 1 to 3, [[turn to **217**|217]]. On a roll of 4 to 6, turn to **88**.](else:)[On a roll of 1 to 3, turn to **217**. On a roll of 4 to 6, [[turn to **88**|88]].]Grabbing a loose piece of one of the Snowworm's segments, Sonic jumps on it and slides away down the hillside, using it as an improvised toboggan. The Badniks ski after the hedgehog in hot pursuit.
'Hot pursuit?' Sonic ponders as he zips along. 'Are you sure that won't melt the snow?'
Icicle-laden trees and snow-covered rocks cover the hillside, and Sonic must steer a safe course round them to avoid a collision. Roll against Sonic's Agility to beat a 7, three times.
(set: $Rating to 7)(display:"AgilityTest")(if:$Success is "True")[
(display:"AgilityTest")(if:$Success is "True")[
(if:$Success is "True")[If he fails any roll, turn to **206**. If he is successful, [[turn to **197**|197]].](else:)[If he fails any roll, [[turn to **206**|206]]. If he is successful, turn to **197**.]<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Agility = (set: $TotalRoll to $Roll+$Agility)(if:$TotalRoll < $Rating)[Failure!(set:$Success to "False")](else:)[Success!(set:$Success to "True")]</div>Sonic successfully steers round every obstacle until he comes to a halt at the bottom of the hill. Close by, Tails is lying against a tree among the broken remains of his snowball. Sonic doesn't waste time on sympathy: 'Hey, stupid, don't just sit there like a doofus! We've got Badniks to bash!' With that, the robots are upon them. There are five Badniks, each with a rating of 7, and Sonic must fight them one at a time, using his Speed. Tails does not join in the fight; instead, he helps out by throwing snowballs at the robots. At the start start of each fight, roll one dice. On a 6, Tails hits the Badnik and knocks it apart, so Sonic can move on to the next one.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Badnik")(set:$Rating to 7)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)
(display:"Snowball Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Badnik")(set:$Rating to 7)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)(display:"Snowball Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Badnik")(set:$Rating to 7)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)(display:"Snowball Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Badnik")(set:$Rating to 7)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)(display:"Snowball Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Badnik")(set:$Rating to 7)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)(display:"Snowball Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
If Sonic and Tails win, they find seven gold rings lying amidst the broken Badniks, then they trudge on through the snow.
(set:$Gain to 7)(display:"RingCheck")
After a long walk, the two heroes come to a frozen pond. The ice looks so inviting that the temptation is too great — and soon the pair are skating around on it, having tremendous fun. Lost in their own private world, they are surprised, to say the least, when they hear a discreet electronic coughing sound, and they look up — to find that they are surrounded by more gun-toting Badniks. Should Sonic and Tails make a run for it [[(turn to **182**)|182]] or try something else [[(turn to **112**)|112]]?]]]]]What with explosions and gunfire going off all around, it is hardly surprising that Sonic fails to spot a half-buried boulder. The toboggan hits it and flips over, depositing Sonic in a snowdrift. Fortunately our hero is unharmed, but by the time he has climbed out he is surrounded by Badniks. There are five of them, each with a rating of 7, and Sonic must fight them one at a time, using his Speed.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Badnik")(set:$Rating to 7)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Badnik")(set:$Rating to 7)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Badnik")(set:$Rating to 7)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Badnik")(set:$Rating to 7)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Badnik")(set:$Rating to 7)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
If he wins, [[turn to **21**|21]].]]]]]Lying in the snow amidst the remains of the Badniks are seven gold rings. Sonic grabs them, then moves on.
(set:$Gain to 7)(display:"RingCheck")
Close by, he finds a dazed Tails lying against a tree in the middle of what remains of his snowball. 'Are you OK, dude?' Sonic asks, helping the frail fox to his furry feet.
'Um, I think so,' Tails says groggily. 'It would help a great deal, though, if you could stop swaying around like that.'
'That's not me, little pal.'
'Oh. Don't worry, I'll be find soon. Shouldn't we be moving on now?'
The pair set off once more. AFter a long trudge through the snow, the two heroes come to a frozen pond. The ice looks so inviting that the temptation is too great — and soon the pair are skating around on it, having tremendous fun. Lost in their own private world, they are more than a little surprised when they look up — to discover that they are surrounded by more gun-toting Badniks. Should Sonic and Tails make a run for it [[(turn to **182**)|182]] or try something else [[(turn to **112**)|112]]?**(if:$Lives > 0)[(if:$EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))You rolled a $Roll, +$AbilityValue ($AbilityUsed)(if:$TailsHelping is 3)[, +3 (Tails)] = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$AbilityValue+$TailsHelping)$RollTotal</div>
(if: $RollTotal>$Rating)[Success! Sonic destroys the (if:$EnemiesRemaining is 2)[$Enemy2](else:)[$Enemy1]. (wallop!).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to $EnemiesRemaining-1)](else:)[Failure! Sonic misses!]]]****(if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[
(if:$EnemiesRemaining > 1)[(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))The $Enemy2 rolls a $Roll, +$Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
<div class="game">(if: $RollTotal>10)[Sonic is hit by the $Enemy2 (bam!).
(display:"Damage")](else:)[The $Enemy2 misses.]]</div>(if:$EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))The $Enemy1 rolls a $Roll, +$Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
(if: $RollTotal>10)[Sonic is hit by the $Enemy1 (bam!).
(display:"Damage")](else:)[The $Enemy1 misses.]]
]**<sub><font size="5">(if:$Roll is 1)[⚀](if:$Roll is 2)[⚁](if:$Roll is 3)[⚂](if:$Roll is 4)[⚃](if:$Roll is 5)[⚄](if:$Roll is 6)[⚅]</font></sub><div class="game">(set: $Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(if:$Roll is 6)[ = Success!
Tails hits the Badnik and knocks it apart!](else:)[ = Failure!
Tails misses!
(if:$AbilityUsed is "Speed")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Speed)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Strength")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Strength)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Agility")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Agility)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Coolness")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Coolness)](if:$AbilityUsed is "QuickWits")[(set: $AbilityValue to $QuickWits)](if:$AbilityUsed is "GoodLooks")[(set: $AbilityValue to $GoodLooks)](if: $Rating is 0)[RATING NOT SET|](if:$AbilityUsed is "None")[ABILITYUSED NOT SET|](if:$EnemiesRemaining is 0)[ENEMIES REMAINING NOT SET|](if: $Enemy1 is "Enemy1")[ENEMY NAME NOT SET|](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](set: $Rating to 0)(set:$AbilityUsed to "None")(set: $Enemy1 to "Enemy1")(set:$Enemy2 to "Enemy2")]</div>Where can they run to? They're surrounded! The Badniks open fire. Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives> 0)[
Everything goes a fuzzy black...
Sonic comes to inside a large ice-cave. There is no sign of the Badniks, thank goodness, but Tails is lying, unconscious, next to him; however, after a good deal of prodding and shaking from Sonic, however, he comes round.
'Where are we, Sonic?' Tails asks feebly.
'No idea, little dude. Perhaps we should stick our heads outside and take a look.' Just as they step outside, a huge, shaggy, white shape appears in front of them, as if out of nowhere.
'Boo!' it says, quite unnecessarily.
'Waaargh!' Sonic and Tails yelp in unison. The Yeti raises a paw and, without warning, fires its claws at the pair. Roll against Sonic's Agility, to beat a 6.
(set: $Rating to 6)(display:"AgilityTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **120**|120]]. If he fails, turn to **100**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **120**. If he fails, [[turn to **100**|100]].]]<img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes112.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">'Just do as I do,' Sonic hisses under his breath, grabbing Tails. 'I have a really cunning plan.' The two friends start to skate around, arm in arm, performing a spectacular ice-dance routine that Orville and Spleen off the vids would be proud of. The Badniks watch in amazement. The pair finish with a perfectly executed triple-twist flip, to a huge round of applause. The Badniks, obviously getting into the spirit of things, hold up scores — but were the notoriously tough Badnik judges impressed enough? Roll six dice and add up the numbers.
<div class="game">(set:$SkatingScore to 0)(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(set:$SkatingScore to $SkatingScore+$Roll) + (set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(set:$SkatingScore to $SkatingScore+$Roll) + (set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(set:$SkatingScore to $SkatingScore+$Roll) + (set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(set:$SkatingScore to $SkatingScore+$Roll) + (set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(set:$SkatingScore to $SkatingScore+$Roll) + (set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(set:$SkatingScore to $SkatingScore+$Roll) = $SkatingScore</div>
(if:$SkatingScore >23)[If the total is 24 or more, [[turn to **66**|66]]. If it is not, turn to **33**.](else:)[If the total is 24 or more, turn to **66**. If it is not, [[turn to **33**|33]].](if:$RingRules is 1)[<div class="game">**Sonic gains $Gain rings(if: (passage:)'s name is "249" or (passage:)'s name is "196")[ and a Shield power-up]!(set:$Rings to $Rings + $Gain)(if:$Rings > 99 and $100Rings is 0)[
[Sonic may swap 100 rings for a life.]<SwapOffer|]**</div>](else:)[<div class="game">**Sonic gains $Gain rings(if: (passage:)'s name is "249" or (passage:)'s name is "196")[ and a Shield power-up]!(set:$Rings to $Rings + $Gain)(if:$Rings > $100Rings-1)[
Sonic gains an extra life!(set:$Lives to it +1)(set:$100Rings to it + 100)]**</div>]Half buried in the mud are five gold rings! (Add them to Sonic's *Vital Statistics*.)
(set:$Gain to 5)(display:"RingCheck")
Pleased with his find, Sonic is spurred into looking for his friends. [[Turn to **233**|233]].Sonic trips over the root and falls flat on his face, making an easy target for the Badniks. Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives> 0)[
Everything goes fuzzy and turns black...
Sonic comes to inside a large ice-cave. There is no sign of the Badniks. Tails is lying, unconscious, next to him; after a good deal of prodding and shaking from Sonic, however, he comes round.
'Where are we, Sonic?' Tails asks feebly.
'No idea, little dude. Perhaps we should stick our heads outside and take a look.' Just as they step outside, a huge, shaggy, white shape appears in front of them, as if out of nowhere.
'Boo!' it says, quite unnecessarily.
'Waaargh!' Sonic and Tails yelp in unison. The Yeti raises a paw and, without warning, fires its claws at the pair. Roll against Sonic's Agility, to beat a 6.
(set: $Rating to 6)(display:"AgilityTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **120**|120]]. If he fails, turn to **100**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **120**. If he fails, [[turn to **100**|100]].]]<img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes88.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">Sonic tumbles forward into the snow and keeps rolling, gathering snow with every revolution. Soon he is stuck inside a giant snowball of his own, bouncing along down the hillside! Sonic eventually comes to the bottom of the hill, and then he rolls a little way up the other side. The snowball does not get very far before it comes to a halt, then starts rolling back down again — straight at the Badniks. Trapped inside the snowball, Sonic hits the startled robots, knocking them in all directions. *Strike!* Feeling slightly dizzy, the hedgehog stumbles out of the snow. [[Turn to **21**|21]].Sonic ducks just in time, and the frozen darts fly harmlessly over his head. Suddenly a freezing blue ray shoots from the Yeti's eyes. The monster has a rating of 8 and Sonic must use his Good Looks to fight it (plus 3 because Tails is helping him), because its white fur helps camouflage it against the snowy landscape. If Sonic is hit during the fight, roll one dice. On a roll of 1 to 3, he is struck and must lose all his rings (or a life); turn to **43**. On a roll of 4-6, the ray misses; turn to **199**. (set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Yeti")(set:$Rating to 8)(set:$AbilityUsed to "GoodLooks")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"YetiFight")(if:$Lives > 0)[(if:$EnemiesRemaining is 0)[
If Sonic beats the Yeti, [[turn to **255**|255]].](else:)[
<div class="game">(if:$RayMissed is "True")[[[Turn to **199**|199]].](else:)[[[Turn to **43**|43]].]</div>
If Sonic beats the Yeti, turn to **255**.]]<img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes100.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">The frozen darts hit Sonic and pin him against a wall of ice. He must lose all his rings (or a life).
As Sonic is held, helpless, against the ice, the Yeti stomps towards him, then blasts him with a freezing blue ray emitted from its eyes. [[Turn to **43**|43]].]<div class="game">(if:$AbilityUsed is "Speed")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Speed)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Strength")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Strength)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Agility")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Agility)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Coolness")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Coolness)](if:$AbilityUsed is "QuickWits")[(set: $AbilityValue to $QuickWits)](if:$AbilityUsed is "GoodLooks")[(set: $AbilityValue to $GoodLooks)](if: $Rating is 0)[RATING NOT SET|](if:$AbilityUsed is "None")[ABILITYUSED NOT SET|](if:$EnemiesRemaining is 0)[ENEMIES REMAINING NOT SET|](if: $Enemy1 is "Enemy1")[ENEMY NAME NOT SET|](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $YetiFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "YetiTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $YetiFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "YetiTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $YetiFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "YetiTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $YetiFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "YetiTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $YetiFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "YetiTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $YetiFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "YetiTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $YetiFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "YetiTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $YetiFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "YetiTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $YetiFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "YetiTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $YetiFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "YetiTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $YetiFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "YetiTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $YetiFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "YetiTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $YetiFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "YetiTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $YetiFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "YetiTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $YetiFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "YetiTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $YetiFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "YetiTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $YetiFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "YetiTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $YetiFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "YetiTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $YetiFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "YetiTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $YetiFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "YetiTurn")</font>](set: $Rating to 0)(set:$AbilityUsed to "None")(set: $Enemy1 to "Enemy1")(set:$Enemy2 to "Enemy2")</div>(if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(if:$EnemiesRemaining > 0)[
(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
(if: $RollTotal>10)[(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")
(if:$Roll < 4)[Sonic is hit by the $Enemy1 (bam!).(set:$YetiFight to "Finished")
(display:"Damage")](else:)[The ray misses!(set:$RayMissed to "True")(if: (passage:)'s name is not "199")[(set:$YetiFight to "Finished")]]](else:)[The $Enemy1 misses.]]]
(set:$TailsOnIce to "True")The freezing blue ray hits Tails, who is instantly imprisoned inside a large block of ice! Sonic must fight on without his chum's assistance (so no 3-point bonus).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Yeti")(set:$Rating to 8)(set:$AbilityUsed to "GoodLooks")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)(set:$YetiFight to "Unfinished")
(display:"YetiFight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
(if:$EnemiesRemaining is 0)[If Sonic beats the monster, [[turn to **255**|255]]. If the Yeti hits the hedgehog, turn to **43**.](else:)[If Sonic beats the monster, turn to **255**. If the Yeti hits the hedgehog, [[turn to **43**|43]].]]Finding himself caught in the Yeti's freezing ray, Sonic is immediately trapped in the ice from the neck down and cannot move. Tails too is encased in a similar block near by. 'Bogus!' Sonic declares. 'How are we going to get out of this one?'
As he gazes out across the wintry landscape, Sonic suddenly catches sight of a distant red figure trudging through the snow. It's Knuckles, and unfortunately he is Sonic's only hope. 'Er, hey, Knuckles, old pal, old buddy, old chum!' he calls in what he hopes is a friendly voice. 'Yeah, over here. We, um, well, HELP, actually. Thank you.'
Knuckles speeds over and stands, regarding the hapless pair. his enormous fists planted on his hips. 'Why should I help you, hedgehog? Having you out of the way makes my life a whole lot easier.' With that, he turns to leave.
'You creep!' Sonic yells after him. 'Why you're nothing but a coward!' The crimson echidna spins around with a livid expression on his face and punches Sonic's block of ice, before storming off into the snow.
A small crack appears in the ice-block, then a larger one, then three more, and then in a rush of crystals the whole thing collapses, leaving Sonic free once more! Now he must free Tails. [[Turn to **6**|6]].Just as Sonic suspected, the Yeti is a robot covered in plastic fur; it is now lying on the ground in a pile of smoking pieces. If Sonic wants to take a closer look, [[turn to **281**|281]]. (if: $TailsOnIce is "True")[If Tails is trapped and you think Sonic should get him out first, [[turn to **6**|6]]. If Tails is fine and Sonic wants to hurry on, turn to **59**.](else:)[If Tails is trapped and you think Sonic should get him out first, turn to **6**. If Tails is fine and Sonic wants to hurry on, [[turn to **59**|59]].]How is Sonic going to get Tails out of the ice? If he has a laser and you think he should use that, [(if:$Laser is "True")[[[turn to **151**|151]]](else:)[turn to **151**].]<LaserOption| Otherwise, he'll have to smash the block. Roll against Sonic's Strength, to beat a 7.
(if:$Laser is "True")[<div class="game">[Sonic should smash the block.]<click|</div>(click:?click)[(replace:?LaserOption)[turn to **151**.](show:?SmashBlock)]|SmashBlock)[
(set: $Rating to 7)(display:"StrengthTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **212**|212]]. If he fails, turn to **169**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **212**. If he fails, [[turn to **169**|169]].]]](else:)[(set: $Rating to 7)(display:"StrengthTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **212**|212]]. If he fails, turn to **169**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **212**. If he fails, [[turn to **169**|169]].]]Among the fur and diodes, Sonic finds a glowing circuit-board in the shape of a large snowflake; stamped on it is the word 'BOO'. Sonic also finds a small, crystal-tipped rod, which must be the robot's freeze ray. (if Sonic wishes to take either, or both, of these, write them down in his *Vital Statistics*.)
<div class="game">Snowflake circuit-board and freeze ray added to Sonic's Stuff.(set:$SnowflakeCircuitBoard to "True")(set:$SonicsStuff to it + (dataset:" snowflake circuit-board"))(set:$FreezeRay to "True")(set:$SonicsStuff to it + (dataset:" freeze ray"))</div>
(if: $TailsOnIce is "True")[If Tails is trapped in a block of ice, [[turn to **6**|6]]. Otherwise, it's time to go; turn to **59**.](else:)[If Tails is trapped in a block of ice, turn to **6**. Otherwise, it's time to go; [[turn to **59**|59]].](set:$Success to "True")As they continue on their way, Sonic can't help noticing that, with the Yeti destroyed, a thaw has set in and all the ice and snow are starting to melt. There is a loud grinding and a splintering sound, and the ground beneath their feet shifts. Looking down, they discover that they are standing on a frozen surface of a river which has now started to melt, leaving them on an isolated ice-floe, which is starting to drift downstream! The shore is some distance away, and they will have to jump from floe to floe if they are going to reach it in time. Pick a number between 1 and 6, then roll one dice. If the number you rolled matches the number you picked, turn to **86**.
(display:"Page59Round1")(set:$LaserUsed to "True")Fumbling with the laser's controls, Sonic suddenly produces a beam of bright red light, which hits the ice holding Tails, turning it to water! 'Th-th-thanks, bu-bu-bu-bu-bu- pal,' the fox shivers. Lying in the water are six gold rings, which Sonic can take.
(set:$Gain to 6)(display:"RingCheck")
Now it's time to go; [[turn to **59**|59]].Sonic gives the ice an almighty karate kick and shatters it into a hundred pieces, freeing his friend. Also frozen in the ice were six gold rings, which Sonic can take.
(set:$Gain to 6)(display:"RingCheck")
[[Turn to **59**|59]].Sonic lowers his head and runs straight at the block. He hits it, cracking the ice but knocking himself out (cross off all his rings or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
By the time he comes round, Tails has managed to free himself from the block of ice. Also frozen in the ice were six gold rings, which Sonic can take.
(set:$Gain to 6)(display:"RingCheck")
[[Turn to **59**|59]].]<div class="game">Pick a number:
[[1]<OneChoose| [2]<TwoChoose| [3]<ThreeChoose| [4]<FourChoose| [5]<FiveChoose| [6]<SixChoose|]<Links|</div>
(click: ?SixChoose)[<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(replace: ?Links)[1 2 3 4 5 **6**](if:$Roll is 6)[(set:$Success to "False")(replace: ?NextRound)[<div class="game">[[Turn to **86**|86]].]](else:)[(if:$Page59Round < 3)[(replace: ?NextRound)[(display:"Page59Round2")]]]</div>](click: ?FiveChoose)[<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(replace: ?Links)[1 2 3 4 **5** 6](if:$Roll is 5)[(set:$Success to "False")(replace: ?NextRound)[<div class="game">[[Turn to **86**|86]].]](else:)[(if:$Page59Round < 3)[(replace: ?NextRound)[(display:"Page59Round2")]]]</div>](click: ?FourChoose)[<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(replace: ?Links)[1 2 3 **4** 5 6](if:$Roll is 4)[(set:$Success to "False")(replace: ?NextRound)[<div class="game">[[Turn to **86**|86]].]](else:)[(if:$Page59Round < 3)[(replace: ?NextRound)[(display:"Page59Round2")]]]</div>](click: ?ThreeChoose)[<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(replace: ?Links)[1 2 **3** 4 5 6](if:$Roll is 3)[(set:$Success to "False")(replace: ?NextRound)[<div class="game">[[Turn to **86**|86]].]](else:)[(if:$Page59Round < 3)[(replace: ?NextRound)[(display:"Page59Round2")]]]</div>](click: ?TwoChoose)[<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(replace: ?Links)[1 **2** 3 4 5 6](if:$Roll is 2)[(set:$Success to "False")(replace: ?NextRound)[<div class="game">[[Turn to **86**|86]].]](else:)[(if:$Page59Round < 3)[(replace: ?NextRound)[(display:"Page59Round2")]]]</div>](click: ?OneChoose)[<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(replace: ?Links)[**1** 2 3 4 5 6](if:$Roll is 1)[(set:$Success to "False")(replace: ?NextRound)[<div class="game">[[Turn to **86**|86]].]](else:)[(if:$Page59Round < 3)[(replace: ?NextRound)[(display:"Page59Round2")]]]</div>](if:$Page59Round < 3 and $Success is "True")[
[]<NextRound|]If it doesn't, repeat the process twice more, again turning to **86** if the numbers match.
<div class="game">Pick a number:
[[1]<OneChoose| [2]<TwoChoose| [3]<ThreeChoose| [4]<FourChoose| [5]<FiveChoose| [6]<SixChoose|]<Links2|</div>
(click: ?SixChoose)[<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(replace: ?Links2)[1 2 3 4 5 **6**](if:$Roll is 6)[(set:$Success to "False")(replace: ?NextRound2)[<div class="game">[[Turn to **86**|86]].]](else:)[(if:$Page59Round < 3)[(replace: ?NextRound2)[(display:"Page59Round3")]]]</div>](click: ?FiveChoose)[<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(replace: ?Links2)[1 2 3 4 **5** 6](if:$Roll is 5)[(set:$Success to "False")(replace: ?NextRound2)[<div class="game">[[Turn to **86**|86]].]](else:)[(if:$Page59Round < 3)[(replace: ?NextRound2)[(display:"Page59Round3")]]]</div>](click: ?FourChoose)[<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(replace: ?Links2)[1 2 3 **4** 5 6](if:$Roll is 4)[(set:$Success to "False")(replace: ?NextRound2)[<div class="game">[[Turn to **86**|86]].]](else:)[(if:$Page59Round < 3)[(replace: ?NextRound2)[(display:"Page59Round3")]]]</div>](click: ?ThreeChoose)[<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(replace: ?Links2)[1 2 **3** 4 5 6](if:$Roll is 3)[(set:$Success to "False")(replace: ?NextRound2)[<div class="game">[[Turn to **86**|86]].]](else:)[(if:$Page59Round < 3)[(replace: ?NextRound2)[(display:"Page59Round3")]]]</div>](click: ?TwoChoose)[<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(replace: ?Links2)[1 **2** 3 4 5 6](if:$Roll is 2)[(set:$Success to "False")(replace: ?NextRound2)[<div class="game">[[Turn to **86**|86]].]](else:)[(if:$Page59Round < 3)[(replace: ?NextRound2)[(display:"Page59Round3")]]]</div>](click: ?OneChoose)[<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(replace: ?Links2)[**1** 2 3 4 5 6](if:$Roll is 1)[(set:$Success to "False")(replace: ?NextRound2)[<div class="game">[[Turn to **86**|86]].]](else:)[(if:$Page59Round < 3)[(replace: ?NextRound2)[(display:"Page59Round3")]]]</div>](if:$Page59Round < 3 and $Success is "True")[
[]<NextRound2|]<div class="game">Pick a number:
[[1]<OneChoose| [2]<TwoChoose| [3]<ThreeChoose| [4]<FourChoose| [5]<FiveChoose| [6]<SixChoose|]<Links3|</div>
(click: ?SixChoose)[<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(replace: ?Links3)[1 2 3 4 5 **6**](if:$Roll is 6)[(set:$Success to "False")(replace: ?Result)[(display:"Page59Result")]](else:)[(if:$Page59Round < 3)[(replace: ?Result)[(display:"Page59Result")]]]</div>](click: ?FiveChoose)[<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(replace: ?Links3)[1 2 3 4 **5** 6](if:$Roll is 5)[(set:$Success to "False")(replace: ?Result)[(display:"Page59Result")]](else:)[(if:$Page59Round < 3)[(replace: ?Result)[(display:"Page59Result")]]]</div>](click: ?FourChoose)[<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(replace: ?Links3)[1 2 3 **4** 5 6](if:$Roll is 4)[(set:$Success to "False")(replace: ?Result)[(display:"Page59Result")]](else:)[(if:$Page59Round < 3)[(replace: ?Result)[(display:"Page59Result")]]]</div>](click: ?ThreeChoose)[<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(replace: ?Links3)[1 2 **3** 4 5 6](if:$Roll is 3)[(set:$Success to "False")(replace: ?Result)[(display:"Page59Result")]](else:)[(if:$Page59Round < 3)[(replace: ?Result)[(display:"Page59Result")]]]</div>](click: ?TwoChoose)[<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(replace: ?Links3)[1 **2** 3 4 5 6](if:$Roll is 2)[(set:$Success to "False")(replace: ?Result)[(display:"Page59Result")]](else:)[(if:$Page59Round < 3)[(replace: ?Result)[(display:"Page59Result")]]]</div>](click: ?OneChoose)[<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(replace: ?Links3)[**1** 2 3 4 5 6](if:$Roll is 1)[(set:$Success to "False")(replace: ?Result)[(display:"Page59Result")]](else:)[(if:$Page59Round < 3)[(replace: ?Result)[(display:"Page59Result")]]]</div>](if:$Page59Round < 3 and $Success is "True")[
[]<Result|](if:$Success is "False")[<div class = "game">[[Turn to **86**|86]].</div>
If they never match, turn to **124**.](else:)[If they never match, [[turn to **124**|124]].](if:$Agility > 3)[(set:$Roadblock1 to "False")](else:)[(if:$LaserUsed is "True" and $EastExplored is "True" and $Battery is "False")[(set:$Roadblock1 to "True")](else:)[(set:$Roadblock1 to "False")]](if:$Strength > 2)[(set:$Roadblock2 to "False")](else:)[(if:$FreezeRay is "False" and $InkSac is "False" and $WestExplored is "True")[(set:$Roadblock2 to "True")](else:)[(set:$Roadblock2 to "False")]](if:$Roadblock1 is "False" and $Roadblock2 is "False")[(display:"Checkpoint")]The ice flips over as Sonic and Tails leap on to it, depositing the pair in the rushing river. With a pounding roar, the icy stream drops over a waterfall and crashes down into a pool below. Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
The hedgehog comes to, washed up on a soggy bank, and finds a similarly bedraggled Tails lying, panting, close by.
After a short rest, the pair are on their way once more. But which way should they go now (choose an area they haven't yet explored)?
<div class="indented1">East? <div style="float: right;">(if:$EastExplored is "False")[[[Turn to **157**|157]]](else:)[Turn to **157**]</div>
South? <div style="float: right;">(if:$SouthExplored is "False")[[[Turn to **180**|180]]](else:)[Turn to **180**]</div>
West? <div style="float: right;">(if:$WestExplored is "False")[[[Turn to **252**|252]]](else:)[Turn to **252**]</div></div>(display:"Loop Resolver")](if:$Agility > 3)[(set:$Roadblock1 to "False")](else:)[(if:$LaserUsed is "True" and $EastExplored is "True" and $Battery is "False")[(set:$Roadblock1 to "True")](else:)[(set:$Roadblock1 to "False")]](if:$Strength > 2)[(set:$Roadblock2 to "False")](else:)[(if:$FreezeRay is "False" and $InkSac is "False" and $WestExplored is "True")[(set:$Roadblock2 to "True")](else:)[(set:$Roadblock2 to "False")]](if:$Roadblock1 is "False" and $Roadblock2 is "False")[(display:"Checkpoint")]The two heroes manage to negotiate the ice-floes and reach the riverbank safely. After a short rest, the pair are on their way once more. But which way should they go now (choose and area they haven't yet explored)?
<div class="indented1">East? <div style="float: right;">(if:$EastExplored is "False")[[[Turn to **157**|157]]](else:)[Turn to **157**]</div>
South? <div style="float: right;">(if:$SouthExplored is "False")[[[Turn to **180**|180]]](else:)[Turn to **180**]</div>
West? <div style="float: right;">(if:$WestExplored is "False")[[[Turn to **252**|252]]](else:)[Turn to **252**]</div></div>(display:"Loop Resolver")The Badniks burst into rapturous applause and our two heroes take their bows. Some of the robots start throwing bunches of flowers on to the ice. 'Come on, let's get out of here while they still like us,' Sonic whispers.
'Aw! I want some of those beautiful flowers,' Tails complains. Should Sonic let him pick them up [[(turn to **267**)|267]] or should they run away [[(turn to **161**)|161]]?The Badniks level their weapons, robotic frowns on their metal faces. 'Aw, everyone's a critic!' Sonic sighs as they open fire. Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives> 0)[
Everything turns fuzzy black...
Sonic comes to inside a large ice-cave. There is no sign of the Badniks. Tails is lying, unconscious, next to him, but after a good deal of prodding and shaking from Sonic he comes round.
'Where are we, Sonic?' Tails asks feebly.
'No idea, little dude. Perhaps we should stick our heads outside and take a look.' Just as they step outside, a huge, shaggy, white shape appears in front of them, as if out of nowhere.
'Boo!' it says, quite unnecessarily.
'Waaargh!' Sonic and Tails yelp in unison. The Yeti raises a paw and, without warning, fires its claws at the pair. Roll against Sonic's Agility, to beat a 6.
(set: $Rating to 6)(display:"AgilityTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **120**|120]]. If he fails, turn to **100**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **120**. If he fails, [[turn to **100**|100]].]]Tails scurries about, collecting armfuls of flowers; but the Badniks cotton on to what is happening. Surrounded, the two friends are soon grabbed by strong metal hands. Everything goes fuzzy and black...
Sonic comes to inside a large ice-cave. There is no sign of the Badniks. Tails is lying, unconscious, next to him, but after a good deal of prodding and shaking from Sonic he comes round.
'Where are we, Sonic?' Tails asks feebly.
'No idea, little dude. Perhaps we should stick our heads outside and take a look.' Just as they step outside, a huge, shaggy, white shape appears in front of them, as if out of nowhere.
'Boo!' it says, quite unnecessarily.
'Waaargh!' Sonic and Tails yelp in unison. The Yeti raises a paw and, without warning, fires its claws at the pair. Roll against Sonic's Agility, to beat a 6.
(set: $Rating to 6)(display:"AgilityTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **120**|120]]. If he fails, turn to **100**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **120**. If he fails, [[turn to **100**|100]].]]While the robots are distracted, Sonic breaks through their line, dragging Tails behind him. After a few moments, the dim-witted Badniks realize what has happened — but by then the two friends are well away. Eventually, with no sign that the Badniks are following them, Sonic and Tails stop to rest by a steep wall of ice. Suddenly a huge, shaggy, white shape appears in front of them, as if out of nowhere.
'Boo!' it says, quite unnecessarily.
'Waaargh!' Sonic and Tails yelp in unison. The Yeti raises a paw and, without warning, fires its claws at the pair. Roll against Sonic's Agility, to beat a 6.
(set: $Rating to 6)(display:"AgilityTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **120**|120]]. If he fails, turn to **100**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **120**. If he fails, [[turn to **100**|100]].]'You won't take a hint, will you?' Knuckles sneers. 'How many times do I have to tell you? LEAVE ME ALONE!' Turning on his heels, the echidna speeds away.
'Come on, Sonic,' Tails pleads. 'Forget about him. We've got to help our friends.'
To find out what's happening to Emerald Hill Zone, Sonic and Tails are going to have to explore further afield. Should they head north [[(turn to **116**)|116]], south [[(turn to **180**)|180]], east [[(turn to **157**)|157]] or west [[(turn to **252**)|252]]?The terrain is definitely getting drier and dustier, and the pair are both sweating in the hot sun. Should they continue going westwards [[(turn to **135**)|135]], head south again [[(turn to **160**)|160]], or turn eastwards [[(turn to **277**)|277]]?The ground if dry and cracked, but poking out of the parched soil they spot a gold ring, which Sonic can take.
(set:$Gain to 1)(display:"RingCheck")
Now, do the pair keep going east [[(turn to **296**)|296]], turn westwards [[(turn to **277**)|277]] or head south again [[(turn to **208**)|208]]?Tails and Sonic are now feeling thoroughly uncomfortable as they trudge through the dusty terrain under the merciless dun. Should they keep to a southerly course [[(turn to **63**)|63]], or head west [[(turn to **160**)|160]] or east [[(turn to **208**)|208]]?There is no doubt about it: this part of the Emerald Hill Zone has now turned into a scorching desert. 'Blimey, but I'm gasping for a long, cool drink,' Tails pants.
'Try not to think about it, little buddy,' Sonic advises. 'Try not to think about ice-cold cola... on the rocks... condensation dripping down the sides of the tall, chilled glass.. just try not to -'
'That's not helping, Sonic!' Tails snaps.
The pair trudge on through the heat haze, but which way?
<div class="indented1">South<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **125**|125]]</div>
East?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **160**|160]]</div>
West?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **195**|195]]</div></div>With each step, Sonic's trainers sink deeper into the sand, and he is beginning to feel dizzy from the heat. Poking out of a nearby sand-dune are two gold rings, which Tails collects for Sonic.
(set:$Gain to 2)(display:"RingCheck")
Which way now?
<div class="indented1">West?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **195**|195]]</div>
East?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **108**|108]]</div>
South?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **125**|125]]</div></div>Staggering this way and that through the deserted landscape, Sonic and Tails can continue east [[(turn to **195**)|195]], turn west [[(turn to **208**)|208]] or go south [[(turn to **113**)|113]].Lying glinting in the sand is a solitary gold ring, which Sonic can take.
(set:$Gain to 1)(display:"RingCheck")
The hedgehog is feeling totally parched, and Tails is staggering all over the place. They had better find water or shelter — or preferably both — real soon. Which way should they look?
<div class="indented1">East?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **195**|195]]</div>
West?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **108**|108]]</div>
South?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **113**|113]]</div></div>The landscape all around is orange and parched, more like the wasteland around Scrap Brain Zone than the lush Emerald Hill Zone. 'Water!' Tails croaks dramatically. 'I must have water!' Which way should they continue their search?
<div class="indented1">South?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **108**|108]]</div>
East?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **113**|113]]</div>
West?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **125**|125]]</div></div>As they plod through the sandy wastes, Sonic and Tails spy on the horizon a large pyramid, built from stone blocks. 'Woah!' Sonic exclaims. 'Where on Mobius did that come from?'
'I don't know,' Tails admits, 'but let's go and explore it. We might find the Treasure of the Fairies!'
'That's "Pharaohs", you dweeb!' Sonic sighs. Should the pair act on Tails' suggestion [[(turn to **137**)|137]] or keep moving [[(turn to **113**)|113]]?Sonic is beginning to wonder whether they have in fact wandered into a totally different zone. Then, in the distance, what looks like a giant sandcastle appears, and several dark shapes are coming out of it. As they get closer, the pair can see they are a bunch of penguins, wearing funny hats, and each one is mounted on a clanking robot camel. When they get near enough, the leading penguin hails them in a silly voice: 'Allo! Oo are you, and what ees eet zat you are doing trespassing 'ere?'
Sonic doesn't like this bossy penguin's manner, or the fact he spits when he talks; but how should he reply?
<div class="indented1">'None of your business, bird-brain!'<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **68**|68]]</div>
'Sorry, didn't know we were trespassing.'<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **226**|226]]</div></div><img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes125.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">'Hey, look! Over there,' Tails pipes up, pointing at what looks like a fast food stall, standing in the middle of the desert and shimmering in the overheated air.
'Mirage, dude,' Sonic sighs. Should Sonic and Tails check it out anyway [[(turn to **77**)|77]] or keep going in the hope of finding something more solid [[(turn to **195**)|195]]?The heat is unbearable. Sonic suddenly collapses and must lose one life (regardless of any rings he may have).
<div class="game">**(if:$Lives > 1)[Sonic loses a life!(set: $Lives to $Lives-1)](else:)[Sonic loses a life!
(set: $Lives to $Lives-1)(display: "Game Over")]**</div>(if:$Lives>0)[
If it's not Game Over, [[turn to **113**|113]].]As the scorched pair approach, a cheery polar bear pops up behind the counter and smiles broadly. 'Customers at last! I knew this couldn't be such a bad spot, after all.'
'You mean, you're really real?' Tails asks suspiciously.
''Course I am. Trouble is, nobody believes it, so trade has been really slow,' the bear explains. 'You're the first today — and I'm so pleased to see you that you can each have a triple-fudge lime sundae and a giant-sized strawberry soda slushie on the house!' Sonic and Tails dance in delight, then they set to, slurping down the proffered drinks. Soon the pair are feeling very much better (Sonic may regain a lost life, if he needs to).
<div class="game">**Sonic gains a life!**</div>(set:$Lives to $Lives+1)
Now they are fit enough to keep on exploring [[(turn to **108**)|108]]. Alternately, they may linger a moment longer and ask some questions, such as:
<div class="indented1">'What's happened here?'<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **53**|53]]</div>
'Have you seen Sally Acorn?'<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **178**|178]]</div>
'What's with all this mad weather?'<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **227**|227]]</div></div>'Well, it *was* quite sunny this morning when I opens up, but it just seemed to get hotter and hotter. All the trees and grass shrivelled up and sand blew in, and soon I was surrounded by desert. It was quite peculiar, now I come to think about it,' the polar bear says.
Now what will Sonic do?
<div class="indented1">Ask if he has seen Sally Acorn?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **178**|178]]</div>
Ask what he thinks is causing the
<div class="indented2">odd weather?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **227**|227]]</div></div>Leave here and continue exploring?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **108**|108]]</div></div>'Nope, no squirrels passed by here today. I would have remembered,' the bear says doubtfully. 'I did see some penguins earlier, off to the east, but that's not the same as squirrels, is it?'
Now what will Sonic do?
<div class="indented1">Ask what happened to the zone?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **53**|53]]</div>
Ask the bear what he thinks is
<div class="indented2">causing the odd weather?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **227**|227]]</div></div>Leave here and continue exploring?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **108**|108]]</div></div>'I just thought it was global warming gone a bit haywire — you know, from everyone using spray cans,' the polar bear admits. 'Now you come to mention it, though, I did see a huge, strange-shaped cloud fly over and drop loads of sand just before the desert appeared. Funny that.'
Now what will Sonic do?
<div class="indented1">Ask what happened to the zone?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **53**|53]]</div>
As <div class="sic">`[sic]`</div> if he has seen Sally Acorn?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **178**|178]]</div>
Leave here and continue exploring?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **108**|108]]</div></div>'What ees ze meaning of zis?' the penguin demands. 'You must apologize siz very minute, or we will 'ave you clapped in ze irons!' Should Sonic apologize for his rudeness [[(turn to **226**)|226]] or prepare to fight [[(turn to **130**)|130]]?For a long moment the penguin leader peers down from his camel at the two animals, then finally he says, 'Very well, I accept your grovelling apology. But oo are you two?'
'I, mon-sewer, am Sonic ze Hedgehog, greatest hero, megastar, babe magnet and all-round coolest dude on Mobius,' Sonic says modestly. 'Furthermore, mon oncle, zis, I mean *this*, is Miles Prower, better known as Tails, my best buddy and loyal comedy sidekick.'
'Never 'eard of you,' the leader snaps. 'We are ze Penguins of ze Icecap Legion, and zat is our fort.' These off penguins may be able to help Sonic discover what has been happening. What will he ask them:
<div class="indented1">'What caused the land to turn to desert?'<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **193**|193]]</div>
'Have you seen Sally Acorn?'<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **260**|260]]</div>
'How do we get out of this desert?'<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **2**|2]]</div></div>Jumping down from their metal camels, the penguins pull out funny-looking, curved little swords and advance on Sonic and Tails. Our heroes will have to knock out four penguins before they can escape. Each has a rating of 7, and Sonic must fight them all using his Agility (plus 3, as Tails is helping). If Sonic is hit and loses all his rings (or a life), cross them off, then immediately turn to **204**.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 4)(set:$Enemy1 to "penguin")(set:$Rating to 7)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Agility")(set:$TailsHelping to 3)
(if:$PenguinFight is "Finished")[<div class="game">[[Turn to **204**|204]].</div>](else:)[If he and Tails defeat all four without getting a scratch, [[turn to **141**|141]].]<div class="game">(if:$AbilityUsed is "Speed")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Speed)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Strength")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Strength)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Agility")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Agility)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Coolness")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Coolness)](if:$AbilityUsed is "QuickWits")[(set: $AbilityValue to $QuickWits)](if:$AbilityUsed is "GoodLooks")[(set: $AbilityValue to $GoodLooks)](if: $Rating is 0)[RATING NOT SET|](if:$AbilityUsed is "None")[ABILITYUSED NOT SET|](if:$EnemiesRemaining is 0)[ENEMIES REMAINING NOT SET|](if: $Enemy1 is "Enemy1")[ENEMY NAME NOT SET|](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "PenguinTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "PenguinTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "PenguinTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "PenguinTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "PenguinTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "PenguinTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "PenguinTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "PenguinTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "PenguinTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "PenguinTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "PenguinTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "PenguinTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "PenguinTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "PenguinTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "PenguinTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "PenguinTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "PenguinTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "PenguinTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "PenguinTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "PenguinTurn")</font>](set: $Rating to 0)(set:$AbilityUsed to "None")(set: $Enemy1 to "Enemy1")(set:$Enemy2 to "Enemy2")</div>(if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(if:$EnemiesRemaining > 3 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished" and $Lives > 0)[
(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
(if: $RollTotal>10)[Sonic is hit by the penguin (bam!).(set:$PenguinFight to "Finished")
(display:"Damage")](else:)[The penguin misses.]](if:$EnemiesRemaining > 2 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[
(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
(if: $RollTotal>10)[Sonic is hit by the penguin (bam!).(set:$PenguinFight to "Finished" and $Lives > 0)
(display:"Damage")](else:)[The penguin misses.]](if:$EnemiesRemaining > 1 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[
(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
(if: $RollTotal>10)[Sonic is hit by the penguin (bam!).(set:$PenguinFight to "Finished" and $Lives > 0)
(display:"Damage")](else:)[The penguin misses.]](if:$EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $PenguinFight is not "Finished")[
(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
(if: $RollTotal>10)[Sonic is hit by the penguin (bam!).(set:$PenguinFight to "Finished" and $Lives > 0)
(display:"Damage")](else:)[The penguin misses.]]
]The hedgehog and fox give as good as they gte, but eventually they find themselves captured. Expecting to be led off to the penguin's distant sandcastle, Sonic is surprised when their captors start digging two holes in the sand; but all becomes clear when the penguins stick him and Tails in the holes and bury them up to their necks! Then the strange birds ride away, leaving our heroes to swelter in the baking sun. 'I feel like I'm cooking in here,' Tails soon complains, sweat pouring from his brown. 'It's at times like this that I wish I didn't wear this stupid fur coat.'
'I hear what you're saying, dude,' Sonic agress. 'But never mind that now. How are we going to get out of here? More importantly, what on Mobius is *that*?' he adds hastily.
Coming across the sand is a huge robot scorpion, snapping its claws menacingly as it scuttle straight towards them. Where its sting should be hangs a large, glowing laser-gun. What should the pair do? They could remaing perfectly still [[(turn to **76**)|76]], cry for help [[(turn to **220**)|220]], or try to antagonize the scorpion [[(turn to **143**)|143]].'Come on!' Sonic shouts to Tails. 'Run for it!' Leaving their opponents bruised and batters, the two friends race away from the penguins. Soon they are far away, running through the dune. [[Turn to **235**|235]].Although they don't move a muscle, the scuttling Scorpion gets nearer until it grabs them in its metal pincers, pulling them out of the sand. Sonic must lose all of his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
Struggling in a pincer Sonic gives the thing a mighty kick, and the surprised creature drops both him and Tails. Now Sonic is obviously going to have to fight the Scorpion, which has a rating of 9. Sonic must use his Speed to dodge the creature's pincers and laser-blasting sting (he may ass 3 because Tails is helping). If Sonic is hit at any time, roll one dice. On a roll of 1 to 3, turn to **22**. On a 4 to 6, turn to **60**.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Scorpion")(set:$Rating to 9)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set:$TailsHelping to 3)
(if:$EnemiesRemaining is 0)[If Sonic beats the Scorpion, [[turn to **34**|34]].](else:)[<div class="game">(if:$TurnTo60 is "True")[[[Turn to 60|60]].](else:)[[[Turn to 22|22]].]]]'Heeeeeeelllpppp!' the two friends wail, but there is no one around to hear their feeble pleading. The Scorpion continues to approach them. It scuttles over and grabs them in its metal pincers, pulling them out of the sand. Sonic must lose all of his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
Struggling in a pincer Sonic gives the thing a mighty kick, and the surprised creature drops both him and Tails. Now Sonic is obviously going to have to fight the Scorpion, which has a rating of 9. Sonic must use his Speed to dodge the creature's pincers and laser-blasting sting (he may ass 3 because Tails is helping). If Sonic is hit at any time, roll one dice. On a roll of 1 to 3, turn to **22**. On a 4 to 6, turn to **60**.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Scorpion")(set:$Rating to 9)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set:$TailsHelping to 3)
(if:$EnemiesRemaining is 0)[If Sonic beats the Scorpion, [[turn to **34**|34]].](else:)[<div class="game">(if:$TurnTo60 is "True")[[[Turn to 60|60]].](else:)[[[Turn to 22|22]].]]]'Oi! Ugly! Yeah, you with the pincers on!' Sonic shouts at the top of his voice. 'Over here, you useless bag of bolts.' Next to him, Tails sticks out his tongue and blows a loud raspberry at the Scorpion. The robot pauses, its bulbous, computerized eyes glowing red with annoyance. Then it raises its sting and lets loose a blast of laser fire, but it is so angry it misses, only managing to blow Sonic and Tails free of their sandy restraints. Sonic is obviously going to have to fight the Scorpion, which has a rating of 9. Sonic must use his Speed to dodge the creature's pincers and laser-blasting sting (he may ass 3 because Tails is helping). If Sonic is hit at any time, roll one dice. On a roll of 1 to 3, turn to **22**. On a 4 to 6, turn to **60**.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Scorpion")(set:$Rating to 9)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set:$TailsHelping to 3)
(if:$EnemiesRemaining is 0)[If Sonic beats the Scorpion, [[turn to **34**|34]].](else:)[<div class="game">(if:$TurnTo60 is "True")[[[Turn to 60|60]].](else:)[[[Turn to 22|22]].]]]<div class="game">(if:$AbilityUsed is "Speed")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Speed)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Strength")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Strength)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Agility")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Agility)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Coolness")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Coolness)](if:$AbilityUsed is "QuickWits")[(set: $AbilityValue to $QuickWits)](if:$AbilityUsed is "GoodLooks")[(set: $AbilityValue to $GoodLooks)](if: $Rating is 0)[RATING NOT SET|](if:$AbilityUsed is "None")[ABILITYUSED NOT SET|](if:$EnemiesRemaining is 0)[ENEMIES REMAINING NOT SET|](if: $Enemy1 is "Enemy1")[ENEMY NAME NOT SET|](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ScorpionFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ScorpionTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ScorpionFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ScorpionTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ScorpionFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ScorpionTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ScorpionFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ScorpionTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ScorpionFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ScorpionTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ScorpionFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ScorpionTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ScorpionFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ScorpionTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ScorpionFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ScorpionTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ScorpionFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ScorpionTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ScorpionFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ScorpionTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ScorpionFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ScorpionTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ScorpionFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ScorpionTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ScorpionFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ScorpionTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ScorpionFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ScorpionTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ScorpionFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ScorpionTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ScorpionFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ScorpionTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ScorpionFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ScorpionTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ScorpionFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ScorpionTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ScorpionFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ScorpionTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ScorpionFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ScorpionTurn")</font>](set: $Rating to 0)(set:$AbilityUsed to "None")(set: $Enemy1 to "Enemy1")(set:$Enemy2 to "Enemy2")</div>(if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(if:$EnemiesRemaining > 0)[
(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
(if: $RollTotal>10)[(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")
(if:$Roll < 4)[(set:$ScorpionFight to "Finished")](else:)[(set:$TurnTo60 to "True")(if: (passage:)'s name is not "199")[(set:$ScorpionFight to "Finished")]]](else:)[The $Enemy1 misses.
]]]With Sonic's final blow the Scorpion falls apart, revealing a glowing round circuit-board at its heart. The robot's laser-sting has also come loose, and Sonic may take it if he wants to (if he does, write it down on his *Vital Statistics*).
<div class="game">Round circuit-board and laser added to Sonic's Stuff.(set:$RoundCircuitBoard to "True")(set:$SonicsStuff to it + (dataset:" round circuit-board"))(set:$Laser to "True")(set:$SonicsStuff to it + (dataset:" laser"))</div>
Now, should he take a closer look at the circuit-board [[(turn to **102**)|102]] or leave and make for the edge of the desert with Tails [[(turn to **241**)|241]]?A bolt of energy sears too close to Sonic for comfort. He must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
If it isn't Game Over for the heroic hedgehog, [[turn to **185**|185]] and continue the fight.]A blast from the laser-sting clips Tails, knocking him over. Sonic will have to fight on alone, without his friend's 3-point bonus.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Scorpion")(set:$Rating to 9)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set:$TailsHelping to 0)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
If Sonic beats the Scorpion, [[turn to **34**|34]].]Hearing an ominous clicking sound, Sonic looks up — to see a huge robot Scorpion scuttling towards the pair, snapping its metal claws menacingly. Where its sting should be hangs a large, glowing laser-gun. Sonic is obviously going to have to fight the Scorpion, which has a rating of 9. Sonic must use his Speed to dodge the creature's pincers and laser-blasting sting (he may add 3 because Tails is helping). If Sonic is hit at any time, roll one dice. On a roll of 1 to 3, turn to **22**. On a 4 to 6, turn to **60**.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Scorpion")(set:$Rating to 9)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set:$TailsHelping to 3)
(if:$EnemiesRemaining is 0)[If Sonic beats the Scorpion, [[turn to **34**|34]].](else:)[<div class="game">(if:$TurnTo60 is "True")[[[Turn to 60|60]].](else:)[[[Turn to 22|22]].]]<img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes137.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">(set:$PyramidLeft to "Unvisited")(set:$PyramidRight to "Unvisited")(set:$PyramidAhead to "Unvisited")In one wall of the large pyramid is a dark opening. Stepping cautiously inside, Sonic and Tails descend a flight of steps and find themselves in a short corridor. Three stone doors lead off from the passage, the one at the far end having a strange pictures carved over it. 'Ah-ha!' says Sonic knowledgeably, peering at the carvings. 'Hieroglyphics.'
'Bless you!' Tails replies traditionally.
Where should the pair explore first? Through the door to the left [[(turn to **246**)|246]], the door to the right [[(turn to **191**)|191]] or the door directly ahead that bears the hieroglyphics [[(turn to **149**)|149]]?In no time at all it seems as if Sonic and Tails have been walking for hours under the blazing sun, and still there seems to be no sign of the desert coming to an end. (if:$WaterCanister is "True")[If Sonic has a water canister, [[turn to **89**|89]]. If he hasn't, turn to **256**.](else:)[If Sonic has a water canister, turn to **89**. If he hasn't, [[turn to **256**|256]].]The circuit-board is covered in computer chips and has the letters 'IV' printed on it. 'So this must be robot number four. I wonder if that's four robots, or four scorpions?'
'Why "four"?' Tails asks.
''Cause it says so here in Roamin' Roman numerals,' Sonic explains.
Now [[turn to **241**|241]].(set:$Roadblock1 to "False")(if:$Strength > 2)[(set:$Roadblock2 to "False")](else:)[(if: $NorthExplored is "True" and $WestExplored is "True" and $InkSac is "False" and $FreezeRay is "False")[(set:$Roadblock2 to "True")](else:)[(set:$Roadblock2 to "False")]](if:$Roadblock1 is "False" and $Roadblock2 is "False")[(display:"Checkpoint")]At this point Knuckles suddenly appears, running across the sand-dunes, sweating profusely. When he sees Sonic standing next to the wrecked Scorpion, he screeches to a halt with a look of annoyance on his face. 'Guess I beat you to it,' Sonic gloats. 'Of course, a deadly killing machine like this didn't give me any trouble.'
Knuckles scowls and kicks at the wreckage, trying unsuccessfully to make it look as if he is finishing it off, then he turns and sprints away into the distance once more.
With the Scorpion destroyed, Sonic and Tails can already feel the previously unbearable heat starting to cool. All around, green shoots are starting to push up through the thinning sand. Now it's time to investigat another part of the zone, one they haven't visited yet. Will they go:
<div class="indented1">North? <div style="float: right;">(if:$NorthExplored is "False")[[[Turn to **116**|116]]](else:)[Turn to **116**]</div>
East? <div style="float: right;">(if:$EastExplored is "False")[[[Turn to **157**|157]]](else:)[Turn to **157**]</div>
West? <div style="float: right;">(if:$WestExplored is "False")[[[Turn to **252**|252]]](else:)[Turn to **252**]</div></div>(display:"Loop Resolver")(set:$PyramidLeft to "Visited")Opening the door, Sonic and Tails peer into a small room which is empty, save for a stone table set against the far wall. On this table lies a pile of gold rings! If you think Sonic should enter to take the rings, [[turn to **87**|87]]. Otherwise, [[turn to **269**|269]].(set:$PyramidRight to "Visited")The daring duo step into an empty room, which is featureless save for a sand-covered floor. 'Aw, empty!' Tails complains.
'There might be something buried under all that sand,' Sonic points out. If the hedgehog want to stay and search properly, [[turn to **276**|276]]. If not, he and Tails can leave and go through the door to the left, if they have not done so already (if:$PyramidLeft is not "Visited")[[[(turn to **246**)|246]]](else:)[(turn to **246**)] or the one straight ahead (if:$PyramidAhead is not "Visited")[[[(turn to **149**)|149]].](else:)[(turn to **149**).]<img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes149.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">(set:$PyramidAhead to "Visited")Sonic and Tails push together to open the heavy stone door — and gasp aloud at the sight which greets them inside. They are in a magnificently decorated tomb. The walls are covered either in paintings of strange creatures or more of the funny picture-writing. At the far end of the chamber stands a large stone sarcophagus, painted to look like an ancient pharaoh. As the teo intrepid explorers enter the room, the tomb lid creaks open and out of it shambles a bandage-wrapped Mummybot, its arms outstretched to grab them! What do Sonic and Tails do now: make a run for it [[(turn to **162**)|162]] or stand and fight [[(turn to **98**)|98]]?As he approaches the table, Sonic hears an ominous hissing and, looking around, he sees a large metal snake slithering towards him across the dusty floor. Sonic can attack the Snakebot [[(turn to **177**)|177]] or quickly leave the room and slam the door behind him [[(turn to **269**)|269]].Which door will Sonic and Tails try next (choose one they haven't tried yet): the one to the right (if:$PyramidRight is not "Visited")[[[(turn to **191**)|191]]](else:)[(turn to **191**)] or the one at the end of the corridor (if:$PyramidAhead is not "Visited")[[[(turn to **149**)|149]]?](else:)[(turn to **149**)?]Sonic has a brainwave: if he starts dancing, and does all of his drop-dead coolest moves, he might be able to charm the snake. Without another thought, Sonic leaps into action. Roll on his Coolness to beat a 7.
(set:$Rating to 7)(display:"CoolnessTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **31**|31]]. If he fails, turn to **48**.](else:)[If he succeeds, **31**. If he fails, [[turn to **48**|48]].]The Snakebot watches, mesmerized by Sonic's body-popping, bogling and vogueing. Eventually there is a click and the robot shuts off, falling on to its side with a clunk. Sonic makes a dive for the gold rings. [[Turn to **148**|148]].Unfortunately, Sonic's disco poses are a little old-fashioned even by this pyramid-dweller's standards. The Snakebot pauses for a second, then strikes. Ouch! Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
Now he must fight the creature. [[Turn to **132**|132]].]<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Coolness = (set: $TotalRoll to $Roll+$Coolness)(if:$TotalRoll < $Rating)[Failure!(set:$Success to "False")](else:)[Success!(set:$Success to "True")]</div>On the table are twelve gold rings altogether, and Sonic can take them, before darting back out of the room and slamming the door.
(set:$Gain to 12)(display:"RingCheck")
[[Turn to **269**|269]].The Snakebot has a rating of 7, and Sonic must fight it using his Speed to dodge its fangs.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Snakebot")(set:$Rating to 7)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)
<div class="game">The text does not state that Tails is helping during this fight, however it does not state that he and Sonic have been seperated.
You may interpret the rules on this occassion.
[[Tails is helping]<TailsChoose|
[Tails is not helping]<TailsNotChoose|]<Choices|</div>
(click: ?TailsChoose)[(set: $TailsHelping to 3)(replace:?Choices)[**Tails is helping**
Tails is not helping]
(replace:?SnakebotFight)[(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
If the heroic hedgehog beats the snake, [[turn to **148**|148]].]]](click: ?TailsNotChoose)[(set: $TailsHelping to 0)(replace:?Choices)[Tails is helping
**Tails is not helping**]
(replace:?SnakebotFight)[(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
If the heroic hedgehog beats the snake, [[turn to **148**|148]].]]][]<SnakebotFight|The pair start scrabbling in the sand, their eyes peeled for any sign of hidden treasure. With a resounding boom the stone door suddenly slams shut, and more sands starts to pour in through small holes in the roof. Tails runs over to the door but it is locked. 'We're trapped! Eek!' he squeals in panic.
'I suppose I'd better get us out then, hadn't I?' Sonic mutters through gritted teeth. But how is he going to manage that? Should he try to smash the door in [[(turn to **47**)|47]] or search for a hidden catch that might open it [[(turn to **288**)|288]]?<img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes162.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">Outside the pyramid, Sonic and Tails waste no more time but set off again across the desert. Sonic is beginning to wonder whether they have in fact wandered into a totally different zone. Then, in the distance, what looks like a giant sandcastle appears, and several dark shapes are coming out of it. As they get closer, the pair can see they are a bunch of penguins, wearing funny hats, and each one is mounted on a clanking robot camel. When they get near enough, the leading penguin hails them in a silly voice: 'Allo! Oo are you, and what ees eet zat you are doing trespassing 'ere?'
Sonic doesn't like this bossy penguin's manner, or the fact he spits when he talks; but how should he reply?
<div class="indented1">'None of your business, bird-brain!'<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **68**|68]]</div>
'Sorry, didn't know we were trespassing.'<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **226**|226]]</div></div>Roll against Sonic's Quick Wits, to beat an 8.
(set:$Rating to 8)(display:"QuickWitsTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **183**|183]]. If not, turn to **110**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **183**. If not, [[turn to **110**|110]].]Revving up on the spot, Sonic then hurls himself towards the door. Roll against his Strength, to beat an 8.
(set:$Rating to 8)(display:"StrengthTest")
(if: $Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **266**|266]]. If he fails, turn to **61**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **266**. If he fails, [[turn to **61**|61]].]Hurriedly Sonic starts patting on the walls, looking for a secret lever or a loose stone that could provide a way of escape. Roll against his Good Looks, to beat a 6.
(set:$Rating to 6)(display:"GoodLooksTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he is successful, [[turn to **10**|10]]. Otherwise there's nothing for it but to try and smash the door down; turn to **47**.](else:)[If he is successful, turn to **10**. Otherwise there's nothing for it but to try and smash the door down; [[turn to **47**|47]].]Sonic crashes into the door, smashing the stone into pieces, and lands, unharmed, in the corridor outside. Tails trots out and helps him to his feet, and the pair decide where to go next. They could go through the door to the left, if they haven't already (if:$PyramidLeft is not "Visited")[[[(turn to **246**)|246]]](else:)[(turn to **246**)], or the one at the end of the corridor (if:$PyramidAhead is not "Visited")[[[(turn to **149**)|149]]](else:)[(turn to **149**)] — or they could leave the pyramid [[(turn to **162**)|162]].The hedgehog smashes into the door, which explodes outwards, but he has knocked himself senseless in the effort. He must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives >0)[
Sonic comes to with little hieroglyphics flying in a circle round his head and Tails peering down at him with an anxious look on his furry face.
'Woah,' Sonic declares, shaking his head groggily. 'Good job I've got a hard head! Come on, Tails. Still more to explore, so pick a door.' Should Tails choose the one to the left, if they haven't been there already (if:$PyramidLeft is not "Visited")[[[(turn to **246**)|246]]](else:)[(turn to **246**)], the one at the end of the corridor (if:$PyramidAhead is not "Visited")[[[(turn to **149**)|149]]](else:)[(turn to **149**)] — or should they now leave the pyramid [[(turn to **162**)|162]]?]In the middle of one wall Sonic finds a smooth brick that slides in when he presses it. The sand stops falling and the door swings open. Relieved, Sonic and Tails dash back out into the corridor. Will they now try a door they haven't opened yet, either the one to the left (if:$PyramidLeft is not "Visited")[[[(turn to **246**)|246]]](else:)[(turn to **246**)] or straight ahead (if:$PyramidAhead is not "Visited")[[[(turn to **149**)|149]]](else:)[(turn to **149**)], or should they leave the pyramid by the way they came in [[(turn to **162**)|162]]?As the Mummy staggers forward, Sonic spots a loose strip of bandage flapping round the thing's knees. Ducking under the Mummy's flailing arms, Sonic grabs hold of the wrapping and keeps running. The Mummy starts to spin round very fast. Soon Sonic has unwound all of the bandages — revealing nothing inside them! The Mummy is no more. (Sonic can take the bandages if he wants to.)
<div class="game">Bandages added to Sonic's Stuff.(set:$Bandages to "True")(set:$SonicsStuff to it + (dataset:" bandages"))</div>
[[Turn to **249**|249]].The Mummy staggers forward and sparks shoot from its hands as it swings a blow at Sonic. The Mummy has a rating of 10, and Sonic must fight it using his Strength (plus 3 because Tails is helping).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Mummy")(set:$Rating to 10)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Strength")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
If they are victorious, [[turn to **249**|249]].]'If that was the Mummy, I'd hate to see the Daddy,' Tails jokes nervously.
With the tombs occupant disposed of, Sonic and Tails take a closer look at it's sarcophagus. Inside they find a pile of twenty-five gold rings and a Shield power-up (the very next time Sonic is told he must lose all his rings or a life, he can ignore the instruction).
(set:$Gain to 25)(display:"RingCheck")(set:$Shield to "True")(set:$SonicsStuff to it + (dataset:" shieeeld"))
Having uncovered the Treasure of the Pharaohs, our heroes decide that it's time to continue their explorations elsewhere. [[Turn to **162**|162]].'I do not know what it is zat you are saying. Zis 'as always been desert 'ere; zis is ze Desert Zone.'
Sonic had been right: the new desert that now covers part of Emerald Hill Zone does link up with another zone. If Sonic doesn't want to ask any more questions, [[turn to **52**|52]]. If he does, will he ask:
<div class="notindented">'Have you seen Sally Acorn?'<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **260**|260]]</div>
'How do we get out of this desert?'<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **2**|2]]</div></div>'Non,' the leader says. 'No acorns, no squirrels at all. Sorry.'
If Sonic doesn't want to ask any more questions, [[turn to **52**|52]]. If he does, will he ask:
<div class="notindented">'What caused the land to turn to desert?'<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **193**|193]]</div>
'How do we get out of this desert?'<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **2**|2]]</div></div>'Ah, oui, I can 'elp you zere,' the penguin smiles. 'Just keep on 'eading north — and zere you are.'
If Sonic doesn't want to ask any more questions, [[turn to **52**|52]]. If he does, will he ask:
<div class="notindented">'What caused the land to turn to desert?'<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **193**|193]]</div>
'Have you seen Sally Acorn?'<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **260**|260]]</div></div>'We should get going, Sonic,' Tails advises, giving the strange penguins a nervous look. Sonic agrees, so the pair take their leave and prepare to set off again.
<div class="game">Water canister added to Sonic's Stuff.(set:$WaterCanister to "True")(set:$SonicsStuff to it + (dataset:" water canister"))</div>
''Ang on!' the penguin leader calls. 'You might need zis!' He throws them a large water-bottle, salutes, and then kicks his camel in the ribs and rides away with his fellows. [[Turn to **235**|235]].'Time for a pit-stop,' Sonic says, unstoppering the canister. 'I'm really thirsty.'
'Me, too,' Tails agrees, and the two pause to take long swigs from the bottle. Before they know it the canister is empty, but their first has been quenched for the time being. [[Turn to **185**|185]].'Water... water!' Tails is muttering as he falls to the ground. Sonic leans over to help him up, but his head starts spinning and he, too, succumbs. Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life).
[[Turn to **185**|185]].](set:$WestExplored to "True")Swinging from branch to branch, Sonic starts to make his way across the zone, followed by his foxy friend, who is flying, using his twin tails like a helicopter. Hanging from the branches are a number of gold rings. As Sonic progresses through the leafy canopies he can try to collect these. Roll one dice and add 4: this is the total number of gold rings Sonic finds.
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + 4 =(set:$Gain to $Roll+4) $Gain
The pair suddenly become aware of a whining, humming noise coming from behind them. A pair of Robotnik's Buzzers, evil Badnik robots, are hovering there. Sonic is moving directly towards them, and any second now they'll spot him and Tails. What should he do? Should Sonic prepare to fight the Buzzers [[(turn to **5**)|5]], take cover under the leaves in the hope they won't be spotted [[(turn to **95**)|95]], drop into the water and swim away [[(turn to **268**)|268]], or try a super spin attack against the robot baddies [[(turn to **139**)|139]]?(set:$WestExplored to "True")As you ponder which gambit Sonic should try, the rain-soaked hillside gives way and out two heroes are swept away in a ferocious mudslide, which ends only when they are deposited into the fast-flowing flood-waters. Sonic and Tails are swept away; [[turn to **111**|111]].(if:$BreakWarning is "True")[Where should the two pals go now: to the north (turn to **116**), east [[(turn to **157**)|157]] or south (turn to **157**)?](else:)[Where should the two pals go now: to the north (if:$NorthExplored is "False")[[[(turn to **116**)|116]]](else:)[(turn to **116**)], east (if:$EastExplored is "False")[[[(turn to **157**)|157]]](else:)[(turn to **157**)] or south (if:$SouthExplored is "False")[[[(turn to **252**)|252]]](else:)[(turn to **252**)]?](set:$BuzzerHits to 0)
There are four Buzzers, each with a rating of 5, and Sonic must fight them using his Agility.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 4)(set:$Enemy1 to "Buzzer")(set:$Enemy2 to "Buzzer")(set:$Rating to 5)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Agility")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)
<div class="game">The text does not state that Tails is helping during this fight, however it does not state that he and Sonic have been seperated.
You may interpret the rules on this occassion.
[[Tails is helping]<TailsChoose|
[Tails is not helping]<TailsNotChoose|]<Choices|</div>
(click: ?TailsChoose)[(set: $TailsHelping to 3)(replace:?Choices)[**Tails is helping**
Tails is not helping]
(replace:?BuzzerFight)[(display:"BuzzerFight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
(if:$BuzzerHits<2)[If he beats them all, [[turn to **37**|37]]. If Sonic is hit more than once, turn to **268**.](else:)[If he beats them all, turn to **37**. If Sonic is hit more than once, [[turn to **268**|268]].]]](set:$BuzzerHits to 0)](click: ?TailsNotChoose)[
(set: $TailsHelping to 0)(replace:?Choices)[Tails is helping
**Tails is not helping**]
(display:"BuzzerFight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
(if:$BuzzerHits<2)[If he beats them all, [[turn to **37**|37]]. If Sonic is hit more than once, turn to **268**.](else:)[If he beats them all, turn to **37**. If Sonic is hit more than once, [[turn to **268**|268]].]](set:$BuzzerHits to 0)]]<BuzzerFight|Hanging motionless from a branch, Sonic waits, hardly daring to breathe. The Badniks are hovering right above him. He hears a plop as something falls into the water near by, then a muffled explosion which sends a great spray of water up into the air. Of course, Buzzers are also called Buzzbombers because of the powerful bombs they can drop. If Sonic stays here much longer, he might very well get hit himself. Should he now attack the Buzzers [[turn to **5**)|5]], try a super spin attack against them [[turn to **139**)|139]], drop into the floodwaters to escape [[turn to **268**)|268]] or stay where he is [[turn to **122**)|122]]?Sonic drops from the tree into the floodwater and is immediately carried away by the swift-moving current. Not wants to be left alone with the Buzzers, Tails jumps into the water too. [[Turn to **111**|111]].(set:$BuzzerHits to 0)Swinging round and round on the branch, Sonic builds up momentum, then lets go. The hedgehog hurtles into the air, flying between the trees , and crashes into two Buzzers, smashing them into pieces. Sonic lands on top of another tree, only to find another pair of Badniks waiting for him. He must fight them using his Agility, against ratings of 5 each.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 2)(set:$Enemy1 to "Buzzer")(set:$Enemy2 to "Buzzer")(set:$Rating to 5)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Agility")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)
<div class="game">The text does not state that Tails is helping during this fight, however it does not state that he and Sonic have been seperated.
You may interpret the rules on this occassion.
[[Tails is helping]<TailsChoose|
[Tails is not helping]<TailsNotChoose|]<Choices|</div>
(click: ?TailsChoose)[(set: $TailsHelping to 3)(replace:?Choices)[**Tails is helping**
Tails is not helping]
(replace:?BuzzerFight)[(display:"BuzzerFight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
(if:$BuzzerHits<2)[If he beats the flying robots, [[turn to **37**|37]]. If Sonic is hit more than once, turn to **268**.](else:)[If he beats the flying robots, turn to **37**. If Sonic is hit more than once, [[turn to **268**|268]].]]](set:$BuzzerHits to 0)](click: ?TailsNotChoose)[
(set: $TailsHelping to 0)(replace:?Choices)[Tails is helping
**Tails is not helping**]
(display:"BuzzerFight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
(if:$BuzzerHits<2)[If he beats the flying robots, [[turn to **37**|37]]. If Sonic is hit more than once, turn to **268**.](else:)[If he beats the flying robots, turn to **37**. If Sonic is hit more than once, [[turn to **268**|268]].]](set:$BuzzerHits to 0)]]<BuzzerFight|Bobbing along through the flooded zone, Sonic and Tails are suddenly confronted by a very peculiar sight. Their piggy pal, Porker Lewis, is sitting on the roof of his house, which seems to have been washed along by the flood. More worryingly, Porker is being menaced by several long, metallic tentacles which are waving up out of the water. As our two heroes are swept close, a huge head rise into view: it is a gigantic robot Octopus! Another tentacle emerges from the water close by and snakes out towards Sonic — but does he see it in time? Roll against his Good Looks to beat a 7.
(set:$Rating to 7)(display:"GoodLooksTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **218**|218]]. If he fails, turn to **284**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **218**. If he fails, [[turn to **284**|284]].]<div class="game">(if:$AbilityUsed is "Speed")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Speed)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Strength")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Strength)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Agility")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Agility)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Coolness")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Coolness)](if:$AbilityUsed is "QuickWits")[(set: $AbilityValue to $QuickWits)](if:$AbilityUsed is "GoodLooks")[(set: $AbilityValue to $GoodLooks)](if: $Rating is 0)[RATING NOT SET|](if:$AbilityUsed is "None")[ABILITYUSED NOT SET|](if:$EnemiesRemaining is 0)[ENEMIES REMAINING NOT SET|](if: $Enemy1 is "Enemy1")[ENEMY NAME NOT SET|](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "BuzzerTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "BuzzerTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "BuzzerTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "BuzzerTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "BuzzerTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "BuzzerTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "BuzzerTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "BuzzerTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "BuzzerTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "BuzzerTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "BuzzerTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "BuzzerTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "BuzzerTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "BuzzerTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "BuzzerTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "BuzzerTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "BuzzerTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "BuzzerTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "BuzzerTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "BuzzerTurn")</font>](set: $Rating to 0)(set:$AbilityUsed to "None")(set: $Enemy1 to "Enemy1")(set:$Enemy2 to "Enemy2")</div>(if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(if:$EnemiesRemaining > 3 and $Lives > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[
(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
(if: $RollTotal>10)[Sonic is hit by the $Enemy1 (bam!).(set:$BuzzerHits to $BuzzerHits+1)
(display:"Damage")](else:)[The $Enemy1 misses.]](if:$EnemiesRemaining > 2 and $Lives > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[
(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
(if: $RollTotal>10)[Sonic is hit by the $Enemy1 (bam!).(set:$BuzzerHits to $BuzzerHits+1)
(display:"Damage")](else:)[The $Enemy1 misses.]](if:$EnemiesRemaining > 1 and $Lives > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[
(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
(if: $RollTotal>10)[Sonic is hit by the $Enemy1 (bam!).(set:$BuzzerHits to $BuzzerHits+1)
(display:"Damage")](else:)[The $Enemy1 misses.]](if:$EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $Lives > 0 and $BuzzerHits < 2)[
(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
(if: $RollTotal>10)[Sonic is hit by the $Enemy1 (bam!).(set:$BuzzerHits to $BuzzerHits+1)
(display:"Damage")](else:)[The $Enemy1 misses.]]
]<img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes37.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">Carrying on through the trees, Sonic and Tails are suddenly confronted by a very peculiar sight. Their piggy pal, Porker Lewis, is sitting on the roof of his house, which seems to have been washed along by the flood. More worryingly, Porker is being menaced by several long, metallic tentacles which have emerged waving, out of the water. As our heroes draw closer, a hude head rises into view: it is a gigantic robot Octopus! Sonic is obviously going to have to save Porker from this strange new Badnik — but how? There is no time to lose, so does he continue to swing through the trees towards the Octopus [[(turn to **107**)|107]], jump into the water to attack it [[(turn to **290**)|290]], get Tails to carry him to fight the Octopus [[(turn to **14**)|14]] or use a freezing ray, if he has one (if:$FreezeRay is "True")[[[(turn to **194**)|194]]](else:)[(turn to **194**)]?BOOM! The next bomb is right on target. Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
He will have to act fast, as Buzzers are upon him. Should he drop into the water to get away [[(turn to **268**)|268]] or fight them [[(turn to **5**)|5]]?]The two friends swing through the trees right up to the Octopus, then they attack simultaneously before it can grab either of them in its terrible tentacles. The Octopus has a rating of 9, and Sonic must fight with his Speed (plus 3 because Tails is helping).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Octopus")(set:$Rating to 9)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
If he beats the robot monster, [[turn to **67**|67]].]The heroic hedgehog, closely followed by his fearless foxy friend, dives into the water and splashes towards the Octopus. A tentacle emerges from the water near by and snakes towards Sonic — but does he see it in time? Roll against his Good Looks to beat a 7.
(set:$Rating to 7)(display:"GoodLooksTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **218**|218]]. If he fails, turn to **284**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **218**. If he fails, [[turn to **284**|284]].]'Okey dokey, skipper,' Tails agrees, taking hold of Sonic and flying in the direction of the Octopus. A long tentacle shoots out and grabs Tails. In shock he drops Sonic, who lands with a splash in the water near the Octopus. The Octopus has a rating of 9, and Sonic must roll against his Speed if he is to avoid its marauding tentacles.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Octopus")(set:$Rating to 9)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
If Sonic wins, [[turn to **67**|67]].]Sonic aims the crystal-tipped rod at the water round the Octopus and fires. Absolutely nothing happens — perhaps there's too much water for it to freeze. Sonic will have to try something else. Should he swing through the trees towards the Octopus [[(turn to **107**)|107]], jump into the water to attack it[[(turn to **290**)|290]] or get Tails to fly, using his tails, and carry him to fight the creature [[(turn to **14**)|14]]?<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $GoodLooks = (set: $TotalRoll to $Roll+$GoodLooks)(if:$TotalRoll < $Rating)[Failure!(set:$Success to "False")](else:)[Success!(set:$Success to "True")]</div>Sonic spots the appendage just in time to avoid it. However, Tails is not so lucky: he is grabbed and held, struggling, in the Octopus's grasp. Gritting his teeth, Sonic splashes forward into the attack. The Octopus has a rating of 9, and Sonic must roll against his Speed if he is to avoid its marauding tentacles.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Octopus")(set:$Rating to 9)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
If Sonic wins, [[turn to **67**|67]].]The tentacle wraps itself round the hedgehog's waist and pulls him under the water. The pressure in Sonic's lungs soon becomes unbearable and he is unable to hold his breath any longer. Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
At last he manages to break free and he surfaces, gasping for air. Sonic can see that the Octopus is holding a struggling Tails in another tentacle. Gritting his teeth, Sonic splashes forward into the attack. The Octopus has a rating of 9, and Sonic must roll against his Speed if he is to avoid its marauding tentacles.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Octopus")(set:$Rating to 9)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
If Sonic wins, [[turn to **67**|67]].]]At Sonic's final blow, the giant Octopus bursts apart at the seams, pieces of metal tentacle showering down into the water all round our heroes. Among the wreckage of the robot Sonic sees something glowing. If you think he should investigate, [[turn to **264**|264]]. Otherwise, [[turn to **123**|123]].Probing the debris, Sonic manages to extract the glowing object. It looks like a computer circuit-board, but it is in the shape of a raindrop rather than rectangular. Stamped on it are the letters 'NT'. 'I wonder what they stand for,' Sonic wonders.
''Normous Tentacles,' Tails suggests with a silly grin.
'Don't be daft, dude,' Sonic replies. There is something else in the debris: a large rubbery bag, which is full of black liquid. If you want Sonic to take the ink-sac or the circuit-board (or both of them), write them down on his *Vital Statistics*.
<div class="game">Raindrop circuit-board and ink-sac added to Sonic's Stuff.(set:$RaindropCircuitBoard to "True")(set:$SonicsStuff to it + (dataset:" raindrop circuit-board"))(set:$InkSac to "True")(set:$SonicsStuff to it + (dataset:" ink-sac"))</div>
[[Turn to **123**|123]].'Thanks, guys,' a very relieved Porker sighs, pulling his two rescuers on to the roof of his floating cottage.
'Don't mention it,' Sonic says proudly. 'All in a day's work for Mobius's greatest heroic hedgehog and his loyal sidekick. What's been going on here anyway?'
'Well, I think it all started after that Robotnik-shaped cloud appeared,' Porker explains. 'It just started raining, and it didn't stop until the whole place was flooded. I climbed on to the roof so as not to get washed away, but then my house came adrift and floated off down here. At one point I saw Sally Acorn being swept past me; she threw me her scarf to pull her to safety, but it snapped. She got carried off to the South, towards Chemical Plant Zone,' Porker adds, handing Sonic a torn yellow scarf (write this down on his *Vital Statistics*).
<div class="game">Sally's scarf added to Sonic's Stuff.(set:$SallysScarf to "True")(set:$SonicsStuff to it + (dataset:" Sally's scarf"))</div>
'Then we must save her,' Sonic declares in a heroic voice. 'But first we must get out of here. I think the water level is going down a little.'
'Yes, Sonic,' Porker agrees, then, pointing up ahead, 'but we're drifting straight for those rapids!'
Sure enough, the house and its passengers are being swept towards a place where the rushing water passes between two steep cliffs where debris has dropped into its path. 'I can carry you off using my tails,' Tails offers, 'but there may not be enough time to do two trips.' This seems like a sensible option, but which one should Tails carry off in this way: Sonic [[(turn to **138**)|138]] or Porker [[(turn to **85**)|85]]?Tails lands on top of one of the cliffs and deposits Sonic safely. 'Help me!' Porker's voice comes from below. 'I'm going to hit the rocks!'
'Uh-oh!' Sonic looks at Tails with a guilty expression. 'I suppose I'll have to go after Porker now... unless, er, you, er, you couldn't, well, fly down and...'
'No chance. I'm exhausted after lifting you all the way up here. You really could cut down on all those pizzas and full-cream chocolate milk-shakes, you know,' Tails protests.
'Never mind that now. Porker's in trouble — again!' With that, Sonic dives off the cliff into the rushing water. When he surfaces again, he sees that he has already been carried past Porker's house, which has become wedged between some rocks so that his piggy pal is safe for the moment. Sonic, however, is dragged along by the river, unable to control his direction or to swim against the current. Roll one dice.
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")</div>
(if:$Roll <5)[On a roll of 1 to 4, [[turn to **129**|129]]. On a 5 or 6, turn to **230**.](else:)[On a roll of 1 to 4, turn to **129**. On a 5 or 6, [[turn to **230**|230]].]Tails flies off with Porker, making for the top of the cliffs and leaving Sonic being swept towards the rapids on Porkers house! Do you think our hero should stay on the roof [[(turn to **283**)|283]] or jump off and swim for it [[(turn to **214**)|214]]?The river soon divides, going in two different directions. One rout carries on between the cliffs, but the other way leads into a dark cave — and this is the direction in which Sonic is being carried. The river rushes along through the caves, sending Sonic hurtling this way and that — it's like a really exciting funfair ride. The rocks around the hedgehog soon give way to ruined columns and arches; the caves must link up with the Aquatic Ruin Zone. As Sonic is carried along on the current, roll one dice.
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")</div>
(if:$Roll <3)[On a roll of 1 or 2, [[turn to **144**|144]]. One a roll of 3 or 4, turn to **279**. On a roll of 5 or 6, turn to **165**.](else:)[(if:$Roll <5)[On a roll of 1 or 2, turn to **144**. One a roll of 3 or 4, [[turn to **279**|279]]. On a roll of 5 or 6, turn to **165**.](else:)[On a roll of 1 or 2, turn to **144**. One a roll of 3 or 4, turn to **279**. On a roll of 5 or 6, [[turn to **165**|165]].]](set:$Choice1 to 0)(set:$Choice2 to 0)The river divides, continuing between the cliffs in one fork and disappearing into a cavernous tunnel in the other, but Sonic is swept past the cave and on through the rapids. Suddenly there is an explosion in the water near him, and looking around, he sees several limpet-like robots fixed to the rocks. Their tops keep flipping open to launch bombs into the river — and Sonic is heading right into their path! Pick two different numbers between 1 and 6, then roll one dice.
<div class="game">Pick two numbers:
[[[1]<OneChoose| [2]<TwoChoose| [3]<ThreeChoose| [4]<FourChoose| [5]<FiveChoose| [6]<SixChoose|]<FirstNumber|]<SecondNumber|</div>(click: ?SixChoose)[(replace: ?FirstNumber)[[1]<OneChoose2| [2]<TwoChoose2| [3]<ThreeChoose2| [4]<FourChoose2| [5]<FiveChoose2| **6**(set:$Choice1 to 6)]](click: ?fiveChoose)[(replace: ?FirstNumber)[[1]<OneChoose2| [2]<TwoChoose2| [3]<ThreeChoose2| [4]<FourChoose2| **5** [6]<SixChoose2|(set:$Choice1 to 5)]](click: ?FourChoose)[(replace: ?FirstNumber)[[1]<OneChoose2| [2]<TwoChoose2| [3]<ThreeChoose2| **4** [5]<FiveChoose2| [6]<SixChoose2|(set:$Choice1 to 4)]](click: ?ThreeChoose)[(replace: ?FirstNumber)[[1]<OneChoose2| [2]<TwoChoose2| **3** [4]<FourChoose2| [5]<FiveChoose2| [6]<SixChoose2|(set:$Choice1 to 3)]](click: ?TwoChoose)[(replace: ?FirstNumber)[[1]<OneChoose2| **2** [3]<ThreeChoose2| [4]<FourChoose2| [5]<FiveChoose2| [6]<SixChoose2|(set:$Choice1 to 2)]](click: ?OneChoose)[(replace: ?FirstNumber)[**1** [2]<TwoChoose2| [3]<ThreeChoose2| [4]<FourChoose2| [5]<FiveChoose2| [6]<SixChoose2|(set:$Choice1 to 1)]](click:?SixChoose2)[(set:$Choice2 to 6)(show:?Replacer)(show:?Rolling)](click:?FiveChoose2)[(set:$Choice2 to 5)(show:?Replacer)(show:?Rolling)](click:?FourChoose2)[(set:$Choice2 to 4)(show:?Replacer)(show:?Rolling)](click:?ThreeChoose2)[(set:$Choice2 to 3)(show:?Replacer)(show:?Rolling)](click:?TwoChoose2)[(set:$Choice2 to 2)(show:?Replacer)(show:?Rolling)](click:?OneChoose2)[(set:$Choice2 to 1)(show:?Replacer)(show:?Rolling)]|Replacer)[(Replace:?SecondNumber)[(if:$Choice1 is 1 or $Choice2 is 1)[**1**](else:)[1] (if:$Choice1 is 2 or $Choice2 is 2)[**2**](else:)[2] (if:$Choice1 is 3 or $Choice2 is 3)[**3**](else:)[3] (if:$Choice1 is 4 or $Choice2 is 4)[**4**](else:)[4] (if:$Choice1 is 5 or $Choice2 is 5)[**5**](else:)[5] (if:$Choice1 is 6 or $Choice2 is 6)[**6**](else:)[6]]</div>|Rolling)[
<div class="game">(set: $Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")</div>
(if:$Roll is $Choice1 or $Roll is $Choice2)[If you roll either of the numbers you picked, [[turn to **159**|159]] immediately.](else:)[If you roll either of the numbers you picked, turn to **159** immediately. Otherwise, do the same thing again, and again turn to **159** if either of the numbers comes up.
(display:"230Part2")]]]Sonic stays on the roof, but he stands up to help keep his balance. Suddenly the house comes to a jolting stop, wedged between the narrow rocks, causing several of the wooden slats of the roof to come loose — including the one Sonic is standing on! Roll against Sonic's Coolness, to beat a 7.
(set:$Rating to 7)(display:"CoolnessTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **50**|50]]. If he fails, turn to **115**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **50**. If he fails, [[turn to **115**|115]].]Holding his breath, Sonic leaps into the raging torrent and is immediately dragged along by the river, unable to either control where he's going or to swim against the force of the current. Roll one dice.
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")</div>
(if:$Roll <5)[On a roll of 1 to 4, [[turn to **129**|129]]. On a 5 or 6, turn to **230**.](else:)[On a roll of 1 to 4, turn to **129**. On a 5 or 6, [[turn to **230**|230]].]<img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes50.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">(set:$Surfing to "True")The plant hits the river and Sonic finds himself surfing down the rapids, looking as cool as any surfing blue hedgehog has ever done! While Sonic is on this improvised surfboard, he may add one point in his favour to any dice rolls he must make. However, although his balance is great, his sense of direction is less certain. Roll one dice.
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")</div>
(if:$Roll <5)[On a roll of 1 to 4, [[turn to **129**|129]]. On a 5 or 6, turn to **230**.](else:)[On a roll of 1 to 4, turn to **129**. On a 5 or 6, [[turn to **230**|230]].]The plank hits the water and Sonic follows it. Unable to swim against the strong current, Sonic is dragged along by the river. Roll one dice.
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")</div>
(if:$Roll <4)[On a roll of 1 to 3, [[turn to **129**|129]]. On 4 to 6, turn to **230**.](else:)[On a roll of 1 to 3, turn to **129**. On a 4 to 6, [[turn to **230**|230]].](set:$CaveRolls to $CaveRolls+1)Sonic passes through a cave-like section and is able to grab two gold rings hanging from stalactites above him.
(set:$Gain to 2)(display:"RingCheck")
(if:$CaveRolls < 3)[If Sonic has made three rolls, turn to **44**. If not, [[return to **129**|129]] and roll again.](else:)[If Sonic has made three rolls, [[turn to **44**|44]]. If not, return to **129** and roll again.](set:$CaveRolls to $CaveRolls+1)As Sonic is swept past crumbling, half-submerged columns, he is able to snatch five gold rings hanging from them.
(set:$Gain to 5)(display:"RingCheck")
(if:$CaveRolls < 3)[If Sonic has made three rolls, turn to **44**. If not, [[return to **129**|129]] and roll again.](else:)[If Sonic has made three rolls, [[turn to **44**|44]]. If not, return to **129** and roll again.](set:$GrabberHits to 0)(set:$CaveRolls to $CaveRolls+1)A spider-like Grabber drops suddenly from the ceiling of the cave on a thing line from a metal spider's web and makes a grab for Sonic. The hedgehog will have to fight the Badnik, which has a rating of 7, using his Strength.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Grabber")(set:$Enemy2 to "Grabber")(set:$Rating to 7)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Strength")(if:$Surfing is "True")[(set: $TailsHelping to 1)](else:)[(set: $TailsHelping to 0)]
(display:"GrabberFight")(if:$Lives >0)[
(if:$GrabberHits>0)[If the Grabber hits Sonic, the robot will drop the dazed hedgehog in the water [[(turn to **44**)|44]]. If Sonic wins, and if he has made three rolls, turn to **44**. Otherwise, return to **129** and roll again.](else:)[If the Grabber hits Sonic, the robot will drop the dazed hedgehog in the water (turn to **44**). If Sonic wins, and if he has made three rolls, (if:$CaveRolls > 2)[[[turn to **44**|44]]. Otherwise, return to **129** and roll again.](else:)[turn to **44**. Otherwise, [[return to **129**|129]] and roll again.]]](set:$GrabberHits to 0)(if:$Agility > 3)[(set:$Roadblock1 to "False")](else:)[(if:$LaserUsed is "True" and $EastExplored is "True" and $Battery is "False")[(set:$Roadblock1 to "True")](else:)[(set:$Roadblock1 to "False")]](if:$Strength > 2)[(set:$Roadblock2 to "False")](else:)[(if:$NorthExplored is "True" and $FreezeRay is "False" and $InkSac is "False")[(set:$Roadblock2 to "True")](else:)[(set:$Roadblock2 to "False")]](if:$Roadblock1 is "False" and $Roadblock2 is "False")[(display:"Checkpoint")](set:$Surfing to "False")(set:$Surfing to "False")Our hero finally emerges from the caves and is washed up on a riverbank, downstream from the rapids. Lying on the ground are three gold rings, which he can take.
(set:$Gain to 3)(display:"RingCheck")
'Oh, there you are Sonic,' comes a familiar voice, followed by an equally familiar foxy face as Tails lands next to him after depositing Porker on the ground near by. 'You're all right then. We were worried about you for a minute back there.'
'Worried about me? Mobius's greatest, bestest, onliest hero?' Sonic replies mockingly. 'Huh. I can look after myself. Come on, let's get out of here.'
Leaving Porker to tidy up his waterlogged cottage as best he can, and after a promising to return soon, once they've got to the bottom of all this unpleasantness, Sonic and Tails set off again. They trudge for ages through Emerald Hill Zone, which should now perhaps be renamed the Smelly Brown Zone, so thick and pungent is the mud that covers everything. Without warning, two huge forms rise up out of the slime in front of our heroes. Dripping mud and weed, they look like Crabmeat Badniks, only much larger! Before Sonic can react, a red blut shoots past him and smashes into the robots. It's Knuckles, and he's just destroyed Sonic's intended targets! Turning to face the two stunned friends, Knuckles snaps, 'Huh! I haven't got time to hang around. I've got to find out what's going on!' With that, he speeds off into the distance.
'Bogus!' snarls Sonic. 'I'm not going to let that heinous, hairy ant-scoffer find out what's going on before I do. Some on, buddy!'
(if:$CloudCircuitBoard is "False")[If the letters 'IR' mean anything to Sonic, turn to **292**. If not, where do the two friends go next:
<div class="indented1">North? <div style="float: right;">(if:$NorthExplored is "False")[[[Turn to **116**|116]]](else:)[Turn to **116**]</div>
South? <div style="float: right;">(if:$SouthExplored is "False")[[[Turn to **180**|180]]](else:)[Turn to **180**]</div>
East? <div style="float: right;">(if:$EastExplored is "False")[[[Turn to **157**|157]]](else:)[Turn to **157**]</div></div>(display:"Loop Resolver")](else:)[If the letters 'IR' mean anything to Sonic, [[turn to **292**|292]]. If not, where do the two friends go next:
<div class="indented1">North? <div style="float: right;">Turn to **116**</div>
South? <div style="float: right;">Turn to **180**</div>
East? <div style="float: right;">Turn to **157**</div></div>]<div class="game">(if:$AbilityUsed is "Speed")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Speed)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Strength")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Strength)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Agility")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Agility)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Coolness")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Coolness)](if:$AbilityUsed is "QuickWits")[(set: $AbilityValue to $QuickWits)](if:$AbilityUsed is "GoodLooks")[(set: $AbilityValue to $GoodLooks)](if: $Rating is 0)[RATING NOT SET|](if:$AbilityUsed is "None")[ABILITYUSED NOT SET|](if:$EnemiesRemaining is 0)[ENEMIES REMAINING NOT SET|](if: $Enemy1 is "Enemy1")[ENEMY NAME NOT SET|](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "GrabberTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "GrabberTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "GrabberTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "GrabberTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "GrabberTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "GrabberTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "GrabberTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "GrabberTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "GrabberTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "GrabberTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "GrabberTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "GrabberTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "GrabberTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "GrabberTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "GrabberTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "GrabberTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "GrabberTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "GrabberTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "GrabberTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "GrabberTurn")</font>](set: $Rating to 0)(set:$AbilityUsed to "None")(set: $Enemy1 to "Enemy1")(set:$Enemy2 to "Enemy2")</div>(if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(if:$EnemiesRemaining > 3 and $Lives > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[
(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
(if: $RollTotal>10)[Sonic is hit by the $Enemy1 (bam!).(set:$GrabberHits to $GrabberHits+1)
(display:"Damage")](else:)[The $Enemy1 misses.]](if:$EnemiesRemaining > 2 and $Lives > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[
(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
(if: $RollTotal>10)[Sonic is hit by the $Enemy1 (bam!).(set:$GrabberHits to $GrabberHits+1)
(display:"Damage")](else:)[The $Enemy1 misses.]](if:$EnemiesRemaining > 1 and $Lives > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[
(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
(if: $RollTotal>10)[Sonic is hit by the $Enemy1 (bam!).(set:$GrabberHits to $GrabberHits+1)
(display:"Damage")](else:)[The $Enemy1 misses.]](if:$EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $Lives > 0 and $GrabberHits < 1)[
(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
(if: $RollTotal>10)[Sonic is hit by (if:$Enemy1 is not "Knuckles")[the ]$Enemy1 (bam!).(set:$GrabberHits to $GrabberHits+1)(if: (passage:)'s name is "119" or (passage:)'s name is "82")[](else:)[
(display:"Damage")]](else:)[(if:$Enemy1 is not "Knuckles")[The ]$Enemy1 misses.]]
]'Come on,' says the anxious fox. 'Let's get out of here. I'm frightened.'
Should Sonic do as Tails asks [[turn to **131**)|131]] or should they first find out what's making the strange noise [[(turn to **175**)|175]]?Sonic and Tails scurry away from the spooky voice, hurrying through the trees. Soon they are totally confused and can't even tell which way is north, everything looks much the same. Which way should they go?
<div class="indented1">Straight on?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **223**|223]]</div>
To the left?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **239**|239]]</div>
To the right?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **282**|282]]</div></div><img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes175.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">Forging ahead in the direction of the voice, and with a nervous Tails scurrying along behind him, Sonic almost walks slap bang into a tree that looms out of the fog. 'Heinous! That was close,' he says, with his nose just millimetres from the trunk.
'Sonic? Sonic, is that you?' comes a plaintive voice from directly above. 'It's me, Joe — Joe Sushi. I'm stuck up in this tree.'
The pair peer up and can just make out a large grey shape among the branches. 'How on Mobius did you get all the way up there?' Sonic asks incredulously.
'Well, this weird cloud that looked just like Dr Robotnik floated over the zone,' the Walrus shouts down. 'It was followed by a whirlwind that picked me up and, when it stopped again, dumped me in this tree. Can you get me down, please?
'Sure, no problem, buddy,' Sonic yells up, and adds under his breath, 'just as soon as I've figured out how...'
Can you help? How should Sonic get Joe down from the tree?
<div class="indented1">Ask Tails to fly him down?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **154**|154]]</div>
Improvise a see-saw?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **201**|201]]</div>
Knock the tree down?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **45**|45]]</div></div>'You must be joking!' Tails laughs. 'I couldn't carry him down! He's way too heavy.' So, Sonic will have to try something else: improvising a see-saw [[(turn to **201**)|201]] or knocking the tree down [[(turn to **45**)|45]].The whirlwind must also have strewn masses of debris across the zone, because it doesn't take Sonic very long to find a plank of wood and a round log with which to construct an impromptu see-saw. Sonic positions the device next to the tree and stands on the further end. 'OK, Joe,' he shouts up at the walrus. 'You jump down on to the other end of this, and my weight going up should slow the impact of yours coming down... I think.'
Joe seems unsure whether this barmy scheme will have a happy outcome, but he's game enough. 'Very well. Here I come,' the walrus warns. Joe hits the see-saw and launches Sonic, spinning, up into the fog! Roll against Sonic's Agility to beat a 6.
(set:$Rating to 6)(display:"AgilityTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **297**|297]]. If he fails, turn to **90**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **297**. If he fails, [[turn to **90**|90]].]Revving up into super spin mode, the hedgehog speeds through the fog towards the tree and smashes into the trunk. CRUNK! The tree snaps at its base and begins to topple forwards. Then, with a crash, it falls back in Sonic's direction! The hedghog leaps out of the way and with a dazzling bodyswerve manages to avoid getting crushed. 'Timberrr — oof!' he adds, as the walrus falls out of the branches directly on top of him. Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives >0)[
'Thanks, Sonic,' Joe Sushi says gratefully. 'I could have hurt myself.'
'Urrgh... don't mention it,' Sonic says, squeezing himself out from under the walrus. 'Listen, Joe, there's hero stuff to be done, so stay here while we find out what's causing this fog.'
Several rings have fallen out of the tree with Joe, so Sonic quickly gathers them up (there are eighteen in all).
(set:$Gain to 18)(display:"RingCheck")
Then he and Tails march boldly and heroically off into the thick fog. Soon, however, they have no idea where they are. Which way should they go?
<div class="indented1">Straight on?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **223**|223]]</div>
To the left?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **239**|239]]</div>
To the right?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **282**|282]]</div></div>]Stumbling throught the fog, the two pals can hear all sorts of strange noises coming from ahead of them. After several minutes, however, they still haven't come across anything, and now there is a fork in the forest path. Should they keep walking straight ahead [[(turn to **38**)|38]], turn left [[(turn to **105**)|105]] or turn right [[(turn to **232**)|232]]?'You know, Tails,' Sonic says, 'I can't see a darn thing in this bogus fog stuff.' Roll against Sonic's Good Looks to beat a 6.
(set:$Rating to 6)(display:"GoodLooksTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he is successful, [[turn to **16**||16]]. If he is not, turn to **188**.](else:)[If he is successful, turn to **16**. If he is not, [[turn to **188**|188]].]Walking through thick grey clouds of fog, Sonic and Tails hear a strange flapping sound. Without warning, two bat-like robots emerge out of the mist ahead of them: Batbrains! Sonic must fight the pair, each of which has a rating of 5, using his Speed (plus 3 because Tails is helping).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 2)(set:$Enemy1 to "Batbrain")(set:$Enemy2 to "Batbrain")(set:$Rating to 6)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
If they defeat the Batbrains, Sonic and Tails must decide in which direction to continue their journey: straight ahead [[(turn to **232**)|232]], to the left [[(turn to **38**)|38]] or to the right [[(turn to **105**)|105]].]'Ow! My tootsies!' Tails squawks, tripping over something that is sticking out of the ground. 'What's that?'
Sonic bends down and picks up what looks like a small power-pack or battery. 'Strange. Perhaps it fell off one of Robotnik's bogus Badniks.' Sonic may take this article with him if he wishes.
<div class="game">Battery added to Sonic's Stuff.(set:$Battery to "True")(set:$SonicsStuff to it + (dataset:" battery"))</div>
Now which way?
<div class="indented1">Straight ahead?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **145**|145]]</div>
Left?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **173**|173]]</div>
Right?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **105**|105]]</div></div>Although the fog is very thick, Sonic does manage to spot three gold rings shining under a bush (he may take them).
(set:$Gain to 3)(display:"RingCheck")
But in his haste to pick them up he has lost his sense of direction. Which way should he go now?
<div class="indented1">Left?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **232**|232]]</div>
Right?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **173**|173]]</div>
Straight ahead?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **239**|239]]</div></div>'Where are we, Sonic?' Tails whines.
'Haven't a clue, little dude,' Sonic admits. Which way now: straight ahead [[(turn to **145**)|145]], left [[(turn to **105**)|105]] or right [[(turn to **239**)|239]]?'Hey! What's that up ahead?' Sonic says, peering into the gloom. In the foggy distance they can just make out two yellow lights which are blinking on and off irregularly. 'Oh no, Flashers!' Sonic cries — but it's too late: the two robotic fireflies have spotted them and are buzzing into the attack. Each has a rating of 7, and Sonic must fight them one at a time using his speed (plus 3 because Tails is helping).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Flasher")(set:$Rating to 7)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Flasher")(set:$Rating to 7)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
If the Badniks get beaten, [[turn to **173**|173]].]]Suddenly they hear a loud, booming croaking sound up ahead, and out of the gloom hops a seriously huge, toad-like, robot creature. It croaks again and a huge cloud of mist and fog belches out of its cavernous mouth. Decals on its head reveal that this is Foggy Froggy, the Fog Frog! Once again it appears that Sonic is going to have to stop rotten Robotnik's devious device — but how?
<div class="indented1">Attack it?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **200**|200]]</div>
Try a super spin?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **219**|219]]</div>
Sneak around, hidden by the fog,
<div class="indented2">and attack it from behind?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **72**|72]]</div></div></div><img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes200.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">The For Frog hops towards Sonic, trying to squash him under its feet. As a result, Sonic will have to battle using his Agility score (plus 3 because Tails is helping), to beat the robot's rating of 10. (set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Fog Frog")(set:$Rating to 10)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Agility")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives > 0)[
If Sonic wins, at his final blow the Fog Frog disintegrates into a pile of spare parts, with a weird, glowing device at their centre. If Sonic decides to take a closer look, [[turn to **236**|236]](if:$NorthExplored is "True" and $SouthExplored is "True" and $EastExplored is "True")[ <div class="sic">`[Not choosing this will break the game]`</div>(set:$BreakWarning to "True")]. Otherwise, [[turn to **91**|91]].]Sonic revs up on the spot, before letting himself go and hurtling at the frog. As the hedgehog zooms straight for it in a blinding blue blur, the machine calmly opens its huge mouth — and Sonic flies straight into it! Tails watches, horrified, as Foggy Froggy chews a few times, shudders in disgust and spits the hedgehog out again. Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
Sonic must now try another tactic: fight normally [[(turn to **200**)|200]] or sneak around in the fog and bash it from behind [[(turn to **72**)|72]].]No matter which way Sonic runs, the Fog Frog manages to hop around and keep facing in his direction; it must have infra-red vision to help it navigate in the fog. Sonic won't be able to get behind it, so, instead, he'll have to attack it [[(turn to **200**)|200]] or try a super spin [[(turn to **219**)|219]].The object is a cloud-shaped circuit-board, printed with the letters 'ɪʀ'. Sonic ponders a while. 'It must stand for "infra-red",' he decides. 'That must be how the Fog Frog could see where it was going in all that fog.'
If Sonic takes the device, add it to his *Vital Statistics*.
<div class="game">Cloud circuit-board added to Sonic's Stuff.(set:$CloudCircuitBoard to "True")(set:$SonicsStuff to it + (dataset:" cloud circuit-board"))</div>
[[Turn to **91**|91]].(if:$Agility > 3)[(set:$Roadblock1 to "False")](else:)[(if:$WestExplored is "True" and $SouthExplored is "False" or $LaserUsed is "True" and $Battery is "False")[(set:$Roadblock1 to "True")](else:)[(set:$Roadblock1 to "False")]]
(if:$Strength > 2)[(set:$Roadblock2 to "False")](else:)[(if:$WestExplored is "True" and $InkSac is "False" or if:$WestExplored is "True" and $FreezeRay is "False")[(set:$Roadblock2 to "True")](else:)[(set:$Roadblock2 to "False")]](if:$Roadblock1 is "False" and $Roadblock2 is "False")[(display:"Checkpoint")]With Foggy Froggy the Fog Frog destroyed, the mist is already beginning to thin and clear, revealing a damp but familiar landscape. 'Sonic, look over there, in the distance,' Tails says, pointing. 'We're close to the Chemical Plant Zone. We *have* come a long way!' Is Sonic carrying Sally Acorn's scarf? (if:$SallysScarf is "True")[If he is, [[turn to **3**|3]]. Otherwise turn to **274**.](else:)[If he is, turn to **3**. Otherwise [[turn to **274**|274]].]'Hey, Porker said that Sally was carried off towards the Chemical Plant Zone!' Sonic realizes. 'We must go and rescue her in a typically heroic fashion. Come on, Tails!'
Dragging his foxy friend behind him, Sonic dashes away, and the pair are soon running through the maze of pipes and towers that make up the zone. It is quite windy here, and the girders and pipes creak and groan as they are buffeted and blown about.
'Ouch!' Tails cries suddenly. 'I've been hit on the head by a banana!'
'A banana? Are you sure?' Sonic asks, peering into the sky. The wind is definitely getting stronger, and he is sure he can make out a mass of yellow specks dropping towards the two of them. In seconds the pair are being deluged by a shower of bananas. While Sonic is in this zone, you must keep a careful count of how many objects hit him (write it in a spare corner of his *Vital Statistics*). For now, roll one dice and note down how many bananas have hit Sonic before he can avoid them.
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")
Sonic is hit by $Roll banana(if:$Roll > 1)[s]!(set:$ZoneHits to $Roll)</div>
Should the two friends now make for shelter [[(turn to **242**)|242]], keep running further into the zone [[(turn to **257**)|257]] or take to the air, with Tails carrying Sonic [[(turn to **70**)|70]]?With the fog gone, it's time to explore somewhere else, but where? Choose an area they haven't visited yet: they can go north (if:$NorthExplored is "False")[[[(turn to **116**)|116]]](else:)[(turn to **116**)], south (if:$SouthExplored is "False")[[[(turn to **180**)|180]]](else:)[(turn to **180**)] or west (if:$WestExplored is "False")[[[(turn to **252**)|252]]](else:)[(turn to **252**)].(if:$NorthExplored is "True" and $SouthExplored is "True" and $EastExplored is "True" and $WestExplored is "True")[
(display:"Loop Resolver")]One of the limpets' bombs hits Sonic and explodes, causing him to lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if: $Lives>0)[
[[Turn to **27**|27]].]<div class="game">Pick two numbers:
[[[1]<OneChooseB| [2]<TwoChooseB| [3]<ThreeChooseB| [4]<FourChooseB| [5]<FiveChooseB| [6]<SixChooseB|]<FirstNumberB|]<SecondNumberB|</div>(click: ?SixChooseB)[(replace: ?FirstNumberB)[[1]<OneChooseB2| [2]<TwoChooseB2| [3]<ThreeChooseB2| [4]<FourChooseB2| [5]<FiveChooseB2| **6**(set:$Choice1 to 6)]](click: ?fiveChooseB)[(replace: ?FirstNumberB)[[1]<OneChooseB2| [2]<TwoChooseB2| [3]<ThreeChooseB2| [4]<FourChooseB2| **5** [6]<SixChooseB2|(set:$Choice1 to 5)]](click: ?FourChooseB)[(replace: ?FirstNumberB)[[1]<OneChooseB2| [2]<TwoChooseB2| [3]<ThreeChooseB2| **4** [5]<FiveChooseB2| [6]<SixChooseB2|(set:$Choice1 to 4)]](click: ?ThreeChooseB)[(replace: ?FirstNumberB)[[1]<OneChooseB2| [2]<TwoChooseB2| **3** [4]<FourChooseB2| [5]<FiveChooseB2| [6]<SixChooseB2|(set:$Choice1 to 3)]](click: ?TwoChooseB)[(replace: ?FirstNumberB)[[1]<OneChooseB2| **2** [3]<ThreeChooseB2| [4]<FourChooseB2| [5]<FiveChooseB2| [6]<SixChooseB2|(set:$Choice1 to 2)]](click: ?OneChooseB)[(replace: ?FirstNumberB)[**1** [2]<TwoChooseB2| [3]<ThreeChooseB2| [4]<FourChooseB2| [5]<FiveChooseB2| [6]<SixChooseB2|(set:$Choice1 to 1)]](click:?SixChooseB2)[(set:$Choice2 to 6)(show:?ReplacerB)(show:?RollingB)](click:?FiveChooseB2)[(set:$Choice2 to 5)(show:?ReplacerB)(show:?RollingB)](click:?FourChooseB2)[(set:$Choice2 to 4)(show:?ReplacerB)(show:?RollingB)](click:?ThreeChooseB2)[(set:$Choice2 to 3)(show:?ReplacerB)(show:?RollingB)](click:?TwoChooseB2)[(set:$Choice2 to 2)(show:?ReplacerB)(show:?RollingB)](click:?OneChooseB2)[(set:$Choice2 to 1)(show:?ReplacerB)(show:?RollingB)]|ReplacerB)[(Replace:?SecondNumberB)[(if:$Choice1 is 1 or $Choice2 is 1)[**1**](else:)[1] (if:$Choice1 is 2 or $Choice2 is 2)[**2**](else:)[2] (if:$Choice1 is 3 or $Choice2 is 3)[**3**](else:)[3] (if:$Choice1 is 4 or $Choice2 is 4)[**4**](else:)[4] (if:$Choice1 is 5 or $Choice2 is 5)[**5**](else:)[5] (if:$Choice1 is 6 or $Choice2 is 6)[**6**](else:)[6]]</div>|RollingB)[
<div class="game">(set: $Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")</div>
(if:$Roll is $Choice1 or $Roll is $Choice2)[<div class="game">[[Turn to **159**|159]].](else:)[If you fail to roll one of your numbers, [[turn to **9**|9]].]]]Sonic somehow manages to avoid all the deadly detonating devices, and he is able to grab several gold rings while being swept along in the water — six in all!
(set:$Gain to 6)(display:"RingCheck")
[[Turn to **27**|27]].The turbulent waters get gradually calmer as the river passes beyond the rapids. But Sonic's troubles are not yet over. Swimming towards him, against the current, are two metallic fish which look like nothing but teeth and fins. They are Choppers, waterproof robotic Badniks created by Dr Robotnik, and they don't seem too pleased to see Sonic. The hedgehog has no choice but to fight them, but how? Will he:
<div class="indented1">Prepare to fight them normally?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **101**|101]]</div>
Go into super spin attack mode?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **254**|254]]</div>
Try to trick the Choppers?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **299**|299]]</div></div>Each of the Choppers has a rating of 6, and Sonic must beat fight them using his Strength.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 2)(set:$Enemy1 to "Chopper")(set:$Enemy2 to "Chopper")(set:$Rating to 6)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Strength")(if:$Surfing is "True")[(set: $TailsHelping to 1)](else:)[(set: $TailsHelping to 0)]
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
If he beats the robot fish, [[turn to **62**|62]].]Swept along by the turbulent water, Sonic unfortunately has no way of revving up to go into a super spin. As a result, he is caught unprepared when the Choppers attack. Each has a rating of 6, and Sonic must fight them using his Strength, but with a penalty of 2 points against his first dice roll.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 2)(set:$Enemy1 to "Chopper")(set:$Enemy2 to "Chopper")(set:$Rating to 6)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Strength")(if:$Surfing is "True")[(set: $TailsHelping to 1)](else:)[(set: $TailsHelping to 0)]
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
If he beats the robot fish, [[turn to **62**|62]].]Roll on Sonic's Quick Wits to beat a 7.
(set:$Rating to 7)(display:"QuickWitsTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he is successful, [[turn to **79**|79]]. If not, Sonic is unable to think of something clever, so he must fight (turn to **101**).](else:)[If he is successful, turn to **79**. If not, Sonic is unable to think of something clever, so he must fight [[(turn to **101**)|101]].](if:$Agility > 3)[(set:$Roadblock1 to "False")](else:)[(if:$LaserUsed is "True" and $EastExplored is "True" and $Battery is "False")[(set:$Roadblock1 to "True")](else:)[(set:$Roadblock1 to "False")]](if:$Strength > 2)[(set:$Roadblock2 to "False")](else:)[(if:$NorthExplored is "True" and $FreezeRay is "False" and $InkSac is "False")[(set:$Roadblock2 to "True")](else:)[(set:$Roadblock2 to "False")]](if:$Roadblock1 is "False" and $Roadblock2 is "False")[(display:"Checkpoint")](set:$Surfing to "False")As the floodwaters recede, Sonic is finally washed up on a riverbank downstream from the rapids. Lying around are eight gold rings, which he may take.
(set:$Gain to 8)(display:"RingCheck")
'Oh, there you are, Sonic.' He hears a familiar voice, followed by an equally familiar foxy face as Tails lands next to him after depositing Porker on the ground near by. 'You're all right then. For a minute we were worried about you back there.'
'Worried about me? Mobius's greatest, bestest, onliest hero?' Sonic replies mockingly. 'Huh. I can look after myself. Come on, let's get out of here.'
Leaving Porker to tidy up his waterlogged cottage as best he can, and after a promising to return soon, once they've got to the bottom of all this unpleasantness, Sonic and Tails set off again. They trudge for ages through Emerald Hill Zone, which should now perhaps be renamed the Smelly Brown Zone, so thick and pungent is the mud that covers everything. Without warning, two huge forms rise up out of the slime in front of our heroes. Dripping mud and weed, they look like Crabmeat Badniks, only much larger! Before Sonic can react, a red blur shoots past him and smashes into the robots. It's Knuckles, and he's just destroyed Sonic's intended targets! Turning to face the two stunned friends, Knuckles snaps, 'Huh! I haven't got time to hang around. I've got to find out what's going on!' With that, he speeds off into the distance.
'Bogus!' snarls Sonic. 'I'm not going to let that heinous, hairy ant-scoffer find out what's going on before I do. Some on, buddy!'
(if:$CloudCircuitBoard is "False")[If the letters 'IR' mean anything to Sonic, turn to **292**. If not, where do the two friends go next:
<div class="indented1">North? <div style="float: right;">(if:$NorthExplored is "False")[[[Turn to **116**|116]]](else:)[Turn to **116**]</div>
South? <div style="float: right;">(if:$SouthExplored is "False")[[[Turn to **180**|180]]](else:)[Turn to **180**]</div>
East? <div style="float: right;">(if:$EastExplored is "False")[[[Turn to **157**|157]]](else:)[Turn to **157**]</div></div>(display:"Loop Resolver")](else:)[If the letters 'IR' mean anything to Sonic, [[turn to **292**|292]]. If not, where do the two friends go next:
<div class="indented1">North? <div style="float: right;">Turn to **116**</div>
South? <div style="float: right;">Turn to **180**</div>
East? <div style="float: right;">Turn to **157**</div></div>]After Sonic defeated Foggy Froggy the Fog Frog, Tails saw that they were very close to the Chemical Plant Zone. If you think the pair should head in that direction to look for Sally Acorn, [[turn to **3**|3]]. If not, they should explore an area where they haven't been yet: north (if:$NorthExplored is "False")[[[(turn to **116**)|116]]](else:)[(turn to **116**)], south (if:$SouthExplored is "False")[[[(turn to **180**)|180]]](else:)[(turn to **180**)], or east (if:$EastExplored is "False")[[[(turn to **157**)|157]]](else:)[(turn to **157**)].(if:$Lives > 0)[(if:$EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $AbilityValue - 2(if:$TailsHelping > 0)[ + $TailsHelping] = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$AbilityValue+$TailsHelping-2)(if: $RollTotal>$Rating-1)[Success!
Sonic destroys the (if:$EnemiesRemaining is 2)[$Enemy2](else:)[$Enemy1] (wallop!).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to $EnemiesRemaining-1)](else:)[Failure!
Sonic misses!]]]By some nifty manoeuvring Sonic manages to lure the fish into coming towards him from opposite directions. At the last minute Sonic swerves out of their way, causing the Choppers to smash into each other. Both are totally wrecked. Breathing a sigh of relief, Sonic drifts on along the slowing river. [[Turn to **62**|62]].Sonic performs a triple spin and lands neatly on both feet. He looks around, beaming, basking in the applause of his chums. 'Thanks, Sonic,' Joe Sushi says gratefully. 'I could have hurt myself.'
'Don't mention it, chum,' Sonic smiles. 'Listen, Joe, there's hero stuff to be done, so you stay here while we find out what's causing this fog.'
Several rings fell out of the tree's branches along with Joe, so Sonic quickly gathers them up (there are eighteen in all).
(set:$Gain to 18)(display:"RingCheck")
Then he and Tails march boldly and heroically off into the thick fog. Soon, however, they have no idea where they are. Which way should they go?
<div class="indented1">Straight on?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **223**|223]]</div>
To the left?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **239**|239]]</div>
To the right?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **282**|282]]</div></div>Unable to work out which way he's going in the thick fog, Sonic hits the ground head first. Whump! He must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives >0)[
'Thanks, Sonic,' Joe Sushi says gratefully. 'I could have hurt myself.'
'Urrgh... don't mention it,' Sonic says, shaking his head groggily. 'Listen, Joe, there's hero stuff to be done, so stay here while we find out what's causing this fog.'
Several rings have fallen out of the tree with Joe, so Sonic quickly gathers them up (there are eighteen in all).
(set:$Gain to 18)(display:"RingCheck")
Then he and Tails march boldly and heroically off into the thick fog. Soon, however, they have no idea where they are. Which way should they go?
<div class="indented1">Straight on?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **223**|223]]</div>
To the left?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **239**|239]]</div>
To the right?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **282**|282]]</div></div>]Fortunately Sonic just manages to make out the edge of a steep cliff in fron of him before he steps over it and falls to his doom. 'Maybe this way isn't so hot,' Sonic admits, backing away. Should they head straight on [[(turn to **223**)|223]] or to the right [[(turn to **282**)|282]]?<img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes188.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">Sonic takes another step forward — and there is nothing beneath his feet! As he falls, Sonic throws out his hands and manages to grab a tree-root that is protruding from the the sheer cliff-face. Just as he is about to allow himself a sigh of relief, the root starts pulling free of the cliff. Does Sonic have any old bandages? (if:$Bandages is "True")[If he has, [[turn to **163**|163]]. If he hasn't, turn to **118**.](else:)[If he has, turn to **163**. If he hasn't, [[turn to **118**|118]].](if:$NorthExplored is "True" and $SouthExplored is "True" and $EastExplored is "True" and $WestExplored is "True")[
<div class="game">(if:$BreakWarning is "True")[The game is now broken, as you intended. You will have to repeat a section. Do Sonic and Tails go east [[(turn to **157**)|157]] or west [[(turn to **252**)|252]]?](else:)[The game has placed you in an unresolvable situation. In the interest of avoiding repetition, [[turn to **292**|292]].
</div>]]Sonic quickly throws one end of the roll of Mummy's bandages up over the top of the cliff and calls to Tails to pull him up. The little fox isn't very strong, but eventually he manages to hoist the hedgehog back to relative safety of the clifftop. 'Maybe this direction isn't so hot,' Sonic admits. So should they head straight on instead [[(turn to **223**)|223]] or turn to the right [[(turn to **282**)|282]]?'Wooah!' Sonic yells as the root comes away in his hands. He hits the ground several metres below with an almightly thump, losing all his rings (or a life).
Tails lands gently next to him and helps Sonic back to his feet. After a short pause, during which the three Tailses Sonic keeps seeing slowly fade back to the more usual one, the pair set off again into the fog. But which way?
<div class="indented1">To the left?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **232**|232]]</div>
To the right?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **38**|38]]</div>
Straight ahead?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **38**|38]]</div></div>](set:$SoughtShelter to "True")Sonic and Tails make the relative safety of a workman's cabin near by, but not before being hit but not before being hit by more bananas. Roll one dice and subtract 2; that many bananas should be added to Sonic's hit total (a minus counts as 0).
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") - 2(set:$Roll to $Roll-2)(if:$Roll < 0)[(set:$Roll to 0)]
Sonic is hit by $Roll banana(if:$Roll is not 1)[s]!(set:$ZoneHits to$ZoneHits+$Roll)</div>
'I wonder where all these bananas are coming from,' Sonic muses. 'And what's causing all this wind.'
'With me, it's usually fizzy pop,' Tails suggests. Before Sonic can wallop him, two robot monkeys leap through a window into the cabin. They are Coconuts, ape-like Badniks created by Dr Robotnik, and they don't look friendly. Will Sonic and Tails try to escape [[(turn to **128**)|128]] or fight [[(turn to **19**)|19]], or will Sonic try a super spin [[(turn to **117**)|117]]?The Bananas continue to rain down round and on the two as they run deeper into the Chemical Plant Zone. Roll one dice; that many further hits land on Sonic.
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")
Sonic is hit by $Roll banana(if:$Roll is not 1)[s]!(set:$ZoneHits to$ZoneHits+$Roll)</div>
However, it's not only bananas that are being flung at Sonic and Tails. Several large barrels, no doubt full of some disgusting, sticky, smelly gloop, are hurtling directly towards the hedgehog! Roll against Sonic's Agility three times.
The first time he must beat a 4, the next time a 5 and the last a 6.
(set:$Rating to 4)(display:"AgilityTest")(if: $Success is "True")[
(set:$Rating to 5)(display:"AgilityTest")]
(if: $Success is "True")[
(set:$Rating to 6)(display:"AgilityTest")
(if: $Success is "True")[If he fails any of these three rolls, turn to **189**. If he does not, [[turn to **36**|36]].](else:)[If he fails any of these three rolls, [[turn to **189**|189]]. If he does not, turn to **36**.]Spinning his twin tails like propellers, Tails rise into the air, with Sonic hanging on for dear life. All the debris seems to be coming from the heart of the Chemical Plant Zone, so that is where our intrepid pair make for. Dodging as best he can, Sonic can't avoid all the pieces of broken pipe and other debris that are hurtling around; roll one dice and add that number to Sonic's hits.
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")
Sonic is hit $Roll time(if:$Roll is not 1)[s] by debris!(set:$ZoneHits to$ZoneHits+$Roll)</div>
(if:$ZoneHits >14)[If that total is now 15 or more, [[turn to **222**|222]]. If it is still less than 15, turn to **164**.](else:)[If that total is now 15 or more, turn to **222**. If it is still less than 15, [[turn to **164**|164]].]They dash for the door, but their way is blocked by a third Coconut. Sonic and Tails must fight all three. They each have a rating of 6 and, since Coconuts are cooler than the average Badniks, Sonic must fight the three of them using his Coolness (plus 3 because Tails is helping).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 3)(set:$Enemy1 to "Coconut")(set:$Enemy2 to "Coconut")(set:$Rating to 6)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Coolness")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
If Sonic defeats them all, [[turn to **83**|83]].]The two Coconuts each have a rating of 6 and, since Coconuts are cooler than the average Badniks, Sonic must fight both of them using his Coolness (plus 3 because Tails is helping).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 2)(set:$Enemy1 to "Coconut")(set:$Enemy2 to "Coconut")(set:$Rating to 6)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Coolness")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
If Sonic defeats them both, [[turn to **83**|83]].]Sonic bounces off walls and ceiling in his attack, and he smashes one of the Coconuts. Unfortunately, he also smashes into his pal, Tails, sending him flying. Sonic must fight the remaining Coconut alone, using his Coolness against the robot's rating of 6.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Coconut")(set:$Enemy2 to "Coconut")(set:$Rating to 6)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Coolness")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
If he wins, [[turn to **83**|83]].]'Well, we can't stay here,' Sonic declares. 'We've got to sort out all this stupid weather!' Should he and Tails try to venture further into the zone against the wind [[(turn to **257**)|257]] or take to the air, with Tails carrying Sonic [[(turn to **70**)|70]]?Sonic has now been bashed and battered so many times that he is feeling distinctly bruised. He must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
Return the total of hits Sonic has suffered to zero.
(set:$ZoneHits to 0)
Without warning, a huge gust of wind catches Tails and blows him backwards. Roll against Sonic's Quick Wits, to beat a 6.
(set:$Rating to 6)(display:"QuickWitsTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **147**|147]]. If he fails, turn to **247**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **147**. If he fails, [[turn to **247**|247]].]]Without warning, a huge gust of wind catches Tails and blows him backwards. Roll against Sonic's Quick Wits, to beat a 6.
(set:$Rating to 6)(display:"QuickWitsTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **147**|147]]. If he fails, turn to **247**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **147**. If he fails, [[turn to **247**|247]].]Holding on to Tails with one arm, Sonic sticks out the other, grabs a nearby steel pipe and hangs on for dear life. When the gust has passed, Tails is able to set off again. [[Turn to **263**|263]].Tails and Sonic are blown into the open end of a large concrete pipe and they slide down inside it, only to be deposited out of the bottom into a huge pile of foul, green, chemical gunk. Needless to say, this toxic waste is not very healthy. Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
Now roll one dice.
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")</div>
(if:$Roll < 4)[On a roll of 1 to 3, [[turn to **298**|298]]. On 4 to 6, when the two friends have pulled themselves out and cleaned themselves off, Tails takes to the air once more; turn to **263**.](else:)[On a roll of 1 to 3, turn to **298**. On 4 to 6, when the two friends have pulled themselves out and cleaned themselves off, Tails takes to the air once more; [[turn to **263**|263]].]]There seems to be no end to the gale, nor to the storm of rubbish, barrels and stray fruit that are flying past. Roll one dice; this is the number of hits Sonic must add to his total.
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")
Sonic is hit $Roll time(if:$Roll is not 1)[s] by debris!(set:$ZoneHits to$ZoneHits+$Roll)</div>
(if:$ZoneHits >14)[If this number is now 15 or more, [[turn to **11**|11]]. If he has not yet been hit 15 times, turn to **23**.](else:)[If this number is now 15 or more, turn to **11**. If he has not yet been hit 15 times, [[turn to **23**|23]].]Bruised and battered, Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life).
Tails flies on; [[turn to **23**|23]].]At last, through the flying debris, they see it! Standing on top of a large tower of pipes and scaffolding up ahead is a truly ginormous robotic ape. It is blowing out through its enormous mouth, and this is what is causing the powerful gusts of wind!
'Look, he's got Sally!' Sonic shouts over the gale, pointing to where the squirrel is lying, tied up, at the huge ape's feet. 'We must save her!'
'So how exactly are we going to do that?' Tails asks unhelpfully.
What should they do? Should Tails fly over the ape and drop Sonic on top of it [[(turn to **167**)|167]], or should Sonic throw things at the ape [[(turn to **35**)|35]], or should the pair land and sneak up on the creature [[(turn to **192**)|192]]?Flapping with all his might, Tails battles against the wind to get into the right position. When he is directly above the ape, Tails yells, 'Bombs away!' and lets go of Sonic. Roll one dice.
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")</div>
(if:$Roll < 4)[On a roll of 1 to 3, [[turn to **213**|213]]. On 4 to 6, turn to **73**.](else:)[On a roll of 1 to 3, turn to **213**. On 4 to 6, [[turn to **73**|73]].](set:$Success to "False")As Tails carries Sonic through the windy gale, the hedgehog manages to grab an armful of debris and stray fruit with which to pelt the ape. Roll one dice and add 2 to discover how many pieces Sonic grabs.
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + 2(set:$RollTotal to $Roll+2)
Sonic grabs $RollTotal pieces of debris.</div>
Sonic may throw each of them at the ape; for each item, roll one dice.
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(set:$RollTotal to $RollTotal-1)</div>
(if:$Roll > 4)[on a roll of 5 or 6, [[turn at once to **261**|261]].(set:$Success to "True")](else:)[on a roll of 5 or 6, turn at once to **261**. On any other number, roll for the next item.(if:$RollTotal > 0 and $Success is "False")[
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(set:$RollTotal to $RollTotal-1)(if:$Roll > 4)[(set:$Success to "True")]</div>(if:$RollTotal > 0 and $Success is "False")[
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(set:$RollTotal to $RollTotal-1)(if:$Roll > 4)[(set:$Success to "True")]</div>(if:$RollTotal > 0 and $Success is "False")[
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(set:$RollTotal to $RollTotal-1)(if:$Roll > 4)[(set:$Success to "True")]</div>(if:$RollTotal > 0 and $Success is "False")[
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(set:$RollTotal to $RollTotal-1)(if:$Roll > 4)[(set:$Success to "True")]</div>(if:$RollTotal > 0 and $Success is "False")[
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(set:$RollTotal to $RollTotal-1)(if:$Roll > 4)[(set:$Success to "True")]</div>(if:$RollTotal > 0 and $Success is "False")[
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(set:$RollTotal to $RollTotal-1)(if:$Roll > 4)[(set:$Success to "True")]</div>(if:$RollTotal > 0 and $Success is "False")[
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(set:$RollTotal to $RollTotal-1)(if:$Roll > 4)[(set:$Success to "True")]</div>]]]]]]]]
(if:$Success is "True")[<div class="game">[[Turn at once to **261**|261]].</div>](else:)[If 5 or 6 is not rolled at all, [[turn to **114**|114]].]Reaching the base of the tower, Sonic starts to run up the various ramps and ladders that have been built into the scaffolding, in an attempt to get up to the overgrown Coconut. He hears a clang from above him and looks up to see a barrel dropping, rolling down the ramps towards him. 'I guess King Pong spotted us!' Sonic declares as a second and then third barrel drops down. 'You know, I'm sure I've played this game before,' he adds as he prepares to leap over the first barrel. Sonic must roll against his Speed to beat a 6 three times.
(set:$Rating to 6)(display:"SpeedTest")(if: $Success is "True")[
(set:$Rating to 6)(display:"SpeedTest")]
(if: $Success is "True")[
(set:$Rating to 6)(display:"SpeedTest")
(if: $Success is "True")[If he succeeds every time, [[turn to **15**|15]]. If he is hit by a barrel, turn to **92**.](else:)[If he succeeds every time, turn to **15**. If he is hit by a barrel, [[turn to **92**|92]].]A single lucky throw strikes the robot square on its temple. This must be its weak spot, because the huge thing topples backwards off the tower. Far, far below, it smashes on the ground with an earth-shaking thump and explodes into a million and two pieces. Sonic races over to Sally and unties her. 'Oh, thank you, Sonic!' she says when she is free once more. 'You've saved me from an ape worse than death.'
'Don't mention it, ma'am,' Sonic says, throwing her a daft salute. 'All in a day's work for Mobius's greatest hero.' Behind Sally is a pile of assorted items which the ape must have collected. Among them are twenty gold rings, and a bunch of bananas; Sonic may take these if he wishes.
<div class="game">(set:$Gain to 20)(display:"RingCheck")
Bananas added to Sonic's Stuff.(set:$Bananas to "True")(set:$SonicsStuff to it + (dataset:" bananas"))</div>
The pair clamber back down to the base of the tower and rejoin Tails. Amidst the wreckage of the Apebot there is a glowing triangle. If Sonic wants to investigate, [[turn to **179**|179]]. Otherwise, [[turn to **119**|119]].Although several of Sonic's makeshift missles hit the ape, they don't seem to have any effect on it. Should Tails drop Sonic on the ape [[(turn to **167**)|167]] or should they land and approach the tower on foot [[(turn to **192**)|192]]?The triangle looks like part of a computer circuit-board; it is covered in chips and diodes and has the letters 'KO' embossed on its other side. 'Well, that's only fair. It almost knocked *me* out,' Sonic chuckles. [[Turn to **119**|119]].(if:$Agility > 3)[(set:$Roadblock1 to "False")](else:)[(if:$SouthExplored is "False" or $LaserUsed is "True" and $Battery is "False")[(set:$Roadblock1 to "True")](else:)[(set:$Roadblock1 to "False")]](if:$Strength > 2)[(set:$Roadblock2 to "False")](else:)[(if:$FreezeRay is "False" and $InkSac is "False")[(set:$Roadblock2 to "True")](else:)[(set:$Roadblock2 to "False")]](if:$Roadblock1 is "False" and $Roadblock2 is "False")[(display:"Checkpoint")]Sonic, Tails and Sally sit down in the middle of the pile of Robot parts, to catch their breath. With the giant Apebot gone, the wind has dropped and the air is still. Everything is calm.
But not for long, because in the distance everyone can see a small red figure getting closer and closer. It's Knuckles and he has arrived just in time for Sonic to gloat. 'Hey, you dreadlocked red dweeb! Trust you to turn up when all the hard work's finished, you wuss!' he mocks. 'Where've you been? Hiding somewhere, I suppose, trying to wash that yellow streak off your back, you big girl's blouse!'
Knuckles is furious. 'You're going to regret you said that, sport!' the echidna growls, his dreads shaking in anger and his enormous fists clenching so hard that his hands are turning white. Knuckles leaps at Sonic, swinging his fists. The hedgehog just manages to duck the ferocious blow, then jumps at Knuckles. Sonic is trying to impress Sally with how cool and heroic he is, so he must fight against Knuckles using his Good Looks, to beat the echidna's rating of 7 (Tails will not join in).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Knuckles")(set:$Rating to 7)(set:$AbilityUsed to "GoodLooks")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)
(display:"GrabberFight")(if:$Lives >0)[
(if:$GrabberHits>0)[If Knuckles hits the hedgehog, [[turn immediately to **280**|280]]. If Sonic wins the scrap, turn to **225**.](else:)[If Knuckles hits the hedgehog, turn immediately to **280**. If Sonic wins the scrap, [[turn to **225**|225]].]](set:$GrabberHits to 0)Sonic loses all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
'I hope that's taught you not to mess with me, hedgehog,' Knuckles spits. 'Now, tell me what you know about what's going on!'
At that instant, hearing the sound of the wind picking up again, everyone looks around in dismay — to see a large whirlwind speeding across the Chemical Plant Zone towards them. The top of the swirling mass disappears into the base of the Robotnik-shaped cloud that seems to be the cause of all their trouble.
'A twister!' Tails yelps in panic, running this way and that. 'We have to hide in the north-east corner of the basement! Quick, where's the basement? Where's the basement!'
'Never mind that,' Sonic yells back. 'Just run for it!' Forgetting their disagreements, the four of them run through the maze of pipes and vats, but there is nowhere safe for them to hide. In a great roaring rush of noise, the wind sweeps over them. Sonic finds himself spiralling high into the air. A hand grabs his leg, and he looks down to see Tails hanging on for dear life. Near by there is a red blur that must be Knuckles. There is no sign of Sally Acorn; she must have managed to avoid getting carried away by the tornado. The three are carried away by the tornado. The three are carried higher and higher until they disappear into the murky cloud. At its heart, the top of the tornado disappears into a dark hole in the base of a large, egg-shaped flying machine. With a pop, they are sucked inside! They are in some kind of open chamber: it is circular, with shiny metal walls, and it glows with a golden-yellow light. There are two exits which obviously lead into the rest of the Weather Egg.
'You great drongo!' Knuckles shouts. 'It's all your fault we're stuck here, hedgehog!' The echidna's words make Sonic livid; if that annoying anteater hadn't been so stroppy, they wouldn't be in this mess. Does he try to ignore Knuckles and start exploring [[(turn to **7**)|7]], or should he give Knukcles what for [[(turn to **82**)|82]]?]<img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes225.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">Flattened by a spinning blue ball of spines and attitude, Knuckles falls to the ground, dropping ten gold rings he was carrying (Sonic can take these).
(set:$Gain to 10)(display:"RingCheck")
'Ha!' the hedgehog jeers. 'Think you can take on Mobius's finest and win? You couldn't fight your way out of a box of cold fries, let alone the paper bag it came in.'
At that instant, hearing the sound of wind picking up again, everyone looks around in dismay — to see a large whirlwind speeding across the Chemical Plant Zone towards them. The top of the swirling mass disappears into the base of the Robotnik-shaped cloud that seems to be the cause of all their trouble.
'A twister!' Tails yelps in panic, running this way and that. 'We have to hide in the north-east corner of the basement! Quick, where's the basement? Where's the basement!'
'Never mind that,' Sonic yells back. 'Just run for it!' Forgetting their disagreements, the four of them run through the maze of pipes and vats, but there is nowhere safe for them to hide. In a great roaring rush of noise, the wind sweeps over them. Sonic finds himself spiralling high into the air. A hand grabs his leg, and he looks down to see Tails hanging on for dear life. Near by there is a red blur that must be Knuckles. There is no sign of Sally Acorn; she must have managed to avoid getting carried away by the tornado. The three are carried away by the tornado. The three are carried higher and higher until they disappear into the murky cloud. At its heart, the top of the tornado disappears into a dark hole in the base of a large, egg-shaped flying machine. With a pop, they are sucked inside! They are in some kind of open chamber: it is circular, with shiny metal walls, and it glows with a golden-yellow light. There are two exits which obviously lead into the rest of the Weather Egg.
'You great drongo!' Knuckles shouts. 'It's all your fault we're stuck here, hedgehog!' The echidna's words make Sonic livid; if that annoying anteater hadn't been so stroppy, they wouldn't be in this mess. Does he try to ignore Knuckles and start exploring [[(turn to **7**)|7]], or should he give Knukcles what for [[(turn to **82**)|82]]?Sonic and Tails have two exits to choose from: the one on the left [[(turn to **229**)|229]] or the one on the right [[(turn to **234**)|234]]. Whichever exit they choose, Knuckles will head in the opposite direction.Raising his mighty fists, Knuckles prepares to resist Sonic's spin attack. Sonic must fight using his Coolness, against a rating of 7.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Knuckles")(set:$Rating to 7)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Coolness")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)
<div class="game">The text does not state that Tails is helping during this fight, however it does not state that he and Sonic have been seperated.
You may interpret the rules on this occassion.
[[Tails is helping]<TailsChoose|
[Tails is not helping]<TailsNotChoose|]<Choices|</div>
(click: ?TailsChoose)[(set: $TailsHelping to 3)(replace:?Choices)[**Tails is helping**
Tails is not helping(show:?KnucklesFight)]](click: ?TailsNotChoose)[(set: $TailsHelping to 0)(replace:?Choices)[Tails is helping
**Tails is not helping**(show:?KnucklesFight)]]
|KnucklesFight)[(display:"GrabberFight")(if:$Lives >0)[
(if:$GrabberHits>0)[If Knuckles hits Sonic, [[turn immediately to **168**|168]]. If Sonic wins, turn to **209**.](else:)[If Knuckles hits Sonic, turn immediately to **168**. If Sonic wins, [[turn to **209**|209]].]]](set:$GrabberHits to 0)Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
'How many times do I have to tell you, you great steaming dag? Keep out of my way!' Knuckles spits, then adds, half to himself, 'There's a Chaos Emerald powering this place, I'll bet.'
Wasting no more time with Sonic, Knuckles dashes away through the left-hand door. As he leaves, the door to the right hums open, and three peculiar Badniks glide into the chamber. They look like metal footballs and are circled by smaller, spiked spheres. They are Orbinauts and they mean Sonic and Tails harm. They will trap their opponents between two of them, so Sonic must fight using his Quick Wits (plus 3 because Tails is helping). Each Orbinaut has a rating of 6.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 3)(set:$Enemy1 to "Orbinaut")(set:$Enemy2 to "Orbinaut")(set:$Rating to 6)(set:$AbilityUsed to "QuickWits")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
If Sonic defeats them all, [[turn to **126**|126]].]]As Sonic floors the echidna, the door to the right hums open and three peculiar Badniks glide into the chamber. They look like metal footballs and are circled by smaller, spiked spheres. They are Orbinauts and they mean Sonic and Tails harm. They will trap their opponents between two of them, so Sonic must fight using his Quick Wits (plus 3 because Tails is helping). Each Orbinaut has a rating of 6.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 3)(set:$Enemy1 to "Orbinaut")(set:$Enemy2 to "Orbinaut")(set:$Rating to 6)(set:$AbilityUsed to "QuickWits")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
As Sonic fights, Knuckles uses the diversion to sneak out through the left-hand door. If Sonic defeats all of the Badniks, [[turn to **126**|126]].]With the welcoming committee well and truly stomped, and Knuckles done, it's time to explore further; but which door should Sonic and Tails use: the one to the left [[(turn to **229**)|229]] or to the right [[(turn to **234**)|234]]?The corridor leads away into the distance, but close by is a bank of small tubes which point down into the corridor. 'Lasers!' Sonic declares, peering at them from a safe distance. 'Very sneaky.'
'What shall we do, Sonic?' Tails asks, keeping one eye on the ominously protruding gun-barrels.
'I can't think of anything clever right now, so I guess we run for it!' With that, he sprints off down the corridor. When he passes under the first laser, roll one dice.
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")</div>
(if:$Roll is 1)[On a roll of 1, [[turn to **18**|18]]. On anything else, turn to **136**.](else:)[On a roll of 1, turn to **18**. On anything else, [[turn to **136**|136]].]Our two heroic companions run along a gleaming, polished-metal corridor which gradually slopes up-wards as it curves round the inside edge of the Weather Egg. Soon they come to a closed door bearing the word 'Teleporter' in a tacky, futuristic lettering. Should they enter [[(turn to **39**)|39]] or keep going along the corridor [[(turn to **229**)|229]]?Taking on all four Badniks will not be easy. Each has a rating of 6, and Sonic must fight using his Agility (plus 3 because Tails is helping).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 4)(set:$Enemy1 to "Badnik")(set:$Enemy2 to "Badnik")(set:$Rating to 6)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Agility")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
If he defeats them, [[turn to **81**|81]].]There are two exits: the one to the left [[(turn to **265**)|265]] and the one on the right [[(turn to **94**)|94]].Sonic is zapped by the frazzling beam of the laser and must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives >0)[
Smouldering slightly, the hedgehog tumbles all the way down the corridor, out of range of the lasers, dragging Tails safely behind him. [[Turn to **64**|64]].]Sonic is now under the second laser. Roll one dice again.
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")</div>
(if:$Roll is 2)[This time, on a roll of 2, [[turn to **18**|18]]. On anything else, turn to **176**](else:)[This time, on a roll of 2, turn to **18**. On anything else, [[turn to **176**|176]]]After a short distance Sonic and Tails find themselves at the entrance to a large chamber which has a domed ceiling. In the middle of the room, floating just below the ceiling, is a large grey cloud. On the far side of the room, two exits lead deeper into the Weather Egg. As soon as the heroic pair enter the chamber, the cloud starts to drop hot, wet rain on them! At the same time, four Badniks trundle into the room, ready to deal with the intruders. What will Sonic do?
<div class="indented1">Attack the Badniks?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **245**|245]]</div>
Go into a super spin?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **211**|211]]</div>
Run around the room to distract
<div class="indented2">the Badniks?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **40**|40]]</div></div>
Run for one of the exits?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **26**|26]]</div></div>Sonic sprints towards the nearest Badnik, but he suddenly finds his feet slipping under him on the rain-soaked floor! Roll against Sonic's Agility, to beat a 7.
(set:$Rating to 7)(display:"AgilityTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **238**|238]]. If he fails, turn to **198**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **238**. If he fails, [[turn to **198**|198]].]Trying to avoid four robots all at once won't be easy. Roll on Sonic's Speed to beat an 8.
(set:$Rating to 8)(display:"SpeedTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he is successful, [[turn to **216**|216]]. If he fails, turn to **69**.](else:)[If he is successful, turn to **216**. If he fails, [[turn to **69**|69]].]Unfortunately, there are so many Badniks that they have little difficulty in blocking all the exits. Sonic can either fight [[(turn to **245**)|245]], go into a super spin [[(turn to **211**)|211]] or keep them distracted [[(turn to **40**)|40]].The corridor continues to slope upwards round the inside of the Weather Egg. Having seen little but the monotonous metal walls of the passageway for several minutes, Sonic and Tails are eventually relieved when they come to a door, set in one wall. If they should investigate, [[turn to **237**|237]]. If not, [[turn to **156**|156]].The corridor slopes up and up, curling round the edge of the Weather Egg. Eventually Sonic and Tails come to a door set in the side of the metal corridor. Should they open it [[(turn to **294**)|294]] or keep climbing the corridor [[(turn to **156**)|156]]?The two heroes are in a room, one side of which is open to the air. Standing in front of this gap is a gigantic magnifying glass and, thanks to a complicated arrangement of mirrors and prisms, the sun's rays are directed into a powerful beam which is scorching a great gouge across the ground far, far below! If Sonic and Tails want to do something to stop this dehydrating ray, [[turn to **272**|272]]. If they would rather keep on climbing up the corridor, [[turn to **156**|156]].Hurrying from the room, Sonic and Tails proceed onward and upward. The corridor comes to an end when it reaches a rectangular room which houses a huge coil, powered by clusters of golden rings. Sparks of raw electricity leap between the rings: this must surely be the Weather Egg's lighting accelerator. On the far side of the room is another corridor. Sonic gazes at all the gold rings and tries to imagine how fast he would be if he had them all. If you think he should try to take the rings, [[turn to **190**|190]]. If Sonic and Tails should ignore them and hurry on, [[turn to **262**|262]].As Sonic is peering and poking at the strange sun-deflecting mechanism, a hidden door slides open and two red droids trundle into the room on wheeled tracks, intent on apprehending the intruders. What should Sonic do?
<div class="indented1">Stand his ground?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **32**|32]]</div>
Point the magnifying glass at the robots?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **4**|4]]</div>
Smash the mirrors with a super spin?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **221**|221]]</div></div>The two robots both have a rating of 6, and Sonic must fight using his Coolness (plus 3 because Tails is helping).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 2)(set:$Enemy1 to "guard robot")(set:$Enemy2 to "guard robot")(set:$Rating to 6)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Coolness")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
If they defeat the robot guards, [[turn to **133**|133]].]Which side of the magnifying glass does Sonic grab in order to manoeuvre the lens into position: the side that bulges out [[(turn to **58**)|58]] or the side that curves in [[(turn to **155**)|155]]?The heroic hedgehog hurtles round the room in a rush of blue spines to the accompaniment of a cacophony of breaking glass. Soon there isn't a single mirror left intact and Sonic has uncovered twelve gold rings and a Shield power-up (the very next time Sonic must lose all his rings or a life, he can ignore the instruction).
(set:$Gain to 12)(display:"RingCheck")(if:$Shield is "False")[(set:$SonicsStuff to it + (dataset:" shieeeeld"))](set:$Shield to "True")
For now, however, there is still the small matter of two very irate guard robots to deal with. Each has a rating of 6, and Sonic must fight using his Coolness (plus 3 because Tails is helping).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 2)(set:$Enemy1 to "guard robot")(set:$Enemy2 to "guard robot")(set:$Rating to 6)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Coolness")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
If Sonic defeats them, it's time for the pair to leave and continue along the sloping corridor; [[turn to **156**|156]].]Twisting the lens so that it is pointing at the two droids, Sonic zaps them with a beam of concentrated sunlight, frying their circuits and causing their casings to melt like ice-cream on a summer's day. Now, should Sonic leave the room immediately [[(turn to **156**)|156]], or should he smash the mirrors first, if he hasn't already done so [[(turn to **196**)|196]]?Unfortunately, this puts Sonic directly in line with the super-hot beam. The hedgehog yelps in dismay as it singes his spines; Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
Should Sonic now try to manoeuvre the lens, using the other side [[(turn to **58**)|58]], smash the mirrors [[(turn to **221**)|221]] or stand his ground against the red droids' attack [[(turn to **32**)|32]]?]The heroic hedgehog hurtles round the room in a rush of blue spines. There is a cacophony of breaking glass and soon there isn't a single mirror left intact. In the course of all this mayhem Sonic uncovers twelve gold rings and a Shield power-up (the very next time Sonic must lose all his rings or a life, he can ignore the instruction).
(set:$Gain to 12)(display:"RingCheck")(if:$Shield is "False")[(set:$SonicsStuff to it + (dataset:" shieeeeld"))](set:$Shield to "True")
[[Turn to **156**|156]].The last robot collapses in a heap of transistors and short-circuiting connectors. Now, should Sonic leave the room immediately [[(turn to **156**)|156]], or should he smash the mirrors first, if he hasn't done so already [[(turn to **196**)|196]]?A barrel hits Sonic suare on, knocking him flat. He must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
'Maybe this isn't such a good idea after all,' the hedgehog decides. Should he and Sonic seek shelter, if they haven't done so already (if:$SoughtShelter is "False")[[[(turn to **242**)|242]]](else:)[(turn to **242**)], or should they take to the air, with Tails carrying Sonic [[(turn to **70**)|70]]?]Incredibly, Sonic manages to avoid all the barrels. Among other debris being blown past the pair are several gold rings; Sonic manages to grab five as they fly past (write them down on his *Vital Statistics*).
(set:$Gain to 5)(display:"RingCheck")
The wind seems to be getting stronger, so should Sonic and Tails seek shelter, if they haven't done so already (if:$SoughtShelter is "False")[[[(turn to **242**)|242]]](else:)[(turn to **242**)], or should they take to the air, with Tails carrying Sonic [[(turn to **70**)|70]]?<img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes298.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">Just when they are thinking that things couldn't get any worse, Sonic and Tails look up as a loud buzzing sound gets closer — to find themselves surrounded by four Whisps! The large robot insects each have a rating of 5 and, because he is splattered with slime, Sonic will have to fight each of them using his Good Looks (Tails helps, so add a 3-point bonus).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 4)(set:$Enemy1 to "Whisp")(set:$Enemy2 to "Whisp")(set:$Rating to 5)(set:$AbilityUsed to "GoodLooks")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
If the pair defeat the buzzing Badniks, Tails takes to the air once more; [[turn to **263**|263]].]<img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes213.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">Sonic braces himself, then he lands on the top of the tower, just behind the ape. Yelling at the top of his voice, he runs at the enormous machine. He must fight the Apebot, which has a rating of 10, using his strength (plus 3 because Tails is helping). If the Apebot scores a hit, roll one dice.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Apebot")(set:$Rating to 10)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Strength")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"ApeFight")(if:$Lives >0)[
(if:$ApeFight is "Finished")[(if:$Roll < 4)[On a roll of 1 to 3, [[turn to **285**|285]]. On 4 to 6, turn to **243**. If Sonic and Tails defeat the giant ape, turn to **56**.](else:)[On a roll of 1 to 3, turn to **285**. On 4 to 6, [[turn to **243**|243]]. If Sonic and Tails defeat the giant ape, turn to **56**.]](else:)[On a roll of 1 to 3, turn to **285**. On 4 to 6, turn to **243**. If Sonic and Tails defeat the giant ape, [[turn to **56**|56]].]]Unfortunately the Apebot chooses this very moment to look up. As Sonic is falling like a bomb, the thing raises a giant paw and takes a swipe at the hedgehog. The fist connects, sending Sonic crashing to the ground at the base of the tower. He must lose all of his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if: $Lives > 0)[
How will he get back up the tower? He could run up it [[(turn to **192**)|192]], or Tails could hover so that Sonic can throw things at the creature [[(turn to **35**)|35]].]The giant robot ape seems to have assumed that the barrels have done their job, for it stops dropping them and begins blowing gusts of wind out over the zone once more. Sonic clambers up to the top level of the tower and waves to Sally, who certainly seems very pleased to see him. Sonic always loves this part of being a hero. Should Sonic untie Sally [[(turn to **202**)|202]] or deal with the ape first [[(turn to **46**)|46]]?Sonic goes to make a heroic leap, but he slips and gets knocked off the ramp by a barrel. He lands in a heap at the base of the scaffolding and must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
'Time for a change of tactics,' Sonic decides. But will he get Tails to drop him on the ape [[(turn to **167**)|167]] or throw things at it [[(turn to **35**)|35]]?]<div class="game">(if:$AbilityUsed is "Speed")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Speed)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Strength")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Strength)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Agility")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Agility)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Coolness")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Coolness)](if:$AbilityUsed is "QuickWits")[(set: $AbilityValue to $QuickWits)](if:$AbilityUsed is "GoodLooks")[(set: $AbilityValue to $GoodLooks)](if: $Rating is 0)[RATING NOT SET|](if:$AbilityUsed is "None")[ABILITYUSED NOT SET|](if:$EnemiesRemaining is 0)[ENEMIES REMAINING NOT SET|](if: $Enemy1 is "Enemy1")[ENEMY NAME NOT SET|](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ApeFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ApeTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ApeFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ApeTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ApeFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ApeTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ApeFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ApeTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ApeFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ApeTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ApeFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ApeTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ApeFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ApeTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ApeFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ApeTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ApeFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ApeTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ApeFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ApeTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ApeFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ApeTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ApeFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ApeTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ApeFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ApeTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ApeFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ApeTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ApeFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ApeTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ApeFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ApeTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ApeFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ApeTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ApeFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ApeTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ApeFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ApeTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0 and $ApeFight is not "Finished")[(display: "SonicTurn")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "ApeTurn")</font>](set: $Rating to 0)(set:$AbilityUsed to "None")(set: $Enemy1 to "Enemy1")(set:$Enemy2 to "Enemy2")</div>(if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(if:$EnemiesRemaining > 0)[
(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + $Rating = (set:$RollTotal to $Roll+$Rating)$RollTotal
(if: $RollTotal>10)[The Apebot scores a hit!
(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")(set:$ApeFight to "Finished")]](else:)[The $Enemy1 misses.]]
The ape grabs Tails and lifts him up into the air. With a gentle puff, the thing blows the fox halfway across the zone! Sonic will have to fight on alone (and so lose Tails' 3-point bonus).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Apebot")(set:$Rating to 10)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Strength")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
If our hero defeats the ape, [[turn to **56**|56]].]The ape gives Sonic a mighty wallop, knocking him clean off the tower. Far below, Sonic hits the ground very hard indeed! He must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
How will he get back up the tower? He could run up it [[(turn to **192**)|192]], or Tails could drop him on the ape [[(turn to **167**)|167]]; alternatively, Sonic could throw things at the creature [[(turn to **35**)|35]].]The huge robot topples backwards off the tower. Far, far below, it smashes on the ground with an earth-shaking thump and explodes into a million and two pieces. Sonic races over to Sally and unties her. 'Oh, thank you, Sonic!' she says when she is free once more. 'You've saved me from an ape worse than death.'
'Don't mention it, ma'am,' Sonic says, throwing her a daft salute. 'All in a day's work for Mobius's greatest hero.' Behind Sally is a pile of assorted items which the ape must have collected. Among them are twenty gold rings, and a bunch of bananas; Sonic may take these if he wishes.
<div class="game">(set:$Gain to 20)(display:"RingCheck")
Bananas added to Sonic's Stuff.(set:$Bananas to "True")(set:$SonicsStuff to it + (dataset:" bananas"))</div>
The pair clamber back down to the base of the tower and rejoin Tails. Amidst the wreckage of the Apebot there is a glowing triangle. If Sonic wants to investigate, [[turn to **179**|179]]. Otherwise, [[turn to **119**|119]].Sonic starts fumbling with the knots securing Sally to the tower. The squirrel glances over his shoulder and, with a look of terror widening her eyes, she screams, 'Sonic! Behind you! Look out!' The hedgehog spins around just in time to see — and feel — the ape's giant fist smash into him with so much force he is sent flying from the tower. Far below, Sonic hits the ground very hard indeed! He must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
How will he get back up the tower? He could run up it [[(turn to **192**)|192]], or Tails could drop him on the ape [[(turn to **167**)|167]]; alternatively, Sonic could throw things at the creature [[(turn to **35**)|35]].]Yelling an ancient hedgehog war-cry, Sonic runs at the monsterous machine. He must fight using his Strength (plus 3 because Tails is helping), against the Apebot's rating of 10. If the ape scores a hit, roll one dice.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Apebot")(set:$Rating to 10)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Strength")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"ApeFight")(if:$Lives >0)[
(if:$ApeFight is "Finished")[(if:$Roll < 4)[On a roll of 1 to 3, [[turn to **285**|285]]. On 4 to 6, turn to **243**. If Sonic and Tails defeat the giant ape, turn to **56**.](else:)[On a roll of 1 to 3, turn to **285**. On 4 to 6, [[turn to **243**|243]]. If Sonic and Tails defeat the giant ape, turn to **56**.]](else:)[On a roll of 1 to 3, turn to **285**. On 4 to 6, turn to **243**. If Sonic and Tails defeat the giant ape, [[turn to **56**|56]].]]The door opens to reveal another gleaming, metal room. In the far corner stands a large device which must be a teleporter. Standing by the side of a bank of computer screens and controls is a silver android. It is sleek and handsome for one of Robotnik's creations, and it doesn't seem to have spotted Sonic and Tails yet. What should Sonic do?
<div class="indented1">Run towards the teleporter?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **289**|289]]</div>
Attack the android?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **93**|93]]</div>
Try a super spin?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **74**|74]]</div>
Leave the room before they are noticed?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **229**|229]]</div></div>(set:$Success to "True")Keep on rolling for each of the remaining six lasers. If you roll the same number as the laser, turn to **18**. If you do not, roll for the next, and so on.
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")
(if:$Roll is not 1)[Sonic avoids laser 1!](else:)[(set:$Success to "False")[[Turn to **18**|18]]](if:$Success is "True")[
(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")
(if:$Roll is not 2)[Sonic avoids laser 2!](else:)[(set:$Success to "False")[[Turn to **18**|18]]](if:$Success is "True")[
(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")
(if:$Roll is not 3)[Sonic avoids laser 3!](else:)[(set:$Success to "False")[[Turn to **18**|18]]](if:$Success is "True")[
(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")
(if:$Roll is not 4)[Sonic avoids laser 4!](else:)[(set:$Success to "False")[[Turn to **18**|18]]](if:$Success is "True")[
(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")
(if:$Roll is not 5)[Sonic avoids laser 5!](else:)[(set:$Success to "False")[[Turn to **18**|18]]](if:$Success is "True")[
(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage")
(if:$Roll is not 6)[Sonic avoids laser 6!](else:)[(set:$Success to "False")[[Turn to **18**|18]]]]]]]]</div>
(if:$Success is "True")[If Sonic and Tails manage to avoid all six lasers, [[turn to **259**|259]].](else:)[If Sonic and Tails manage to avoid all six lasers, turn to **259**.]On the far side of the lasers, Sonic is so happy to have survived that he leaps up and down in glee. He bangs his head on the ceiling and a panel falls open, allowing six gold rings to drop out.
(set:$Gain to 6)(display:"RingCheck")
Now [[turn to **64**|64]].Racing across to the teleporter, Sonic and Tails both jump on to a disc marked with a cross which is set in the floor below the device's massive teleport ray generator — but nothing happens. 'It must be controlled from that computer banks,' Sonic realizes.
'Who said that?' the android growls, turning around. 'Sonic the Hedgehog! Arch-enemy of the great Dr Robotnik and public menace number one to all Badniks! I must attack.' The android is between the friends and the door now, so Sonic must fight [[(turn to **93**)|93]] or try a super spin [[(turn to **74**)|74]].Because it is so well made, Sonic must fight this opponent using his Good Looks (plus 3 because Tails is helping) against the android's rating of 8.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "android")(set:$Enemy2 to "android")(set:$Rating to 8)(set:$AbilityUsed to "GoodLooks")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
If Sonic and Tails win, [[turn to **244**|244]].]Turning himself into a speeding blue blur, Sonic hurtles round the room, bouncing off computer banks and video screens. Panels fly open, revealing five gold rings (Sonic can quickly snatch these up).
(set:$Gain to 5)(display:"RingCheck")
Although he misses the android, the various explosions he has caused make it look tarnished and dirty. Now it must fight, against Sonic's Good Looks (plus 3 because Tails is helping) with its rating reduced to 6.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "android")(set:$Enemy2 to "android")(set:$Rating to 6)(set:$AbilityUsed to "GoodLooks")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
If Sonic and Tails win, [[turn to **244**|244]].]The android falls apart where it stands. On a shelf next to where it was standing Sonic finds a large, triangular key (add this to his *Vital Statistics*).
<div class="game">Triangular key added to Sonic's Stuff.(set:$TriangularKey to "True")(set:$SonicsStuff to it + (dataset:" triangular key"))</div>
Among the many controls in this room is a similar, triangle-shaped socket. If Sonic decides to use the teleporter right now, [[turn to **186**|186]]. If he doesn't, he and Tails leave the room and keep exploring; [[turn to **229**|229]].'Hold on a sec!' Sonic says, holding up his hand. 'This will take us back to Mobius — which is all very well, but there's still the matter of a certain large, annoying, egg-obsessed supervillain by the name of Robotnik who needs a darn good bashing before the day is out! Only a real cowardy-custard like Knuckles would sneak off before the job was done!' [[Turn to **229**|229]].Continually ducking and diving, darting and weaving, Sonic manages to avoid being trapped by the robots. All this while it goes on raining, huge drops splashing down from the strange cloud. Soon the water is several centimetres deep in the room. The Badniks are beginning to slow down and their extremities are turning red — they are rusting! Sonic keeps dodging them, and in no time they have seized up completely. 'So, my cunning plan worked,' Sonic fibs as he and Tails hurry from the room. [[Turn to **81**|81]].Sonic soon finds himself surrounded by the Badniks, and he now has no choice but to fight them. Each has a rating of 6, and Sonic must fight using his Agility (plus 3 because Tails is helping).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 4)(set:$Enemy1 to "Badnik")(set:$Enemy2 to "Badnik")(set:$Rating to 6)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Agility")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
If he defeats them, [[turn to **81**|81]].]Managing to keep his balance on the slippery floor (thanks to his super-sneakers), Sonic smashes into two of the Badniks, which explode into tiny pieces. Now he and Tails must deal with the remaining pair, each of which has a rating of 6. Sonic must fight using his Agility (plus 3 because Tails is helping).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 2)(set:$Enemy1 to "Badnik")(set:$Enemy2 to "Badnik")(set:$Rating to 6)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Agility")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
If he defeats them, [[turn to **81**|81]].]Although he is wearing his super-sneakers, Sonic slips down and slides across the floor in a sitting position, slamming into the far wall of the chamber half upside down. He must lose all his rings (but he does not have to lose a life if he has none).
<div class="game">(if:$Shield is "True")[**Sonic loses his shield!**(set:$Shield to "False")](else:)[(if:$Rings > 0)[**Sonic loses all his rings!**(set:$Rings to 0)(set:$100Rings to 100)](else:)[(if:$Rings is 0)[Sonic has no rings to lose.]]]</div>
The Badniks are still advancing on him and Tails, so what should he try now?
<div class="indented1">Attack them?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **245**|245]]</div>
Keep the robots distracted?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **40**|40]]</div>
Run for one of the exits?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **26**|26]]</div></div><img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes237.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">The door opens into a large room, which is full of humming machinery. Immense blocks of ice, created by a freezing machine are deposited on a conveyor belt, at the end of which whirling knife-blades are chopping them into snowflakes! These are then being sucked out of the Weather Egg and whirl down to the Emerald Hill Zone, far below. Working the machines are several Badniks; they are being supervised by a large, Bulbous robot which is covered in icicles and which appears to have coal for eyes and a carrot for a nose. Nobody has noticed the two newcomers yet, so should Sonic and Tails leave quickly before they are spotted [[(turn to **156**)|156]], or should they attempt to shut down the snow machines [[(turn to **24**)|24]]?How exactly will Sonic and Tails do this?
<div class="indented1">Attack the machines?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **166**|166]]</div>
Attack the Badnik operators?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **248**|248]]</div>
Attack the icicle-covered robot?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **286**|286]]</div></div>(set:$SonicsStuff to (dataset:))
(set: $SonicsStuff to it + (dataset: " aknife"))
(set: $SonicsStuff to it + (dataset: " bottle"))
(set: $SonicsStuff to it + (dataset: " aaaaabottle"))
(set: $backup to $SonicsStuff)
(set: $SonicsStuff to "")
Test:aknife(set:$SonicsStuff to (dataset:""))Seeing a superhero hedgehog making for their precious machines, the Badniks leap to defend them, blocking Sonic's path. The hedgehog must choose between the Badniks [[(turn to **248**)|248]] and their snowy leader [[(turn to **203**)|203]].Spinning across the room, Sonic powers into the surprised robots. Roll against Sonic's Speed, to beat a 9.
(set:$Rating to 9)(display:"SpeedTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **51**|51]]. If he fails, turn to **12**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **51**. If he fails, [[turn to **12**|12]].]Before Sonic can reach the huge robot, the other Badniks are upon him! Roll against Sonic's Speed to beat a 9.
(set:$Rating to 9)(display:"SpeedTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he is successful, [[turn to **51**|51]]. If he is not, turn to **12**.](else:)[If he is successful, turn to **51**. If he is not, [[turn to **12**|12]].]Stomping towards Sonic and Tails, Frostie the Snowbot prepares to crush them in its icy grip. Frostie has a rating of 8, and Sonic must fight it using his Quick Wits (plus 3 because Tails is helping).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Snowbot")(set:$Rating to 8)(set:$AbilityUsed to "QuickWits")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
If the heroes defeat the robot, with its last surge of power it stumbles backwards but only succeeds in falling back into the machinery. There is a terrible grinding noise as the Snowbot jams its workings, and the freezer self-destructs in an explosion of ice. From inside the device's power plant comes a shower of gold rings. Roll one dice and add 6 to see how many rings Sonic manages to grab.
<div class="game">(set:$Roll to (random:1,6))(display:"DiceImage") + 6
(set:$Gain to $Roll+6)(display:"RingCheck")</div>
Now [[turn to **156**|156]].]The Badniks are lying around the room like half a dozen spilled jigsaws. The way is now clear for Sonic to attack either their snowy supervisor [[(turn to **203**)|203]] or the machines themselves [[(turn to **228**)|228]].The hurtling hedgehog bounces off one robot into another, turning them both into a textbook definition of 'smithereens'; but in his haste he misjudges his next leap. Sonic's reflexes are not quite fast enough to stop him landing on the conveyor belt. His foot slips between two of the slats and he is trapped! As he desperately tries to extricate himself, the conveyor belt continues to carry Sonic closer and closer to the whirling blades. Yipes! Toll against Sonic's Strength, to beat an 8.
(set:$Rating to 8)(display:"StrengthTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **278**|278]]. If he fails, turn to **97**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **278**. If he fails, [[turn to **97**|97]].]Sonic gives his leg a good tug and his foot comes free, allowing him to flip backwards and smash into several more surprised robots. [[Turn to **203**|203]].Unable to free himself from the belt, Sonic is dragged into the snow-maker. The blades whirr and chop, and Sonic is deposited on the other side, minus all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
[[Turn to **203**|203]].]In a whirling super spin blue, Sonic lands right in the centre of the freezing machine, wrecking it utterly. 'Smashing!' he puns, leaping at the next stage in the chain. In no time at all, the machines are scarcely in a state to produce even slush. However, there is still the Badniks' icicle-covered supervisor, the now enraged Frostie the Snowbot, to deal with! The droid has a rating of 8, and Sonic must fight using his Quick Wits (plus 3 because Tails is helping).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Snowbot")(set:$Rating to 8)(set:$AbilityUsed to "QuickWits")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
If the heroes defeat the robot, [[turn to **156**|156]].]If Sonic has some old Mummy's bandages that he could wrap round his hands first, and you think he should try this, (if:$Bandages is "True")[[[turn to **207**|207]]](else:)[turn to **207**]. Otherwise, [[turn to **250**|250]].<img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes262.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">(if:$Agility > 3)[(set:$Roadblock1 to "False")](else:)[(if:$SouthExplored is "False" or $LaserUsed is "True" and $Battery is "False")[(set:$Roadblock1 to "True")](else:)[(set:$Roadblock1 to "False")]](if:$Strength > 2)[(set:$Roadblock2 to "False")](else:)[(if:$FreezeRay is "False" and $InkSac is "False")[(set:$Roadblock2 to "True")](else:)[(set:$Roadblock2 to "False")]](if:$Roadblock1 is "False" and $Roadblock2 is "False")[(display:"Checkpoint")]The corridor open out into the vast, hollow heart of the Weather Egg. A narrow walkway leads across to a round platform bearing a large computer screen and a terminal, in the very centre of the void. It looks like the yolk of an egg. Bravely, Sonic steps on to the walkway.
'Ah ha haaa!' comes a booming laugh. Hearing the noise, Sonic looks up, startled. There bfore him stands a hideously bloated, spherical figure with a ridiculous red moustache and disgusting egg-stains down his front. It is Dr Robotnik, the evil mastermind behind the Weather Egg. The mad scientist is wearing a shiny black cape and what appears to be a soldier's helmet, and he is carrying a strange metal cylinder in one hand. 'I have you now, hedgehog,' he pants, flicking a switch so that a long beam of pulsing red light streams out from the cylinder. Does Sonic have a laser? (if:$Laser is "True")[If he has, [[turn to **215**|215]]. If he hasn't, turn to **184**.](else:)[If he has, turn to **215**. If he hasn't, [[turn to **184**|184]].]His hands insulated by the bandages, Sonic is able to remove the gold rings from the lightning machine without being harmed by the dangerous electricity coursing through it. Soon he has collected a huge pile: seventy-five in all!
(set:$Gain to 75)(display:"RingCheck")
Thrilled with his new acquisitions, Sonic grabs Tails and hurries along the new corridor. [[Turn to **262**|262]].<img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes250.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">Sonic makes a grab for the nearest ring — and is instantly zapped by several million volts. Electricity is seriously dangerous! He must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives > 0)[
As the smoking hedgehog is thrown clear, the coil explodes, lightning arcing in all directions. A number of rings are flung down, and Tails runs around, gathering them up for Sonic. There are twenty in all, and Sonic is very pleased to get them.
(set:$Gain to 20)(display:"RingCheck")
'Blimey, Sonic! That was wicked,' Tails enthuses. 'I could see right through to your skeleton and everything!' With the fox's help, Sonic staggers along the new corridor. [[turn to **262**|262]].]Has Sonic already used the Scorpion's laser in the course of his adventures? (if:$LaserUsed is "True")[If he has, [[turn to **146**|146]]. If he hasn't, turn to **172**.](else:)[If he has, turn to **146**. If he hasn't, [[turn to **172**|172]].]Without a light-sabre to defend himself, Sonic is going to be hard pressed to defeat the egg-crazed lunatic advancing on him. Balanced on the precarious walkway, Sonic must fight using his Agility, minus 2 points, against Robotnik, who has a rating of 8. (Tails cannot help this time.)(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Robotnik")(set:$Rating to 8)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Agility")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)
(display:"RobotnikFight")(replace:"the Robotnik")[Robotnik](replace:"The Robotnik")[Robotnik](replace:"destroys Robotnik")[beats Robotnik](if:$Lives >0)[
If Sonic beats Robotnik, [[turn to **275**|275]].]Does Sonic also possess a battery power pack? (if:$Battery is "True")[If he does, [[turn to **172**|172]]; otherwise, turn to **184**.](else:)[If he does, turn to **172**; otherwise, [[turn to **184**|184]].]Fortunately Sonic is able to improvise his own light-sabre. Turning the laser on, Sonic tunes it so that a beam of blue light emerges like the blade of a sword. 'You know, I'm sure I saw this in a vid once,' Sonic mutters to himself as he advances on the snuffling scientist. Sweeping their crackling weapons around in arcs, the two arch-enemies prepare for their duel. Balanced on the precarious walkway, Sonic must fight using his Agility against Robotnik, who has a rating of 8. (Tails cannot help this time.)(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Robotnik")(set:$Rating to 8)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Agility")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)
(display:"Fight")(replace:"the Robotnik")[Robotnik](replace:"The Robotnik")[Robotnik](replace:"destroys Robotnik")[beats Robotnik](if:$Lives >0)[
If Sonic beats Robotnik, [[turn to **275**|275]].]<div class="game">(if:$AbilityUsed is "Speed")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Speed)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Strength")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Strength)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Agility")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Agility)](if:$AbilityUsed is "Coolness")[(set: $AbilityValue to $Coolness)](if:$AbilityUsed is "QuickWits")[(set: $AbilityValue to $QuickWits)](if:$AbilityUsed is "GoodLooks")[(set: $AbilityValue to $GoodLooks)](if: $Rating is 0)[RATING NOT SET|](if:$AbilityUsed is "None")[ABILITYUSED NOT SET|](if:$EnemiesRemaining is 0)[ENEMIES REMAINING NOT SET|](if: $Enemy1 is "Enemy1")[ENEMY NAME NOT SET|](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(if: (passage:)'s name is "254")[(display: "SonicTurn-2")](else:)[(display: "SonicTurn-2")]<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn-2")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn-2")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn-2")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn-2")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn-2")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn-2")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn-2")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn-2")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn-2")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn-2")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn-2")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn-2")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn-2")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn-2")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn-2")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn-2")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn-2")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn-2")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](if:$Lives > 0 and $EnemiesRemaining > 0)[(display: "SonicTurn-2")<font color= "#7b2221">(display: "EnemyTurn")</font>](set: $Rating to 0)(set:$AbilityUsed to "None")(set: $Enemy1 to "Enemy1")(set:$Enemy2 to "Enemy2")</div><img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes275.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">With his final blow, Sonic knocks the evil Robotnik off the walkway and the scientist plunges down into the void, his voice trailing behind him: 'You meddling menace... IIII'llll geeeet yooooooooooouuu...' The victorious hedgehog watches until the bulky shape has disappeared from view.
'You know, I would have thought that a fall like that would be enough to finish even him off. Let's hope so,' Sonic muses. 'Come on, Tails, there's no time to waste; we've got to stop this thing before it unleashes any more of its nasty weather!'
The pair hurry across the walkway to the computer terminal. A small green square is blinking in the top left-hand corner of the screen, but when Sonic prods a key at random a message appears: 'ENTER PASSWORD>'
'Password? Oh blimming flip!' Tails exclaims. 'How are we supposed to know what that loony's password is?'
Sonic starts to ponder, thinking back on all that has happened to him in the course of this adventure, trying to find some clues to what the password might be. If Sonic can work out the password, turn the letters into numbers, using the code a = 1, b = 2, c = 3... z = 26; add them all up and turn to the paragraph with that number.
<div class="game">Choose a paragraph:
<div class="pages">(link:"**1**")[(set:$Roll to 1)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**2**")[(set:$Roll to 2)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**3**")[(set:$Roll to 3)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**4**")[(set:$Roll to 4)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**5**")[(set:$Roll to 5)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**6**")[(set:$Roll to 6)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**7**")[(set:$Roll to 7)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**8**")[(set:$Roll to 8)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**9**")[(set:$Roll to 9)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**10**")[(set:$Roll to 10)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**11**")[(set:$Roll to 11)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**12**")[(set:$Roll to 12)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**13**")[(set:$Roll to 13)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**14**")[(set:$Roll to 14)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**15**")[(set:$Roll to 15)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**16**")[(set:$Roll to 16)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**17**")[(set:$Roll to 17)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**18**")[(set:$Roll to 18)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**19**")[(set:$Roll to 19)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**20**")[(set:$Roll to 20)(goto:"150")]</div>
<div class="pages">(link:"**21**")[(set:$Roll to 21)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**22**")[(set:$Roll to 22)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**23**")[(set:$Roll to 23)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**24**")[(set:$Roll to 24)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**25**")[(set:$Roll to 25)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**26**")[(set:$Roll to 26)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**27**")[(set:$Roll to 27)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**28**")[(set:$Roll to 28)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**29**")[(set:$Roll to 29)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**30**")[(set:$Roll to 30)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**31**")[(set:$Roll to 31)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**32**")[(set:$Roll to 32)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**33**")[(set:$Roll to 33)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**34**")[(set:$Roll to 34)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**35**")[(set:$Roll to 35)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**36**")[(set:$Roll to 36)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**37**")[(set:$Roll to 37)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**38**")[(set:$Roll to 38)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**39**")[(set:$Roll to 39)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**40**")[(set:$Roll to 40)(goto:"150")]</div>
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<div class="pages">(link:"**261**")[(set:$Roll to 261)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**262**")[(set:$Roll to 262)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**263**")[(set:$Roll to 263)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**264**")[(set:$Roll to 264)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**265**")[(set:$Roll to 265)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**266**")[(set:$Roll to 266)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**267**")[(set:$Roll to 267)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**268**")[(set:$Roll to 268)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**269**")[(set:$Roll to 269)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**270**")[(set:$Roll to 270)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**271**")[(set:$Roll to 271)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**272**")[(set:$Roll to 272)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**273**")[(set:$Roll to 273)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**274**")[(set:$Roll to 274)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**275**")[(set:$Roll to 275)(goto:"275")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**276**")[(set:$Roll to 276)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**277**")[(set:$Roll to 277)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**278**")[(set:$Roll to 278)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**279**")[(set:$Roll to 279)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**280**")[(set:$Roll to 280)(goto:"150")]</div>
<div class="pages">(link:"**281**")[(set:$Roll to 281)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**282**")[(set:$Roll to 282)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**283**")[(set:$Roll to 283)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**284**")[(set:$Roll to 284)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**285**")[(set:$Roll to 285)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**286**")[(set:$Roll to 286)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**287**")[(set:$Roll to 287)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**288**")[(set:$Roll to 288)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**289**")[(set:$Roll to 289)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**290**")[(set:$Roll to 290)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**291**")[(set:$Roll to 291)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**292**")[(set:$Roll to 292)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**293**")[(set:$Roll to 293)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**294**")[(set:$Roll to 294)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**295**")[(set:$Roll to 295)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**296**")[(set:$Roll to 296)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**297**")[(set:$Roll to 297)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**298**")[(set:$Roll to 298)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**299**")[(set:$Roll to 299)(goto:"150")]</div> <div class="pages">(link:"**300**")[(set:$Roll to 300)(goto:"150")]</div></div>
If what you read there makes no sense, or if Sonic cannot work out the password, [[turn to **57**|57]].(if:$Roll is 150)[(display:"Checkpoint")Sonic types in the full name of his arch-enemy and presses 'Enter'. After a few anxious seconds, the message 'PASSWORD ACCEPTED' flashes up on the screen. 'Awesome!' Sonic yells, giving Tails a celebratory high-five. 'Now all I have to do is reprogram this thing.' His blue fingers fly across the keys.
'Sonic, are you sure you know what you're doing?' Tails asks anxiously, peering at the screen.
'Sure. It's just like the bit in *Death Droidz* where you have to reprogram all the Killer Bug-bots from -'
'SELF DESTRUCT IN T MINUTES TEN MINUTES,' says an emotionless computerized voice from all around them.
'Mind you, I haven't worked out how to get past that bit yet,' Sonic says with a shrug. 'Let's get out of here!' (From this point onwards, it is vital that you keep a careful track of the time it takes Sonic and Tails to leave the Weather Egg.) <div class="sic">`[The animation below is for effect only]`</div>
(set:$Timer to 9)(display:"Timer")
As Sonic is turning to leave, he spots a large, glowing, green jewel that is sitting on top of the computer: a Chaos Emerald. It must be powering the computer, and hence the entire Weather Egg. It is the work of only a few seconds for Sonic to leap up and grab it but, as he lands back on the walkway again, his way is barred by a large, red-dreaded echidna.
'Hand it over, hedgehog,' Knuckles snarls. 'You know Robotnik stole that from my floating island.' Should Sonic hand over his prize to his rival [[(turn top **205**)|205]] or refuse [[(turn top **293**)|293]]?](else:)[(display:"WrongPage")(if:$Roll is not 98 and $Roll is not 146)[
<div class="game">This makes no sense. [[Turn to **57**|57]].</div>]]<center><div class="game">**(if:$Timer<10)[0]$Timer:00**</div></center>'Oh all right then. Catch!' Sonic scowles, tossing the Chaos Emerald to Knuckles.
'Cheers, Sonic,' the echidna replies, catching it cleanly. 'Now I think it's time I got off this overgrown flying-bomb before it blows!' The echidna races for the exit and disappears. (Note that 1 minute has now elapsed.)
(set:$Timer to it-1)(display:"Timer")
Does Sonic have a triangular key? (if:$TriangularKey is "True")[If he has, [[turn to **174**|174]]; otherwise, turn to **41**.](else:)[If he has, turn to **174**; otherwise, [[turn to **41**|41]].]'Then I'll have to take it from you!' Knuckles shouts, swinging one of his enormous fists at Sonic's head. Sonic must fight using his Agility, against Knuckles' own rating of 7; Tails cannot help. (Note down that 2 minutes have elapsed.)
(set:$Timer to it-2)(display:"Timer")(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Knuckles")(set:$Rating to 7)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Agility")(set: $TailsHelping to 0)
(display:"GrabberFight")(if:$Lives >0)[
(if:$GrabberHits<1)[If Knuckles ever hits Sonic, cross off all his rings (or a life) and turn to **127**. If Sonic beats Knuckles, [[turn to **103**|103]].](else:)[If Knuckles ever hits Sonic, cross off all his rings (or a life) and [[turn to **127**|127]]. If Sonic beats Knuckles, turn to **103**.]](set:$GrabberHits to 0)(if:$Timer > -1)[(if:$Timer > 2)[<div class="timer">**(set:$Seconds to 59)(if:$Timer<10)[0]$Timer:[$Seconds]<Sec|(live:1s)[(replace:?Sec)[(if:$Seconds<10)[0]$Seconds(if:$Seconds<1)[(set:$Seconds to 60)](set:$Seconds to it-1)]]**</div>](else:)[<div class="timer"><font color= "#7b2221">**(set:$Seconds to 59)(if:$Timer<10)[0]$Timer:[$Seconds]<Sec|(live:1s)[(replace:?Sec)[(if:$Seconds<10)[0]$Seconds(if:$Seconds<2)[(set:$Seconds to 60)](set:$Seconds to it-1)]]**</font></div>]](else:)[<div class="timer"><font color= "#7b2221">|blink05s>[**00:00**]</font></div>
<center><div class="game">[[Turn to **224**|224]]</div></center>]Remembering the teleport room, Sonic and Tails speed off along the corridors. (Add 2 minutes to the time elapsed.)
(set:$Timer to it-2)(display:"Timer")
Hearing the sound of clanking footsteps behind them, Sonic glances back, to discover that the two of them are being pursued by a motley bunch of Badniks. Sonic is not at all sure that he and Tails will be able to outrun them and look for the teleport room at the same time. (if:$Bananas is "True")[If he has some bananas, [[turn to **71**|71]]. If he hasn't, turn to **251**.](else:)[If he has some bananas, turn to **71**. If he hasn't, [[turn to **251**|251]].]'Which way, Sonic?' Tails frets as they race through the maze of corridors in panic. 'Anywhere you like. Just keep your eyes peeled for an escape pod or a life jacket or something,' Sonic snaps back. They run this way and that, looking for anything that might help, but with little success. (Note that 3 more minutes have elsapsed.)
(set:$Timer to it-3)(display:"Timer")
Roll against Sonic's Quick Wits, to beat a 6.
(set:$Rating to 6)(display:"QuickWitsTest")
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, [[turn to **80**|80]]. If he fails, turn to **240**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **80**. If he fails, [[turn to **240**|240]].]The two friends run along yet another gleaming metal corridor which curves round the outer edge of the Weather Egg. (Note that 1 more minute has sped by; if the total time elapsed is 10 minutes or more, turn to **224** immediately.)
(set:$Timer to it-1)(display:"Timer")(if:$Timer>-1)[
Soon the Pair reach a closed door bearing the word 'Teleporter'.
'This is the place we want,' Sonic beams, pushing the door open. In the far corner of the room stands a large device that must be the teleporter. Standing next to a bank of computer screens and controls is a silver android. It is sleek and handsome for one of Robotnik's creations, and it doesn't seem to have noticed Sonic and Tails yet. What should Sonic do?
<div class="indented1">Run towards the teleporter?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **153**|153]]</div>
Attack the android?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **271**|271]]</div>
Try a super spin?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **29**|29]]</div></div>]Sonic doesn't find a way out — but he does find a bunch of Orbinaunts guarding a corridor. Recognizing intruders when they see them, the three Badniks whirl into the attack. Each has a rating of 5, and Sonic must fight using his Strength (plus 3 because Tails is helping)(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 3)(set:$Enemy1 to "Orbinaunt")(set:$Rating to 5)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Strength")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
(set:$Timer to it-2)(display:"Timer")
If Sonic defeats them all, note down that 2 more minutes have passed, [[then turn to **80**|80]].]'THREE... TWO... ONE. SELF-DESTRUCT INITIATED.' The Weather Egg explodes in a spectacular display that will be talked about by all the inhabitants of the Emerald Hill Zone for years to come. By all, that is, except Sonic and Tails. For them, it is Game Over!
<div class="game">(set:$Rings to 0)(set:$Lives to 0)(display:"Game Over")</div>Racing across to the teleporter, Sonic and Tails both jump on to a disc marked with a cross which is set in the floor below the device's massive teleport ray generator — but nothing happens. 'It must be controlled from that computer banks,' Sonic realizes. (Note that 1 more minute has gone by; if the total time elapsed is 10 minutes or more turn to **224** immediately.)
(set:$Timer to it-1)(display:"Timer")(if:$Timer>-1)[
'Who said that?' the android growls, turning around. 'Sonic the Hedgehog! Arch-enemy of the great Dr Robotnik and public menace number one to all Badniks! I must attack.' The android is between the friends and the door now, so Sonic must fight [[(turn to **271**)|271]] or try a super spin [[(turn to **29**)|29]].]Because it is so well made, Sonic must fight the droid using his Good Looks (plus 3 because Tails is helping) against its rating of 8.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "android")(set:$Enemy2 to "android")(set:$Rating to 8)(set:$AbilityUsed to "GoodLooks")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
If Sonic and Tails win, add 1 more minute to the time elapsed. If the total time elapsed is 10 minutes or more, turn to **224** immediately.
(set:$Timer to it-1)(display:"Timer")(if:$Timer>-1)[
If it is less, [[turn to **287**|287]].]]Turning himself into a speeding blue blur, Sonic hurtles round the room, bouncing off computer banks and video screens. Panels fly open, revealing five gold rings (Sonic can quickly snatch these up).
(set:$Gain to 5)(display:"RingCheck")
Although he misses the android, the various explosions he has caused make it look tarnished and dirty. Now it must fight, against Sonic's Good Looks (plus 3 because Tails is helping) with its rating reduced to 6.(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "android")(set:$Enemy2 to "android")(set:$Rating to 6)(set:$AbilityUsed to "GoodLooks")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
If Sonic and Tails win, add 1 more minute to the time elapsed. If the total time elapsed is 10 minutes or more, turn to **224** immediately.
(set:$Timer to it-1)(display:"Timer")(if:$Timer>-1)[
If it is less, [[turn to **287**|287]].]]<img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/LoRes287.png" style="z-index:1; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; float: left;">The Android collapses into a zillion pieces. On a desk near by is a triangular key, which Sonic snatches up and fits into a similarly shaped socket in the control panel. (Add 1 minute to the time elapsed; if the total time is now 10 minutes or more, turn immediately to **224**.)
(set:$Timer to it-1)(display:"Timer")(if:$Timer>-1)[
As the teleporter hums into life, Sonic looks up in horror, to see a strange, mechanical, robot-like contraption step between it and them. It looks like a large metal egg with robotic arms and legs. Through a glass plate in the front Sonic can see the leering features of his nemesis, Dr Robotnik!
'You won't escape me this time, vermin! Ah ha ha ha haaa!' the mad scientist roars. Pushing a control, he sends his eggs-o-skeleton stomping towards Sonic and Tails. Our heroes will have to fight, but how? Should Sonic:
<div class="indented1">Attack Robotnik?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **170**|170]]</div>
Try a super spin attack?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **8**|8]]</div>
Use an object?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **49**|49]]</div></div>]Inside the eggs-o-skeleton, Robotnik's strength is greatly enhanced, giving him a rating of 12! Sonic must fight using his Strength (plus 3 because Tails is helping).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Robotnik")(set:$Rating to 12)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Strength")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(replace:"the Robotnik")[Robotnik](replace:"The Robotnik")[Robotnik](replace:"destroys Robotnik")[defeats Robotnik](if:$Lives >0)[
If the daring duo defeat the revolting Robotnik, add 1 minute to the time elapsed. If the total time is now 10 minutes or more, turn to **224**.
(set:$Timer to it-1)(display:"Timer")(if:$Timer>-1)[
If it is less, [[turn to **300**|300]].]]Spinning as if his life depended on it — for indeed it does — Sonic smashes into the eggs-o-skeleton, sending Robotnik reeling. The device's hydraulics squeal and hiss in protest as the villain presses another control to send it clumping back to engage with the pair. Robotnik's machine has a rating of 10, and Sonic must fight using his Strength (plus 3 because Tails is helping).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Robotnik")(set:$Rating to 10)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Strength")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(replace:"the Robotnik")[Robotnik](replace:"The Robotnik")[Robotnik](replace:"destroys Robotnik")[defeats Robotnik](if:$Lives >0)[
If the daring duo defeat the revolting Robotnik, add 1 minute to the time elapsed. If the total time is now 10 minutes or more, turn to **224**.
(set:$Timer to it-1)(display:"Timer")(if:$Timer>-1)[
If it is less, [[turn to **300**|300]].]](display:"Timer")
What does Sonic have that he could possibly use against the evil Robotnik? If he has a freeze ray he wants to try, (if:$FreezeRay is "True")[[[turn to **106**|106]]](else:)[turn to **106**]. If he has an ink-sac he wants to try, (if:$InkSac is "True")[[[turn to **96**|96]]](else:)[turn to **106**]. If he has neither or if he doesn't want to try them, he will have to attempt a super spin [[(turn to **8**)|8]] or simply attack Robotnik [[(turn to **170**)|170]]As Sonic and Tails leap into the teleporter beam, there is a sharp, electrical crack. The world goes black; in the sky, stars spin crazily round and round; pink lightning explodes everywhere.
When Sonic and Tails dare to open their eyes once more, they find themselves back on a hill-top at the heart of the Emerald Hill Zone. It's warm and sunny, and little fluffy clouds are drifting lazily across the brilliant blue sky. 'Hey look, little dude,' says Sonic pointing at one particular cloud. 'There's one that looks like a doomed-experimental, mad-scientist-style Weather Egg, spinning wildly out of control.' The pair stand and watch as the grey cloud disappears out of sight over the horizon for the final time.
'I do hope Knuckles got out in time,' Tails ventures innocently.
'Oh, him. Yeah, he always seems to scrape through somehow,' Sonic grumbles. 'I'm sure we haven't seen the last of old Knuckles — nor Robotnik for that matter, worse luck.' The hedgehog slaps an arm round his foxy friend's shoulders. 'Never mind that now. It must be getting near teatime. And I don't know about you, Tails, but I am *starving*!'
<div class="game">This has been Sonic the Hedgehog Adventure Gamebook 6: Stormin' Sonic by Marc Gascoigne & Jonathan Green.
<div class="game">**Final score: $Rings ring(if:$Rings is not 1)[s]**</div>
Challenge your friends to beat your score!</div>Fiddling with the controls at the base of the crystal-tipped rod, Sonic suddenly manages to make a freezing blue ray shoot out from it. It missed Robotnik and strikes the floor, covering it with a film of ice. As soon as the eggs-o-skeleton steps on it, the machine slips and slides. As Robotnik struggles with the controls, the eggs-o-skeleton skids across the room, knocking Sonic off his feet, before ending up on its back. Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life).
(display:"Damage")(if:$Lives >0)[
Robotnik however is pinned to the floor inside the broken device and cannot move. Add 1 minute to the time elapsed. If the total time is now 10 minutes or more, turn to **224**.
(set:$Timer to it-1)(display:"Timer")(if:$Timer>-1)[
If it is less, [[turn to **300**|300]].]]Squirting the Octopus ink in Robotnik's direction, Sonic manages to cover the glass viewing-plate. Unable to see where it is going, the eggs-o-skeleton stumbles blindly round the room, leaving the way to the teleporter clear. Add 1 minute to the time elapsed. If the total time is now 10 minutes or more, turn to **224**.
(set:$Timer to it-1)(display:"Timer")(if:$Timer>-1)[
If it is less, [[turn to **300**|300]].]
Leaving the echidna lying in a heap on the walk-way, Sonic and Tails hurry off in search of a way to get off the Weather Egg. Does Sonic have a triangular key? (if:$TriangularKey is "True")[If he has, [[turn to **174**|174]]; otherwise, turn to **41**.](else:)[If he has, turn to **174**; otherwise, [[turn to **41**|41]].]When Sonic regains his senses, Tails is shaking him furiously and squealing, 'Wake up, wake up! We've got to get out of here!' (Note that 2 more minutes have elapsed.)
(set:$Timer to it-2)(display:"Timer")
The hedgehog staggers groggily to his feet. Does Sonic have a triangular key? (if:$TriangularKey is "True")[If he has, [[turn to **174**|174]]; otherwise, turn to **41**.](else:)[If he has, turn to **174**; otherwise, [[turn to **41**|41]].]'Hey, Tails, I've got a good idea,' Sonic says as they speed along. 'No, it's a good one this time, honest. Eat these,' he adds, handing over several bananas. As they run, the heroic duo scoff down as many bananas as they can, tossing the empty skins over their shoulders. From behind them they soon hear the sound of Badniks crashing to the ground.
(set:$Timer to it-1)(display:"Timer")
Add 1 minute to the time elapsed, then [[turn to **142**|142]].As Sonic feared, the robots soon catch up with the pair. The Badniks have a combined rating of 9, and Sonic must fight them using his Speed (plus 3 because Tails is helping).(set:$EnemiesRemaining to 1)(set:$Enemy1 to "Badniks")(set:$Rating to 9)(set:$AbilityUsed to "Speed")(set: $TailsHelping to 3)
(display:"Fight")(if:$Lives >0)[
(set:$Timer to it-2)(display:"Timer")
If Sonic and Tails defeat them all, add 2 minutes to the time elapsed, then [[turn to **142**|142]].]Dashing through the door marked 'Teleporter', Sonic and Tails clamber over the broken bits of Android and thrust the triangular key into its socket. (Add 1 minute to the time elapsed; if the total time is now 10 minutes or more, turn immediately to **224**.)
(set:$Timer to it-1)(display:"Timer")(if:$Timer>-1)[
As the teleporter hums into life, Sonic looks up in horror, to see a strange, mechanical, robot-like contraption step between it and them. It looks like a large metal egg with robotic arms and legs. Through a glass plate in the front Sonic can see the leering features of his nemesis, Dr Robotnik!
'You won't escape me this time, vermin! Ah ha ha ha haaa!' the mad scientist roars. Pushing a control, he sends his eggs-o-skeleton stomping towards Sonic and Tails. Our heroes will have to fight, but how? Should Sonic:
<div class="indented1">Attack Robotnik?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **170**|170]]</div>
Try a super spin attack?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **8**|8]]</div>
Use an object?<div style="float: right;">[[Turn to **49**|49]]</div></div>]_____________________________________________**Page 201
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**(display:(Text: 300 ))'Intruders! Intruders!' a computerized voice from a computer terminal blares and, before Sonic and Tails can do anything, they are surrounded by a clutch of lethal-looking laser-barrels. They have failed, and now it is Game Over!
<div class="game">(set:$Rings to 0)(set:$Lives to 0)(display:"Game Over")</div>(if:$Roll is 1)[It is another quite gloriously sunny day in the Emerald Hill Zone and, true to form, our hero, Sonic the Hedgehog, and his foxy friend, Miles Prowers (also known as Tails), are doing nothing very much...](if:$Roll is 2)['Ah, oui, I can 'elp you zere,' the penguin smiles. 'Just keep on 'eading north — and zere you are.'
If Sonic doesn't want to ask any more questions, turn to **52**.](if:$Roll is 3)['Hey, Porker said that Sally was carried off towards the Chemical Plant Zone!' Sonic realizes. 'We must go and rescue her in a typically heroic fashion. Come on, Tails!'...](if:$Roll is 4)[Which side of the magnifying glass does Sonic grab in order to manoeuvre the lens into position: the side that bulges out (turn to **58**) or the side that curves in (turn to **155**)?](if:$Roll is 5)[There are four Buzzers, each with a rating of 5, and Sonic must fight them using his Agility...](if:$Roll is 6)[How is Sonic going to get Tails out of the ice? If he has a laser and you think he should use that, turn to **151**. Otherwise, he'll have to smash the block. Roll against Sonic's Strength, to beat a 7...](if:$Roll is 7)[Sonic and Tails have two exits to choose from: the one on the left (turn to **229**) or the one on the right (turn to **234**). Whichever exit they choose, Knuckles will head in the opposite direction.](if:$Roll is 8)[Spinning as if his life depended on it — for indeed it does — Sonic smashes into the eggs-o-skeleton, sending Robotnik reeling...](if:$Roll is 9)[Sonic somehow manages to avoid all the deadly detonating devices, and he is able to grab several gold rings while being swept along in the water — six in all! Turn to **27**.](if:$Roll is 10)[In the middle of one wall Sonic finds a smooth brick that slides in when he presses it. The sand stops falling and the door swings open...](if:$Roll is 11)[Bruised and battered, Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life). Tails flies on; turn to **23**.](if:$Roll is 12)[The hurtling hedgehog bounces off one robot into another, turning them both into a textbook definition of 'smithereens'; but in his haste he misjudges his next leap. Sonic's reflexes are not quite fast enough to stop him landing on the conveyor belt...](if:$Roll is 13)[Sheep and starfish next!' Tails finishes his sentence. Immediately there is another crash and something else falls from the turbulent sky. Stalking towards the pair now are — yes, you've guessed it — a large robotic sheep and a huge, annoyed-looking metal starfish...](if:$Roll is 14)['Okey dokey, skipper,' Tails agrees, taking hold of Sonic and flying in the direction of the Octopus. A long tentacle shoots out and grabs Tails. In shock he drops Sonic, who lands with a splash in the water near the Octopus. The Octopus has a rating of 9, and Sonic must roll against his Speed if he is to avoid its marauding tentacles...](if:$Roll is 15)[The giant robot ape seems to have assumed that the barrels have done their job, for it stops dropping them and begins blowing gusts of wind out over the zone once more. Sonic clambers up to the top level of the tower and waves to Sally, who certainly seems very pleased to see him. Sonic always loves this part of being a hero...](if:$Roll is 16)[Fortunately Sonic just manages to make out the edge of a steep cliff in fron of him before he steps over it and falls to his doom. 'Maybe this way isn't so hot,' Sonic admits, backing away...](if:$Roll is 17)[That showed him,' Sonic says, looking down at the unconscious echidna. Sonic notices that Knuckles has dropped ten gold rings he must have been carrying and quickly scoops them up before turning to Tails...](if:$Roll is 18)[Sonic is zapped by the frazzling beam of the laser and must lose all his rings (or a life). Smouldering slightly, the hedgehog tumbles all the way down the corridor, out of range of the lasers, dragging Tails safely behind him. Turn to **64**.](if:$Roll is 19)[The two Coconuts each have a rating of 6 and, since Coconuts are cooler than the average Badniks, Sonic must fight both of them using his Coolness (plus 3 because Tails is helping)...](if:$Roll is 20)[Where should the two pals go now: to the north (turn to **116**), east (turn to **157**) or south (turn to **252**)?](if:$Roll is 21)[Lying in the snow amidst the remains of the Badniks are seven gold rings. Sonic grabs them, then moves on...](if:$Roll is 22)[A blast from the laser-sting clips Tails, knocking him over. Sonic will have to fight on alone, without his friend's 3-point bonus...](if:$Roll is 23)[At last, through the flying debris, they see it! Standing on top of a large tower of pipes and scaffolding up ahead is a truly ginormous robotic ape...](if:$Roll is 24)[How exactly will Sonic and Tails do this?
<div class="indented1">Attack the machines?<div style="float: right;">Turn to **166**</div>
Attack the Badnik operators?<div style="float: right;">Turn to **248**</div>
Attack the icicle-covered robot?<div style="float: right;">Turn to **286**</div></div>](if:$Roll is 25)[As the shape speeds towards him, Sonic prepares to catch it. Just too late, the hedgehog realises who it is. 'Aw no! No! Not him!' he yells unhappily...](if:$Roll is 26)[Unfortunately, there are so many Badniks that they have little difficulty in blocking all the exits. Sonic can either fight (turn to **245**), go into a super spin (turn to **211**) or keep them distracted (turn to **40**).](if:$Roll is 27)[The turbulent waters get gradually calmer as the river passes beyond the rapids. But Sonic's troubles are not yet over. Swimming towards him, against the current, are two metallic fish which look like nothing but teeth and fins...](if:$Roll is 28)[The terrain is definitely getting drier and dustier, and the pair are both sweating in the hot sun...](if:$Roll is 29)[Turning himself into a speeding blue blur, Sonic hurtles round the room, bouncing off computer banks and video screens. Panels fly open, revealing five gold rings (Sonic can quickly snatch these up). Although he misses the android, the various explosions he has caused make it look tarnished and dirty. Now it must fight, against Sonic's Good Looks (plus 3 because Tails is helping) with its rating reduced to 6...](if:$Roll is 30)[The worm strikes so fast that Sonic barely sees it move, and well before Sonic can get away. Cross off all Sonic's rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 31)[The Snakebot watches, mesmerized by Sonic's body-popping, bogling and vogueing. Eventually there is a click and the robot shuts off, falling on to its side with a clunk. Sonic makes a dive for the gold rings. Turn to **148**.](if:$Roll is 32)[The two robots both have a rating of 6, and Sonic must fight using his Coolness (plus 3 because Tails is helping). If they defeat the robot guards, turn to **133**.](if:$Roll is 33)[The Badniks level their weapons, robotic frowns on their metal faces. 'Aw, everyone's a critic!' Sonic sighs as they open fire...](if:$Roll is 34)[With Sonic's final blow the Scorpion falls apart, revealing a glowing round circuit-board at its heart...](if:$Roll is 35)[As Tails carries Sonic through the windy gale, the hedgehog manages to grab an armful of debris and stray fruit with which to pelt the ape...](if:$Roll is 36)[Incredibly, Sonic manages to avoid all the barrels...](if:$Roll is 37)[Carrying on through the trees, Sonic and Tails are suddenly confronted by a very peculiar sight. Their piggy pal, Porker Lewis, is sitting on the roof of his house, which seems to have been washed along by the flood...](if:$Roll is 38)['Ow! My tootsies!' Tails squawks, tripping over something that is sticking out of the ground. 'What's that?'
Sonic bends down and picks up what looks like a small power-pack or battery. 'Strange. Perhaps it fell off one of Robotnik's bogus Badniks.' Sonic may take this article with him if he wishes...](if:$Roll is 39)[The door opens to reveal another gleaming, metal room. In the far corner stands a large device which must be a teleporter. Standing by the side of a bank of computer screens and controls is a silver android...](if:$Roll is 40)[Trying to avoid four robots all at once won't be easy. Roll on Sonic's Speed to beat an 8...](if:$Roll is 41)['Which way, Sonic?' Tails frets as they race through the maze of corridors in panic. 'Anywhere you like. Just keep your eyes peeled for an escape pod or a life jacket or something,' Sonic snaps back...](if:$Roll is 42)[Before the hedgehog can get out of the way, the tree crashes down on top of him...](if:$Roll is 43)[Finding himself caught in the Yeti's freezing ray, Sonic is immediately trapped in the ice from the neck down and cannot move...](if:$Roll is 44)[Our hero finally emerges from the caves and is washed up on a riverbank, downstream from the rapids...](if:$Roll is 45)[Revving up into super spin mode, the hedgehog speeds through the fog towards the tree and smashes into the trunk...](if:$Roll is 46)[Yelling an ancient hedgehog war-cry, Sonic runs at the monsterous machine. He must fight using his Strength (plus 3 because Tails is helping), against the Apebot's rating of 10...](if:$Roll is 47)[Revving up on the spot, Sonic then hurls himself towards the door...](if:$Roll is 48)[Unfortunately, Sonic's disco poses are a little old-fashioned even by this pyramid-dweller's standards. The Snakebot pauses for a second, then strikes...](if:$Roll is 49)[What does Sonic have that he could possibly use against the evil Robotnik? If he has a freeze ray he wants to try, turn to **106**.](if:$Roll is 50)[The plant hits the river and Sonic finds himself surfing down the rapids, looking as cool as any surfing blue hedgehog has ever done! While Sonic is on this improvised surfboard, he may add one point in his favour to any dice rolls he must make...](if:$Roll is 51)[The Badniks are lying around the room like half a dozen spilled jigsaws. The way is now clear for Sonic to attack either their snowy supervisor (turn to **203**) or the machines themselves (turn to **228**).](if:$Roll is 52)['We should get going, Sonic,' Tails advises, giving the strange penguins a nervous look...](if:$Roll is 53)['Well, it *was* quite sunny this morning when I opens up, but it just seemed to get hotter and hotter. All the trees and grass shrivelled up and sand blew in, and soon I was surrounded by desert. It was quite peculiar, now I come to think about it,' the polar bear says...](if:$Roll is 54)[As you ponder which gambit Sonic should try, the rain-soaked hillside gives way and out two heroes are swept away in a ferocious mudslide, which ends only when they are deposited into the fast-flowing flood-waters. Sonic and Tails are swept away; turn to **111**.](if:$Roll is 55)[The snowworm shatters into pieces and lies, motionless, in the snow. Sonic is about to set off in pursuit of his friend when he hears the sound of gunfire, immediately followed by an explosion near by...](if:$Roll is 56)[The huge robot topples backwards off the tower. Far, far below, it smashes on the ground with an earth-shaking thump and explodes into a million and two pieces. Sonic races over to Sally and unties her...](if:$Roll is 57)[Intruders! Intruders!' a computerized voice from a computer terminal blares and, before Sonic and Tails can do anything, they are surrounded by a clutch of lethal-looking laser-barrels. They have failed, and now it is Game Over!](if:$Roll is 58)[Twisting the lens so that it is pointing at the two droids, Sonic zaps them with a beam of concentrated sunlight, frying their circuits and causing their casings to melt like ice-cream on a summer's day. Now, should Sonic leave the room immediately (turn to **156**), or should he smash the mirrors first, if he hasn't already done so (turn to **196**)?](if:$Roll is 59)[As they continue on their way, Sonic can't help noticing that, with the Yeti destroyed, a thaw has set in and all the ice and snow are starting to melt...](if:$Roll is 60)[A bolt of energy sears too close to Sonic for comfort. He must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 61)[The hedgehog smashes into the door, which explodes outwards, but he has knocked himself senseless in the effort. He must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 62)[As the floodwaters recede, Sonic is finally washed up on a riverbank downstream from the rapids. Lying around are eight gold rings, which he may take...](if:$Roll is 63)[The landscape all around is orange and parched, more like the wasteland around Scrap Brain Zone than the lush Emerald Hill Zone. 'Water!' Tails croaks dramatically...](if:$Roll is 64)[After a short distance Sonic and Tails find themselves at the entrance to a large chamber which has a domed ceiling. In the middle of the room, floating just below the ceiling, is a large grey cloud. On the far side of the room, two exits lead deeper into the Weather Egg. As soon as the heroic pair enter the chamber, the cloud starts to drop hot, wet rain on them! At the same time, four Badniks trundle into the room, ready to deal with the intruders...](if:$Roll is 65)[To find out what's happening to Emerald Hill Zone, Sonic and Tails are going to have to explore further afield. Should they head north (turn to **116**), south (turn to **180**), east (turn to **157**) or west (turn to **252**)?](if:$Roll is 66)[The Badniks burst into rapturous applause and our two heroes take their bows. Some of the robots start throwing bunches of flowers on to the ice...](if:$Roll is 67)[At Sonic's final blow, the giant Octopus bursts apart at the seams, pieces of metal tentacle showering down into the water all round our heroes...](if:$Roll is 68)['What ees ze meaning of zis?' the penguin demands...](if:$Roll is 69)[Sonic soon finds himself surrounded by the Badniks, and he now has no choice but to fight them...](if:$Roll is 70)[Spinning his twin tails like propellers, Tails rise into the air, with Sonic hanging on for dear life. All the debris seems to be coming from the heart of the Chemical Plant Zone, so that is where our intrepid pair make for...](if:$Roll is 71)['Hey, Tails, I've got a good idea,' Sonic says as they speed along. 'No, it's a good one this time, honest. Eat these,' he adds, handing over several bananas...](if:$Roll is 72)[No matter which way Sonic runs, the Fog Frog manages to hop around and keep facing in his direction; it must have infra-red vision to help it navigate in the fog...](if:$Roll is 73)[Unfortunately the Apebot chooses this very moment to look up. As Sonic is falling like a bomb, the thing raises a giant paw and takes a swipe at the hedgehog...](if:$Roll is 74)[Turning himself into a speeding blue blur, Sonic hurtles round the room, bouncing off computer banks and video screens. Panels fly open, revealing five gold rings (Sonic can quickly snatch these up). Although he misses the android, the various explosions he has caused make it look tarnished and dirty. Now it must fight, against Sonic's Good Looks (plus 3 because Tails is helping) with its rating reduced to 6...](if:$Roll is 75)[Sonic is about to dash after the Tails-stuffed snowball when the snowy ground in front of him rises up into a mound, out of which bursts a giant, snake-like robot head, closely followed by a segmented metal body...](if:$Roll is 76)[Although they don't move a muscle, the scuttling Scorpion gets nearer until it grabs them in its metal pincers, pulling them out of the sand. Sonic must lose all of his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 77)[As the scorched pair approach, a cheery polar bear pops up behind the counter and smiles broadly...](if:$Roll is 78)[The two pals make a dash for it and are soon shivering under a nearby clump of trees...](if:$Roll is 79)[By some nifty manoeuvring Sonic manages to lure the fish into coming towards him from opposite directions. At the last minute Sonic swerves out of their way, causing the Choppers to smash into each other...](if:$Roll is 80)[The two friends run along yet another gleaming metal corridor which curves round the outer edge of the Weather Egg...](if:$Roll is 81)[There are two exits: the one to the left (turn to **265**) and the one on the right (turn to **94**).](if:$Roll is 82)[Raising his mighty fists, Knuckles prepares to resist Sonic's spin attack...](if:$Roll is 83)['Well, we can't stay here,' Sonic declares. 'We've got to sort out all this stupid weather!' Should he and Tails try to venture further into the zone against the wind (turn to **257**) or take to the air, with Tails carrying Sonic (turn to **70**)?](if:$Roll is 84)[Sonic lies in a dazed heap at feet of the victorious Knuckles. 'I'm going to find out what's going on around here so I can get back to my island,' the dreadlocked red dude declares, turning to go. 'Stay away from me, Sonic,' he adds warningly. 'If you cross me again, you'll really be for it!' With that, the echidna dashes off after the rapidly disappearing, Robotnik-shaped cloud...](if:$Roll is 85)[Tails flies off with Porker, making for the top of the cliffs and leaving Sonic being swept towards the rapids on Porkers house! Do you think our hero should stay on the roof (turn to **283**) or jump off and swim for it (turn to **214**)?](if:$Roll is 86)[The ice flips over as Sonic and Tails leap on to it, depositing the pair in the rushing river...](if:$Roll is 87)[As he approaches the table, Sonic hears an ominous hissing and, looking around, he sees a large metal snake slithering towards him across the dusty floor...](if:$Roll is 88)[Sonic tumbles forward into the snow and keeps rolling, gathering snow with every revolution...](if:$Roll is 89)['Time for a pit-stop,' Sonic says, unstoppering the canister. 'I'm really thirsty.'
'Me, too,' Tails agrees, and the two pause to take long swigs from the bottle...](if:$Roll is 90)[Unable to work out which way he's going in the thick fog, Sonic hits the ground head first. Whump! He must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 91)[With Foggy Froggy the Fog Frog destroyed, the mist is already beginning to thin and clear, revealing a damp but familiar landscape...](if:$Roll is 92)[Sonic goes to make a heroic leap, but he slips and gets knocked off the ramp by a barrel. He lands in a heap at the base of the scaffolding and must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 93)[Because it is so well made, Sonic must fight this opponent using his Good Looks (plus 3 because Tails is helping) against the android's rating of 8...](if:$Roll is 94)[The corridor slopes up and up, curling round the edge of the Weather Egg. Eventually Sonic and Tails come to a door set in the side of the metal corridor...](if:$Roll is 95)[Hanging motionless from a branch, Sonic waits, hardly daring to breathe. The Badniks are hovering right above him...](if:$Roll is 96)[Squirting the Octopus ink in Robotnik's direction, Sonic manages to cover the glass viewing-plate...](if:$Roll is 97)[Unable to free himself from the belt, Sonic is dragged into the snow-maker. The blades whirr and chop, and Sonic is deposited on the other side, minus all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 98)[Roll against Sonic's Quick Wits, to beat an 8.
(set:$Rating to 8)(display:"QuickWitsTest")(set:$Roll to 98)
(if:$Success is "True")[If he succeeds, (link:"turn to **183**")[(set:$Roll to 183)(goto:"150")]. If not, turn to **110**.](else:)[If he succeeds, turn to **183**. If not, (link:"turn to **110**")[(set:$Roll to 110)(goto:"150")].]](if:$Roll is 99)[It is soon raining very hard and the two heroes are soaked to the skin. 'If this keeps up it'll soon be raining cats and dogs,' Tails announces glibly...](if:$Roll is 100)[The frozen darts hit Sonic and pin him against a wall of ice. He must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 101)[Each of the Choppers has a rating of 6, and Sonic must beat fight them using his Strength...](if:$Roll is 102)[The circuit-board is covered in computer chips and has the letters 'IV' printed on it...](if:$Roll is 103)[Leaving the echidna lying in a heap on the walk-way, Sonic and Tails hurry off in search of a way to get off the Weather Egg...](if:$Roll is 104)[Oh no, you don't!' Sonic commands, slapping his hand quickly across the fox's mouth. 'Watch what you're saying in future!' As the rain continues to pour down, Robotnik-shaped cloud speeds up and flies away across the zone...](if:$Roll is 105)[Although the fog is very thick, Sonic does manage to spot three gold rings shining under a bush (he may take them)...](if:$Roll is 106)[Fiddling with the controls at the base of the crystal-tipped rod, Sonic suddenly manages to make a freezing blue ray shoot out from it...](if:$Roll is 107)[The two friends swing through the trees right up to the Octopus, then they attack simultaneously before it can grab either of them in its terrible tentacles...](if:$Roll is 108)[As they plod through the sandy wastes, Sonic and Tails spy on the horizon a large pyramid, built from stone blocks...](if:$Roll is 109)[As the Snowworm snaps at Sonic, he dodges around it, trying to hit its body while avoiding the head. Sonic must fight using his Speed, against a rating of 8...](if:$Roll is 110)[The Mummy staggers forward and sparks shoot from its hands as it swings a blow at Sonic. The Mummy has a rating of 10, and Sonic must fight it using his Strength (plus 3 because Tails is helping)...](if:$Roll is 111)[Bobbing along through the flooded zone, Sonic and Tails are suddenly confronted by a very peculiar sight. Their piggy pal, Porker Lewis, is sitting on the roof of his house, which seems to have been washed along by the flood...](if:$Roll is 112)[Just do as I do,' Sonic hisses under his breath, grabbing Tails. 'I have a really cunning plan.' The two friends start to skate around, arm in arm, performing a spectacular ice-dance routine that Orville and Spleen off the vids would be proud of...](if:$Roll is 113)[Sonic is beginning to wonder whether they have in fact wandered into a totally different zone. Then, in the distance, what looks like a giant sandcastle appears, and several dark shapes are coming out of it...](if:$Roll is 114)[Although several of Sonic's makeshift missles hit the ape, they don't seem to have any effect on it...](if:$Roll is 115)[The plank hits the water and Sonic follows it. Unable to swim against the strong current, Sonic is dragged along by the river...](if:$Roll is 116)[As the two friend trudge north across the hills, it starts to get noticeably colder and when they reach the brow of the next hill they find themselves looking across a snow-covered landscape...](if:$Roll is 117)[Sonic bounces off walls and ceiling in his attack, and he smashes one of the Coconuts. Unfortunately, he also smashes into his pal, Tails, sending him flying...](if:$Roll is 118)['Wooah!' Sonic yells as the root comes away in his hands. He hits the ground several metres below with an almightly thump, losing all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 119)[Sonic, Tails and Sally sit down in the middle of the pile of Robot parts, to catch their breath. With the giant Apebot gone, the wind has dropped and the air is still. Everything is calm...](if:$Roll is 120)[Sonic ducks just in time, and the frozen darts fly harmlessly over his head. Suddenly a freezing blue ray shoots from the Yeti's eyes...](if:$Roll is 121)[Sonic hits the worm with enough force to send it reeling, but not hard enough to destroy it totally. Sonic must now fight, using his Speed, against a rating of 8...](if:$Roll is 122)[BOOM! The next bomb is right on target. Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 123)[Thanks, guys,' a very relieved Porker sighs, pulling his two rescuers on to the roof of his floating cottage...](if:$Roll is 124)[The two heroes manage to negotiate the ice-floes and reach the riverbank safely...](if:$Roll is 125)['Hey, look! Over there,' Tails pipes up, pointing at what looks like a fast food stall, standing in the middle of the desert and shimmering in the overheated air...](if:$Roll is 126)[With the welcoming committee well and truly stomped, and Knuckles done, it's time to explore further; but which door should Sonic and Tails use: the one to the left (turn to **229**) or to the right (turn to **234**)?](if:$Roll is 127)[When Sonic regains his senses, Tails is shaking him furiously and squealing, 'Wake up, wake up! We've got to get out of here!' (Note that 2 more minutes have elapsed.) The hedgehog staggers groggily to his feet...](if:$Roll is 128)[They dash for the door, but their way is blocked by a third Coconut. Sonic and Tails must fight all three...](if:$Roll is 129)[The river soon divides, going in two different directions. One rout carries on between the cliffs, but the other way leads into a dark cave — and this is the direction in which Sonic is being carried. The river rushes along through the caves, sending Sonic hurtling this way and that — it's like a really exciting funfair ride...](if:$Roll is 130)[Jumping down from their metal camels, the penguins pull out funny-looking, curved little swords and advance on Sonic and Tails...](if:$Roll is 131)[Sonic and Tails scurry away from the spooky voice, hurrying through the trees. Soon they are totally confused and can't even tell which way is north, everything looks much the same...](if:$Roll is 132)[The Snakebot has a rating of 7, and Sonic must fight it using his Speed to dodge its fangs...](if:$Roll is 133)[The last robot collapses in a heap of transistors and short-circuiting connectors. Now, should Sonic leave the room immediately (turn to **156**), or should he smash the mirrors first, if he hasn't done so already (turn to **196**)?](if:$Roll is 134)[Half buried in the mud are five gold rings! (Add them to Sonic's Vital Statistics.) Pleased with his find, Sonic is spurred into looking for his friends. Turn to **233**.](if:$Roll is 135)[There is no doubt about it: this part of the Emerald Hill Zone has now turned into a scorching desert. 'Blimey, but I'm gasping for a long, cool drink,' Tails pants...](if:$Roll is 136)[Sonic is now under the second laser. Roll one dice again. This time, on a roll of 2, turn to **18**. On anything else, turn to **176**](if:$Roll is 137)[In one wall of the large pyramid is a dark opening. Stepping cautiously inside, Sonic and Tails descend a flight of steps and find themselves in a short corridor...](if:$Roll is 138)[Tails lands on top of one of the cliffs and deposits Sonic safely. 'Help me!' Porker's voice comes from below...](if:$Roll is 139)[Swinging round and round on the branch, Sonic builds up momentum, then lets go. The hedgehog hurtles into the air, flying between the trees , and crashes into two Buzzers, smashing them into pieces...](if:$Roll is 140)[The hedgehog sets off at a gallop dow the steep hillside, follwing the path of Tails' snowball and dodging Badniks' bullets at the same time. As he speeds along between icicle-laden trees and boulders, he does not spot the tree-root that lies, hidden, just beneath the snow. Whoops! Roll one dice. On a roll of 1 to 3, turn to **217**. On a roll of 4 to 6, turn to **88**.](if:$Roll is 141)['Come on!' Sonic shouts to Tails. 'Run for it!' Leaving their opponents bruised and batters, the two friends race away from the penguins. Soon they are far away, running through the dune. Turn to **235**.](if:$Roll is 142)[Dashing through the door marked 'Teleporter', Sonic and Tails clamber over the broken bits of Android and thrust the triangular key into its socket...](if:$Roll is 143)['Oi! Ugly! Yeah, you with the pincers on!' Sonic shouts at the top of his voice. 'Over here, you useless bag of bolts.' Next to him, Tails sticks out his tongue and blows a loud raspberry at the Scorpion...](if:$Roll is 144)[Sonic passes through a cave-like section and is able to grab two gold rings hanging from stalactites above him. If Sonic has made three rolls, turn to **44**. If not, return to **129** and roll again.](if:$Roll is 145)['Hey! What's that up ahead?' Sonic says, peering into the gloom. In the foggy distance they can just make out two yellow lights which are blinking on and off irregularly. 'Oh no, Flashers!' Sonic cries — but it's too late: the two robotic fireflies have spotted them and are buzzing into the attack...](if:$Roll is 146)[Does Sonic also possess a battery power pack? (if:$Battery is "True")[If he does, (link:"turn to **172**")[(set:$Roll to 172)(goto:"150")]; otherwise, turn to **184**.](else:)[If he does, turn to **172**; otherwise, (link:"turn to **184**")[(set:$Roll to 184)(goto:"150")].]](if:$Roll is 147)[Holding on to Tails with one arm, Sonic sticks out the other, grabs a nearby steel pipe and hangs on for dear life. When the gust has passed, Tails is able to set off again. Turn to **263**.](if:$Roll is 148)[On the table are twelve gold rings altogether, and Sonic can take them, before darting back out of the room and slamming the door. Turn to **269**.](if:$Roll is 149)[Sonic and Tails push together to open the heavy stone door — and gasp aloud at the sight which greets them inside. They are in a magnificently decorated tomb...](if:$Roll is 150)[..](if:$Roll is 151)[Fumbling with the laser's controls, Sonic suddenly produces a beam of bright red light, which hits the ice holding Tails, turning it to water! 'Th-th-thanks, bu-bu-bu-bu-bu- pal,' the fox shivers. Lying in the water are six gold rings, which Sonic can take. Now it's time to go; turn to **59**.](if:$Roll is 152)[Sonic hurtles out of the shelter of the trees just in time, grabbing Tails by the hand and pulling him away from the falling tree...](if:$Roll is 153)[Racing across to the teleporter, Sonic and Tails both jump on to a disc marked with a cross which is set in the floor below the device's massive teleport ray generator — but nothing happens...](if:$Roll is 154)[You must be joking!' Tails laughs. 'I couldn't carry him down! He's way too heavy.' So, Sonic will have to try something else: improvising a see-saw (turn to **201**) or knocking the tree down (turn to **45**).](if:$Roll is 155)[Unfortunately, this puts Sonic directly in line with the super-hot beam. The hedgehog yelps in dismay as it singes his spines; Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 156)[Hurrying from the room, Sonic and Tails proceed onward and upward. The corridor comes to an end when it reaches a rectangular room which houses a huge coil, powered by clusters of golden rings...](if:$Roll is 157)[Shuffling through the desolate zone, Sonic and Tails suddenly become aware that is is growing distinctly foggy. The further east they walk, the denser the mist gets...](if:$Roll is 158)[Swinging from branch to branch, Sonic starts to make his way across the zone, followed by his foxy friend, who is flying, using his twin tails like a helicopter...](if:$Roll is 159)[One of the limpets' bombs hits Sonic and explodes, causing him to lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 160)[With each step, Sonic's trainers sink deeper into the sand, and he is beginning to feel dizzy from the heat. Poking out of a nearby sand-dune are two gold rings, which Tails collects for Sonic...](if:$Roll is 161)[While the robots are distracted, Sonic breaks through their line, dragging Tails behind him. After a few moments, the dim-witted Badniks realize what has happened — but by then the two friends are well away. Eventually, with no sign that the Badniks are following them, Sonic and Tails stop to rest by a steep wall of ice. Suddenly a huge, shaggy, white shape appears in front of them, as if out of nowhere...](if:$Roll is 162)[Outside the pyramid, Sonic and Tails waste no more time but set off again across the desert. Sonic is beginning to wonder whether they have in fact wandered into a totally different zone...](if:$Roll is 163)[Sonic quickly throws one end of the roll of Mummy's bandages up over the top of the cliff and calls to Tails to pull him up. The little fox isn't very strong, but eventually he manages to hoist the hedgehog back to relative safety of the clifftop...](if:$Roll is 164)[Without warning, a huge gust of wind catches Tails and blows him backwards. Roll against Sonic's Quick Wits, to beat a 6...](if:$Roll is 165)[As Sonic is swept past crumbling, half-submerged columns, he is able to snatch five gold rings hanging from them...](if:$Roll is 166)[Seeing a superhero hedgehog making for their precious machines, the Badniks leap to defend them, blocking Sonic's path...](if:$Roll is 167)[Flapping with all his might, Tails battles against the wind to get into the right position. When he is directly above the ape, Tails yells, 'Bombs away!' and lets go of Sonic...](if:$Roll is 168)[Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life). 'How many times do I have to tell you, you great steaming dag? Keep out of my way!' Knuckles spits, then adds, half to himself, 'There's a Chaos Emerald powering this place, I'll bet.'
Wasting no more time with Sonic, Knuckles dashes away through the left-hand door...](if:$Roll is 169)[Sonic lowers his head and runs straight at the block. He hits it, cracking the ice but knocking himself out (cross off all his rings or a life)...](if:$Roll is 170)[Inside the eggs-o-skeleton, Robotnik's strength is greatly enhanced, giving him a rating of 12! Sonic must fight using his Strength (plus 3 because Tails is helping)...](if:$Roll is 171)[Using all his fabled speed, Sonic eventually catches up with his rival. 'Not you again!' Knuckles exclaims as the hedgehog races up...](if:$Roll is 172)[Fortunately Sonic is able to improvise his own light-sabre. Turning the laser on, Sonic tunes it so that a beam of blue light emerges like the blade of a sword...](if:$Roll is 173)[Suddenly they hear a loud, booming croaking sound up ahead, and out of the gloom hops a seriously huge, toad-like, robot creature. It croaks again and a huge cloud of mist and fog belches out of its cavernous mouth...](if:$Roll is 174)[Remembering the teleport room, Sonic and Tails speed off along the corridors. (Add 2 minutes to the time elapsed.) Hearing the sound of clanking footsteps behind them, Sonic glances back, to discover that the two of them are being pursued by a motley bunch of Badniks...](if:$Roll is 175)[Forging ahead in the direction of the voice, and with a nervous Tails scurrying along behind him, Sonic almost walks slap bang into a tree that looms out of the fog. 'Heinous! That was close,' he says, with his nose just millimetres from the trunk...](if:$Roll is 176)[Keep on rolling for each of the remaining six lasers. If you roll the same number as the laser, turn to **18**...](if:$Roll is 177)[Sonic has a brainwave: if he starts dancing, and does all of his drop-dead coolest moves, he might be able to charm the snake...](if:$Roll is 178)[Nope, no squirrels passed by here today. I would have remembered,' the bear says doubtfully...](if:$Roll is 179)[The triangle looks like part of a computer circuit-board; it is covered in chips and diodes and has the letters 'KO' embossed on its other side. 'Well, that's only fair. It almost knocked *me* out,' Sonic chuckles. Turn to **119**...](if:$Roll is 180)[Walking south, Sonic and Tails can see that, rather than being wet after all the bad weather, this part of the zone is quite warm and dry — and it seems to be getting warmer and drier by the minute...](if:$Roll is 181)[Sonic, barely visible inside a speeding blue blur, shoots forward at the robotic worm. Roll against Sonic's Strength, to beat an 8. If he succeeds, turn to **55**. If he fails, turn to **121**...](if:$Roll is 182)[Where can they run to? They're surrounded! The Badniks open fire. Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 183)[As the Mummy staggers forward, Sonic spots a loose strip of bandage flapping round the thing's knees. Ducking under the Mummy's flailing arms, Sonic grabs hold of the wrapping and keeps running. The Mummy starts to spin round very fast...](if:$Roll is 184)[Without a light-sabre to defend himself, Sonic is going to be hard pressed to defeat the egg-crazed lunatic advancing on him...](if:$Roll is 185)[Hearing an ominous clicking sound, Sonic looks up — to see a huge robot Scorpion scuttling towards the pair, snapping its metal claws menacingly. Where its sting should be hangs a large, glowing laser-gun...](if:$Roll is 186)[Hold on a sec!' Sonic says, holding up his hand. 'This will take us back to Mobius — which is all very well, but there's still the matter of a certain large, annoying, egg-obsessed supervillain by the name of Robotnik who needs a darn good bashing before the day is out! Only a real cowardy-custard like Knuckles would sneak off before the job was done!' Turn to **229**.](if:$Roll is 187)['You won't take a hint, will you?' Knuckles sneers. 'How many times do I have to tell you? LEAVE ME ALONE!' Turning on his heels, the echidna speeds away...](if:$Roll is 188)[Sonic takes another step forward — and there is nothing beneath his feet! As he falls, Sonic throws out his hands and manages to grab a tree-root that is protruding from the the sheer cliff-face...](if:$Roll is 189)[A barrel hits Sonic suare on, knocking him flat. He must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 190)[If Sonic has some old Mummy's bandages that he could wrap round his hands first, and you think he should try this, turn to **207**. Otherwise, turn to **250**.](if:$Roll is 191)[The daring duo step into an empty room, which is featureless save for a sand-covered floor. 'Aw, empty!' Tails complains...](if:$Roll is 192)[Reaching the base of the tower, Sonic starts to run up the various ramps and ladders that have been built into the scaffolding, in an attempt to get up to the overgrown Coconut...](if:$Roll is 193)['I do not know what it is zat you are saying. Zis 'as always been desert 'ere; zis is ze Desert Zone.'
Sonic had been right: the new desert that now covers part of Emerald Hill Zone does link up with another zone...](if:$Roll is 194)[Sonic aims the crystal-tipped rod at the water round the Octopus and fires. Absolutely nothing happens — perhaps there's too much water for it to freeze...](if:$Roll is 195)[The heat is unbearable. Sonic suddenly collapses and must lose one life (regardless of any rings he may have)...](if:$Roll is 196)[The heroic hedgehog hurtles round the room in a rush of blue spines. There is a cacophony of breaking glass and soon there isn't a single mirror left intact. In the course of all this mayhem Sonic uncovers twelve gold rings and a Shield power-up (the very next time Sonic must lose all his rings or a life, he can ignore the instruction). Turn to **156**.](if:$Roll is 197)[Sonic successfully steers round every obstacle until he comes to a halt at the bottom of the hill. Close by, Tails is lying against a tree among the broken remains of his snowball...](if:$Roll is 198)[Although he is wearing his super-sneakers, Sonic slips down and slides across the floor in a sitting position, slamming into the far wall of the chamber half upside down. He must lose all his rings (but he does not have to lose a life if he has none)...](if:$Roll is 199)[The freezing blue ray hits Tails, who is instantly imprisoned inside a large block of ice! Sonic must fight on without his chum's assistance (so no 3-point bonus)...](if:$Roll is 200)[The For Frog hops towards Sonic, trying to squash him under its feet. As a result, Sonic will have to battle using his Agility score (plus 3 because Tails is helping), to beat the robot's rating of 10...](if:$Roll is 201)[The whirlwind must also have strewn masses of debris across the zone, because it doesn't take Sonic very long to find a plank of wood and a round log with which to construct an impromptu see-saw...](if:$Roll is 202)[Sonic starts fumbling with the knots securing Sally to the tower. The squirrel glances over his shoulder and, with a look of terror widening her eyes, she screams, 'Sonic! Behind you! Look out!' The hedgehog spins around just in time to see — and feel — the ape's giant fist smash into him with so much force he is sent flying from the tower...](if:$Roll is 203)[Stomping towards Sonic and Tails, Frostie the Snowbot prepares to crush them in its icy grip...](if:$Roll is 204)[The hedgehog and fox give as good as they gte, but eventually they find themselves captured. Expecting to be led off to the penguin's distant sandcastle, Sonic is surprised when their captors start digging two holes in the sand; but all becomes clear when the penguins stick him and Tails in the holes and bury them up to their necks! Then the strange birds ride away, leaving our heroes to swelter in the baking sun...](if:$Roll is 205)[Oh all right then. Catch!' Sonic scowles, tossing the Chaos Emerald to Knuckles...](if:$Roll is 206)[What with explosions and gunfire going off all around, it is hardly surprising that Sonic fails to spot a half-buried boulder...](if:$Roll is 207)[His hands insulated by the bandages, Sonic is able to remove the gold rings from the lightning machine without being harmed by the dangerous electricity coursing through it...](if:$Roll is 208)[Lying glinting in the sand is a solitary gold ring, which Sonic can take...](if:$Roll is 209)[As Sonic floors the echidna, the door to the right hums open and three peculiar Badniks glide into the chamber. They look like metal footballs and are circled by smaller, spiked spheres. They are Orbinauts and they mean Sonic and Tails harm...](if:$Roll is 210)[Sonic and Tails dash away across the Emerald Hill Zone, following the fast-moving cloud. As they reach the brow of another hill, in the distance they see a cottage being struck by a bolt of lightning which has come from the cloud...](if:$Roll is 211)[Sonic sprints towards the nearest Badnik, but he suddenly finds his feet slipping under him on the rain-soaked floor! Roll against Sonic's Agility, to beat a 7...](if:$Roll is 212)[Sonic gives the ice an almighty karate kick and shatters it into a hundred pieces, freeing his friend. Also frozen in the ice were six gold rings, which Sonic can take. Turn to **59**.](if:$Roll is 213)[Sonic braces himself, then he lands on the top of the tower, just behind the ape...](if:$Roll is 214)[Holding his breath, Sonic leaps into the raging torrent and is immediately dragged along by the river, unable to either control where he's going or to swim against the force of the current. Roll one dice. On a roll of 1 to 4, turn to **129**. On a 5 or 6, turn to **230**.](if:$Roll is 215)[Has Sonic already used the Scorpion's laser in the course of his adventures? If he has, turn to **146**. If he hasn't, turn to **172**.](if:$Roll is 216)[Continually ducking and diving, darting and weaving, Sonic manages to avoid being trapped by the robots. All this while it goes on raining, huge drops splashing down from the strange cloud...](if:$Roll is 217)[Sonic trips over the root and falls flat on his face, making an easy target for the Badniks...](if:$Roll is 218)[Sonic spots the appendage just in time to avoid it. However, Tails is not so lucky: he is grabbed and held, struggling, in the Octopus's grasp...](if:$Roll is 219)[Sonic revs up on the spot, before letting himself go and hurtling at the frog...](if:$Roll is 220)[Heeeeeeelllpppp!' the two friends wail, but there is no one around to hear their feeble pleading. The Scorpion continues to approach them...](if:$Roll is 221)[The heroic hedgehog hurtles round the room in a rush of blue spines to the accompaniment of a cacophony of breaking glass. Soon there isn't a single mirror left intact and Sonic has uncovered twelve gold rings and a Shield power-up (the very next time Sonic must lose all his rings or a life, he can ignore the instruction)...](if:$Roll is 222)[Sonic has now been bashed and battered so many times that he is feeling distinctly bruised. He must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 223)[Stumbling throught the fog, the two pals can hear all sorts of strange noises coming from ahead of them. After several minutes, however, they still haven't come across anything, and now there is a fork in the forest path...](if:$Roll is 224)['THREE... TWO... ONE. SELF-DESTRUCT INITIATED'...](if:$Roll is 225)[Flattened by a spinning blue ball of spines and attitude, Knuckles falls to the ground, dropping ten gold rings he was carrying (Sonic can take these)...](if:$Roll is 226)[For a long moment the penguin leader peers down from his camel at the two animals, then finally he says, 'Very well, I accept your grovelling apology. But oo are you two?'
'I, mon-sewer, am Sonic ze Hedgehog, greatest hero, megastar, babe magnet and all-round coolest dude on Mobius,' Sonic says modestly...](if:$Roll is 227)[I just thought it was global warming gone a bit haywire — you know, from everyone using spray cans,' the polar bear admits...](if:$Roll is 228)[In a whirling super spin blue, Sonic lands right in the centre of the freezing machine, wrecking it utterly. 'Smashing!' he puns, leaping at the next stage in the chain. In no time at all, the machines are scarcely in a state to produce even slush...](if:$Roll is 229)[The corridor leads away into the distance, but close by is a bank of small tubes which point down into the corridor...](if:$Roll is 230)[The river divides, continuing between the cliffs in one fork and disappearing into a cavernous tunnel in the other, but Sonic is swept past the cave and on through the rapids...](if:$Roll is 231)['Hey!' Sonic snaps, gazing out at you. 'He may be a little twit sometimes, but he's my chum, and this hedgehog doesn't let his chums go rolling off round the zone in the middle of giant snowballs. There may be Batniks about! I'm going after him.' Turn to **75**.](if:$Roll is 232)['Where are we, Sonic?' Tails whines.
'Haven't a clue, little dude,' Sonic admits. Which way now: straight ahead (turn to **145**), left (turn to **105**) or right (turn to **239**)?](if:$Roll is 233)[Running through the rain, Sonic and Tails soon catch sight of a bedraggled chicken trying to shelter under a lightning-scorched bush...](if:$Roll is 234)[Our two heroic companions run along a gleaming, polished-metal corridor which gradually slopes up-wards as it curves round the inside edge of the Weather Egg. Soon they come to a closed door bearing the word 'Teleporter' in a tacky, futuristic lettering...](if:$Roll is 235)[In no time at all it seems as if Sonic and Tails have been walking for hours under the blazing sun, and still there seems to be no sign of the desert coming to an end. If Sonic has a water canister, turn to **89**. If he hasn't, turn to **256**.](if:$Roll is 236)[The object is a cloud-shaped circuit-board, printed with the letters 'ɪʀ'. Sonic ponders a while. 'It must stand for "infra-red",' he decides...](if:$Roll is 237)[The door opens into a large room, which is full of humming machinery. Immense blocks of ice, created by a freezing machine are deposited on a conveyor belt, at the end of which whirling knife-blades are chopping them into snowflakes! These are then being sucked out of the Weather Egg and whirl down to the Emerald Hill Zone, far below...](if:$Roll is 238)[Managing to keep his balance on the slippery floor (thanks to his super-sneakers), Sonic smashes into two of the Badniks, which explode into tiny pieces...](if:$Roll is 239)[You know, Tails,' Sonic says, 'I can't see a darn thing in this bogus fog stuff.' Roll against Sonic's Good Looks to beat a 6. If he is successful, turn to **16**. If he is not, turn to **188**.](if:$Roll is 240)[Sonic doesn't find a way out — but he does find a bunch of Orbinaunts guarding a corridor...](if:$Roll is 241)[At this point Knuckles suddenly appears, running across the sand-dunes, sweating profusely. When he sees Sonic standing next to the wrecked Scorpion, he screeches to a halt with a look of annoyance on his face...](if:$Roll is 242)[Sonic and Tails make the relative safety of a workman's cabin near by, but not before being hit but not before being hit by more bananas...](if:$Roll is 243)[The ape gives Sonic a mighty wallop, knocking him clean off the tower...](if:$Roll is 244)[The android falls apart where it stands. On a shelf next to where it was standing Sonic finds a large, triangular key (add this to his Vital Statistics)...](if:$Roll is 245)[Taking on all four Badniks will not be easy. Each has a rating of 6, and Sonic must fight using his Agility (plus 3 because Tails is helping)...](if:$Roll is 246)[Opening the door, Sonic and Tails peer into a small room which is empty, save for a stone table set against the far wall...](if:$Roll is 247)[Tails and Sonic are blown into the open end of a large concrete pipe and they slide down inside it, only to be deposited out of the bottom into a huge pile of foul, green, chemical gunk...](if:$Roll is 248)[Spinning across the room, Sonic powers into the surprised robots. Roll against Sonic's Speed, to beat a 9. If he succeeds, turn to **51**. If he fails, turn to **12**.](if:$Roll is 249)[If that was the Mummy, I'd hate to see the Daddy,' Tails jokes nervously...](if:$Roll is 250)[Sonic makes a grab for the nearest ring — and is instantly zapped by several million volts. Electricity is seriously dangerous! He must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 251)[As Sonic feared, the robots soon catch up with the pair. The Badniks have a combined rating of 9, and Sonic must fight them using his Speed (plus 3 because Tails is helping)...](if:$Roll is 252)[It has stopped raining now in this part of the zone, but the damage has already been done. As Sonic and Tails reach the crest of the next hill, they look down, to see that the entire area is flooded...](if:$Roll is 253)[Sonic stands his ground, ready to bash the Badniks. However, this just makes him an easier target to hit. Sonic loses all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 254)[Swept along by the turbulent water, Sonic unfortunately has no way of revving up to go into a super spin...](if:$Roll is 255)[Just as Sonic suspected, the Yeti is a robot covered in plastic fur; it is now lying on the ground in a pile of smoking pieces...](if:$Roll is 256)['Water... water!' Tails is muttering as he falls to the ground. Sonic leans over to help him up, but his head starts spinning and he, too, succumbs. Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 257)[The Bananas continue to rain down round and on the two as they run deeper into the Chemical Plant Zone...](if:$Roll is 258)[The ground if dry and cracked, but poking out of the parched soil they spot a gold ring, which Sonic can take...](if:$Roll is 259)[On the far side of the lasers, Sonic is so happy to have survived that he leaps up and down in glee. He bangs his head on the ceiling and a panel falls open, allowing six gold rings to drop out...](if:$Roll is 260)['Non,' the leader says. 'No acorns, no squirrels at all. Sorry'...](if:$Roll is 261)[A single lucky throw strikes the robot square on its temple. This must be its weak spot, because the huge thing topples backwards off the tower...](if:$Roll is 262)[The corridor open out into the vast, hollow heart of the Weather Egg. A narrow walkway leads across to a round platform bearing a large computer screen and a terminal, in the very centre of the void. It looks like the yolk of an egg. Bravely, Sonic steps on to the walkway...](if:$Roll is 263)[There seems to be no end to the gale, nor to the storm of rubbish, barrels and stray fruit that are flying past...](if:$Roll is 264)[Probing the debris, Sonic manages to extract the glowing object. It looks like a computer circuit-board, but it is in the shape of a raindrop rather than rectangular...](if:$Roll is 265)[The corridor continues to slope upwards round the inside of the Weather Egg. Having seen little but the monotonous metal walls of the passageway for several minutes, Sonic and Tails are eventually relieved when they come to a door, set in one wall. If they should investigate, turn to **237**. If not, turn to **156**.](if:$Roll is 266)[Sonic crashes into the door, smashing the stone into pieces, and lands, unharmed, in the corridor outside. Tails trots out and helps him to his feet, and the pair decide where to go next...](if:$Roll is 267)[Tails scurries about, collecting armfuls of flowers; but the Badniks cotton on to what is happening. Surrounded, the two friends are soon grabbed by strong metal hands...](if:$Roll is 268)[Sonic drops from the tree into the floodwater and is immediately carried away by the swift-moving current. Not wants to be left alone with the Buzzers, Tails jumps into the water too. Turn to **111**.](if:$Roll is 269)[Which door will Sonic and Tails try next (choose one they haven't tried yet): the one to the right (turn to **191**) or the one at the end of the corridor (turn to **149**)?](if:$Roll is 270)[Sonic sees in time that the red shape speeding towards him is his arch-rival, the read-dreaded echidna, Knuckles! (Echidna = spiny anteater — Who says gamebooks aren't educational!) 'Phew, thank goodness I didn't try to catch that bogus dude,' Sonic chuckles...](if:$Roll is 271)[Because it is so well made, Sonic must fight the droid using his Good Looks (plus 3 because Tails is helping) against its rating of 8...](if:$Roll is 272)[As Sonic is peering and poking at the strange sun-deflecting mechanism, a hidden door slides open and two red droids trundle into the room on wheeled tracks, intent on apprehending the intruders...](if:$Roll is 273)['Come on,' says the anxious fox. 'Let's get out of here. I'm frightened.'
Should Sonic do as Tails asks turn to **131**) or should they first find out what's making the strange noise (turn to **175**)?](if:$Roll is 274)[With the fog gone, it's time to explore somewhere else, but where? Choose an area they haven't visited yet: they can go north (turn to **116**), south (turn to **180**) or west (turn to **252**).](if:$Roll is 275)[With his final blow, Sonic knocks the evil Robotnik off the walkway and the scientist plunges down into the void, his voice trailing behind him: 'You meddling menace... IIII'llll geeeet yooooooooooouuu...' The victorious hedgehog watches until the bulky shape has disappeared from view...](if:$Roll is 276)[The pair start scrabbling in the sand, their eyes peeled for any sign of hidden treasure...](if:$Roll is 277)[Tails and Sonic are now feeling thoroughly uncomfortable as they trudge through the dusty terrain under the merciless dun. Should they keep to a southerly course (turn to **63**), or head west (turn to **160**) or east (turn to **208**)?](if:$Roll is 278)[Sonic gives his leg a good tug and his foot comes free, allowing him to flip backwards and smash into several more surprised robots. Turn to **203**.](if:$Roll is 279)[A spider-like Grabber drops suddenly from the ceiling of the cave on a thing line from a metal spider's web and makes a grab for Sonic...](if:$Roll is 280)[Sonic loses all his rings (or a life). 'I hope that's taught you not to mess with me, hedgehog,' Knuckles spits. 'Now, tell me what you know about what's going on!'
At that instant, hearing the sound of the wind picking up again, everyone looks around in dismay — to see a large whirlwind speeding across the Chemical Plant Zone towards them...](if:$Roll is 281)[Among the fur and diodes, Sonic finds a glowing circuit-board in the shape of a large snowflake...](if:$Roll is 282)[Walking through thick grey clouds of fog, Sonic and Tails hear a strange flapping sound. Without warning, two bat-like robots emerge out of the mist ahead of them: Batbrains! Sonic must fight the pair, each of which has a rating of 5, using his Speed (plus 3 because Tails is helping)...](if:$Roll is 283)[Sonic stays on the roof, but he stands up to help keep his balance. Suddenly the house comes to a jolting stop, wedged between the narrow rocks, causing several of the wooden slats of the roof to come loose — including the one Sonic is standing on! Roll against Sonic's Coolness, to beat a 7...](if:$Roll is 284)[The tentacle wraps itself round the hedgehog's waist and pulls him under the water...](if:$Roll is 285)[The ape grabs Tails and lifts him up into the air. With a gentle puff, the thing blows the fox halfway across the zone! Sonic will have to fight on alone (and so lose Tails' 3-point bonus)...](if:$Roll is 286)[Before Sonic can reach the huge robot, the other Badniks are upon him! Roll against Sonic's Speed to beat a 9...](if:$Roll is 287)[The Android collapses into a zillion pieces. On a desk near by is a triangular key, which Sonic snatches up and fits into a similarly shaped socket in the control panel...](if:$Roll is 288)[Hurriedly Sonic starts patting on the walls, looking for a secret lever or a loose stone that could provide a way of escape...](if:$Roll is 289)[Racing across to the teleporter, Sonic and Tails both jump on to a disc marked with a cross which is set in the floor below the device's massive teleport ray generator — but nothing happens...](if:$Roll is 290)[The heroic hedgehog, closely followed by his fearless foxy friend, dives into the water and splashes towards the Octopus...](if:$Roll is 291)['Goodness!' Tails gasps as he and Sonic get their breath back. 'What strange weather we've been having recently...](if:$Roll is 292)[After Sonic defeated Foggy Froggy the Fog Frog, Tails saw that they were very close to the Chemical Plant Zone. If you think the pair should head in that direction to look for Sally Acorn, turn to **3**...](if:$Roll is 293)[Then I'll have to take it from you!' Knuckles shouts, swinging one of his enormous fists at Sonic's head. Sonic must fight using his Agility, against Knuckles' own rating of 7; Tails cannot help...](if:$Roll is 294)[The two heroes are in a room, one side of which is open to the air. Standing in front of this gap is a gigantic magnifying glass and, thanks to a complicated arrangement of mirrors and prisms, the sun's rays are directed into a powerful beam which is scorching a great gouge across the ground far, far below...](if:$Roll is 295)[Grabbing a loose piece of one of the Snowworm's segments, Sonic jumps on it and slides away down the hillside, using it as an improvised toboggan...](if:$Roll is 296)[Staggering this way and that through the deserted landscape, Sonic and Tails can continue east (turn to **195**), turn west (turn to **208**) or go south (turn to **113**).](if:$Roll is 297)[Sonic performs a triple spin and lands neatly on both feet. He looks around, beaming, basking in the applause of his chums...](if:$Roll is 298)[Just when they are thinking that things couldn't get any worse, Sonic and Tails look up as a loud buzzing sound gets closer — to find themselves surrounded by four Whisps! The large robot insects each have a rating of 5 and, because he is splattered with slime, Sonic will have to fight each of them using his Good Looks (Tails helps, so add a 3-point bonus)...](if:$Roll is 299)[Roll on Sonic's Quick Wits to beat a 7. If he is successful, turn to **79**. If not, Sonic is unable to think of something clever, so he must fight (turn to **101**).](if:$Roll is 300)[As Sonic and Tails leap into the teleporter beam, there is a sharp, electrical crack...](if:$Roll is 1)[It is another quite gloriously sunny day in the Emerald Hill Zone and, true to form, our hero, Sonic the Hedgehog, and his foxy friend, Miles Prowers (also known as Tails), are doing nothing very much...](if:$Roll is 2)['Ah, oui, I can 'elp you zere,' the penguin smiles. 'Just keep on 'eading north — and zere you are.'
If Sonic doesn't want to ask any more questions, turn to **52**.](if:$Roll is 3)[Hey, Porker said that Sally was carried off towards the Chemical Plant Zone!' Sonic realizes. 'We must go and rescue her in a typically heroic fashion. Come on, Tails!'...](if:$Roll is 4)[Which side of the magnifying glass does Sonic grab in order to manoeuvre the lens into position: the side that bulges out (turn to **58**) or the side that curves in (turn to **155**)?](if:$Roll is 5)[There are four Buzzers, each with a rating of 5, and Sonic must fight them using his Agility...](if:$Roll is 6)[How is Sonic going to get Tails out of the ice? If he has a laser and you think he should use that, turn to **151**. Otherwise, he'll have to smash the block. Roll against Sonic's Strength, to beat a 7...](if:$Roll is 7)[Sonic and Tails have two exits to choose from: the one on the left (turn to **229**) or the one on the right (turn to **234**). Whichever exit they choose, Knuckles will head in the opposite direction.](if:$Roll is 8)[Spinning as if his life depended on it — for indeed it does — Sonic smashes into the eggs-o-skeleton, sending Robotnik reeling...](if:$Roll is 9)[Sonic somehow manages to avoid all the deadly detonating devices, and he is able to grab several gold rings while being swept along in the water — six in all!..](if:$Roll is 10)[In the middle of one wall Sonic finds a smooth brick that slides in when he presses it. The sand stops falling and the door swings open...](if:$Roll is 11)[Bruised and battered, Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life). Tails flies on; turn to **23**.](if:$Roll is 12)[The hurtling hedgehog bounces off one robot into another, turning them both into a textbook definition of 'smithereens'; but in his haste he misjudges his next leap. Sonic's reflexes are not quite fast enough to stop him landing on the conveyor belt...](if:$Roll is 13)[Sheep and starfish next!' Tails finishes his sentence. Immediately there is another crash and something else falls from the turbulent sky. Stalking towards the pair now are — yes, you've guessed it — a large robotic sheep and a huge, annoyed-looking metal starfish...](if:$Roll is 14)[Okey dokey, skipper,' Tails agrees, taking hold of Sonic and flying in the direction of the Octopus. A long tentacle shoots out and grabs Tails. In shock he drops Sonic, who lands with a splash in the water near the Octopus. The Octopus has a rating of 9, and Sonic must roll against his Speed if he is to avoid its marauding tentacles...](if:$Roll is 15)[The giant robot ape seems to have assumed that the barrels have done their job, for it stops dropping them and begins blowing gusts of wind out over the zone once more. Sonic clambers up to the top level of the tower and waves to Sally, who certainly seems very pleased to see him. Sonic always loves this part of being a hero...](if:$Roll is 16)[Fortunately Sonic just manages to make out the edge of a steep cliff in fron of him before he steps over it and falls to his doom. 'Maybe this way isn't so hot,' Sonic admits, backing away...](if:$Roll is 17)[That showed him,' Sonic says, looking down at the unconscious echidna. Sonic notices that Knuckles has dropped ten gold rings he must have been carrying and quickly scoops them up before turning to tails...](if:$Roll is 18)[Sonic is zapped by the frazzling beam of the laser and must lose all his rings (or a life). Smouldering slightly, the hedgehog tumbles all the way down the corridor, out of range of the lasers, dragging Tails safely behind him. Turn to **64**.](if:$Roll is 19)[The two Coconuts each have a rating of 6 and, since Coconuts are cooler than the average Badniks, Sonic must fight both of them using his Coolness (plus 3 because Tails is helping)...](if:$Roll is 20)[Where should the two pals go now: to the north (turn to **116**), east (turn to **157**) or south (turn to **252**)?..](if:$Roll is 21)[Lying in the snow amidst the remains of the Badniks are seven gold rings. Sonic grabs them, then moves on...](if:$Roll is 22)[A blast from the laser-sting clips Tails, knocking him over. Sonic will have to fight on alone, without his friend's 3-point bonus...](if:$Roll is 23)[At last, through the flying debris, they see it! Standing on top of a large tower of pipes and scaffolding up ahead is a truly ginormous robotic ape...](if:$Roll is 24)[How exactly will Sonic and Tails do this?
<div class=""indented1"">Attack the machines?<div style=""float: right;"">Turn to **166**</div>
Attack the Badnik operators?<div style=""float: right;"">Turn to **248**</div>
Attack the icicle-covered robot?<div style=""float: right;"">Turn to **286**</div></div>](if:$Roll is 25)[As the shape speeds towards him, Sonic prepares to catch it. Just too late, the hedgehog realises who it is. 'Aw no! No! Not him!' he yells unhappily...](if:$Roll is 26)[Unfortunately, there are so many Badniks that they have little difficulty in blocking all the exits. Sonic can either fight (turn to **245**), go into a super spin (turn to **211**) or keep them distracted (turn to **40**)...](if:$Roll is 27)[The turbulent waters get gradually calmer as the river passes beyond the rapids. But Sonic's troubles are not yet over. Swimming towards him, against the current, are two metallic fish which look like nothing but teeth and fins...](if:$Roll is 28)[The terrain is definitely getting drier and dustier, and the pair are both sweating in the hot sun...](if:$Roll is 29)[Turning himself into a speeding blue blur, Sonic hurtles round the room, bouncing off computer banks and video screens. Panels fly open, revealing five gold rings (Sonic can quickly snatch these up). Although he misses the android, the various explosions he has caused make it look tarnished and dirty. Now it must fight, against Sonic's Good Looks (plus 3 because Tails is helping) with its rating reduced to 6...](if:$Roll is 30)[The worm strikes so fast that Sonic barely sees it move, and well before Sonic can get away. Cross off all Sonic's rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 31)[The Snakebot watches, mesmerized by Sonic's body-popping, bogling and vogueing. Eventually there is a click and the robot shuts off, falling on to its side with a clunk. Sonic makes a dive for the gold rings. Turn to **148**.](if:$Roll is 32)[The two robots both have a rating of 6, and Sonic must fight using his Coolness (plus 3 because Tails is helping). If they defeat the robot guards, turn to **133**.](if:$Roll is 33)[The Badniks level their weapons, robotic frowns on their metal faces. 'Aw, everyone's a critic!' Sonic sighs as they open fire...](if:$Roll is 34)[With Sonic's final blow the Scorpion falls apart, revealing a glowing round circuit-board at its heart...](if:$Roll is 35)[As Tails carries Sonic through the windy gale, the hedgehog manages to grab an armful of debris and stray fruit with which to pelt the ape...](if:$Roll is 36)[Incredibly, Sonic manages to avoid all the barrels...](if:$Roll is 37)[Carrying on through the trees, Sonic and Tails are suddenly confronted by a very peculiar sight. Their piggy pal, Porker Lewis, is sitting on the roof of his house, which seems to have been washed along by the flood...](if:$Roll is 38)['Ow! My tootsies!' Tails squawks, tripping over something that is sticking out of the ground. 'What's that?'
Sonic bends down and picks up what looks like a small power-pack or battery. 'Strange. Perhaps it fell off one of Robotnik's bogus Badniks.' Sonic may take this article with him if he wishes...](if:$Roll is 39)[The door opens to reveal another gleaming, metal room. In the far corner stands a large device which must be a teleporter. Standing by the side of a bank of computer screens and controls is a silver android...](if:$Roll is 40)[Trying to avoid four robots all at once won't be easy. Roll on Sonic's Speed to beat an 8...](if:$Roll is 41)[Which way, Sonic?' Tails frets as they race through the maze of corridors in panic. 'Anywhere you like. Just keep your eyes peeled for an escape pod or a life jacket or something,' Sonic snaps back...](if:$Roll is 42)[Before the hedgehog can get out of the way, the tree crashes down on top of him...](if:$Roll is 43)[Finding himself caught in the Yeti's freezing ray, Sonic is immediately trapped in the ice from the neck down and cannot move...](if:$Roll is 44)[Our hero finally emerges from the caves and is washed up on a riverbank, downstream from the rapids...](if:$Roll is 45)[Revving up into super spin mode, the hedgehog speeds through the fog towards the tree and smashes into the trunk...](if:$Roll is 46)[Yelling an ancient hedgehog war-cry, Sonic runs at the monsterous machine. He must fight using his Strength (plus 3 because Tails is helping), against the Apebot's rating of 10...](if:$Roll is 47)[Revving up on the spot, Sonic then hurls himself towards the door...](if:$Roll is 48)[Unfortunately, Sonic's disco poses are a little old-fashioned even by this pyramid-dweller's standards. The Snakebot pauses for a second, then strikes...](if:$Roll is 49)[What does Sonic have that he could possibly use against the evil Robotnik? If he has a freeze ray he wants to try, turn to **106**.](if:$Roll is 50)[The plant hits the river and Sonic finds himself surfing down the rapids, looking as cool as any surfing blue hedgehog has ever done! While Sonic is on this improvised surfboard, he may add one point in his favour to any dice rolls he must make...](if:$Roll is 51)[The Badniks are lying around the room like half a dozen spilled jigsaws. The way is now clear for Sonic to attack either their snowy supervisor (turn to **203**) or the machines themselves (turn to **228**).](if:$Roll is 52)[We should get going, Sonic,' Tails advises, giving the strange penguins a nervous look...](if:$Roll is 53)[Well, it *was* quite sunny this morning when I opens up, but it just seemed to get hotter and hotter. All the trees and grass shrivelled up and sand blew in, and soon I was surrounded by desert. It was quite peculiar, now I come to think about it,' the polar bear says...](if:$Roll is 54)[As you ponder which gambit Sonic should try, the rain-soaked hillside gives way and out two heroes are swept away in a ferocious mudslide, which ends only when they are deposited into the fast-flowing flood-waters. Sonic and Tails are swept away; turn to **111**.](if:$Roll is 55)[The snowworm shatters into pieces and lies, motionless, in the snow. Sonic is about to set off in pursuit of his friend when he hears the sound of gunfire, immediately followed by an explosion near by...](if:$Roll is 56)[The huge robot topples backwards off the tower. Far, far below, it smashes on the ground with an earth-shaking thump and explodes into a million and two pieces. Sonic races over to Sally and unties her...](if:$Roll is 57)[Intruders! Intruders!' a computerized voice from a computer terminal blares and, before Sonic and Tails can do anything, they are surrounded by a clutch of lethal-looking laser-barrels. They have failed, and now it is Game Over!](if:$Roll is 58)[Twisting the lens so that it is pointing at the two droids, Sonic zaps them with a beam of concentrated sunlight, frying their circuits and causing their casings to melt like ice-cream on a summer's day. Now, should Sonic leave the room immediately (turn to **156**), or should he smash the mirrors first, if he hasn't already done so (turn to **196**)?](if:$Roll is 59)[As they continue on their way, Sonic can't help noticing that, with the Yeti destroyed, a thaw has set in and all the ice and snow are starting to melt...](if:$Roll is 60)[A bolt of energy sears too close to Sonic for comfort. He must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 61)[The hedgehog smashes into the door, which explodes outwards, but he has knocked himself senseless in the effort. He must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 62)[As the floodwaters recede, Sonic is finally washed up on a riverbank downstream from the rapids. Lying around are eight gold rings, which he may take...](if:$Roll is 63)[The landscape all around is orange and parched, more like the wasteland around Scrap Brain Zone than the lush Emerald Hill Zone. 'Water!' Tails croaks dramatically...](if:$Roll is 64)[After a short distance Sonic and Tails find themselves at the entrance to a large chamber which has a domed ceiling. In the middle of the room, floating just below the ceiling., is a large grey cloud. On the far side of the room, two exits lead deeper into the Weather Egg. As soon as the heroic pair enter the chamber, the cloud starts to drop hot, wet rain on them! At the same time, four Badniks trundle into the room, ready to deal with the intruders...](if:$Roll is 65)[To find out what's happening to Emerald Hill Zone, Sonic and Tails are going to have to explore further afield. Should they head north (turn to **116**), south (turn to **180**), east (turn to **157**) or west (turn to **252**)?..](if:$Roll is 66)[The Badniks burst into rapturous applause and our two heroes take their bows. Some of the robots start throwing bunches of flowers on to the ice...](if:$Roll is 67)[At Sonic's final blow, the giant Octopus bursts apart at the seams, pieces of metal tentacle showering down into the water all round our heroes...](if:$Roll is 68)[What ees ze meaning of zis?' the penguin demands...](if:$Roll is 69)[Sonic soon finds himself surrounded by the Badniks, and he now has no choice but to fight them...](if:$Roll is 70)[Spinning his twin tails like propellers, Tails rise into the air, with Sonic hanging on for dear life. All the debris seems to be coming from the heart of the Chemical Plant Zone, so that is where our intrepid pair make for...](if:$Roll is 71)[Hey, Tails, I've got a good idea,' Sonic says as they speed along. 'No, it's a good one this time, honest. Eat these,' he adds, handing over several bananas...](if:$Roll is 72)[No matter which way Sonic runs, the Fog Frog manages to hop around and keep facing in his direction; it must have infra-red vision to help it navigate in the fog...](if:$Roll is 73)[Unfortunately the Apebot chooses this very moment to look up. As Sonic is falling like a bomb, the thing raises a giant paw and takes a swipe at the hedgehog...](if:$Roll is 74)[Turning himself into a speeding blue blur, Sonic hurtles round the room, bouncing off computer banks and video screens. Panels fly open, revealing five gold rings (Sonic can quickly snatch these up). Although he misses the android, the various explosions he has caused make it look tarnished and dirty. Now it must fight, against Sonic's Good Looks (plus 3 because Tails is helping) with its rating reduced to 6...](if:$Roll is 75)[Sonic is about to dash after the Tails-stuffed snowball when the snowy ground in front of him rises up into a mound, out of which bursts a giant, snake-like robot head, closely followed by a segmented metal body...](if:$Roll is 76)[Although they don't move a muscle, the scuttling Scorpion gets nearer until it grabs them in its metal pincers, pulling them out of the sand. Sonic must lose all of his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 77)[As the scorched pair approach, a cheery polar bear pops up behind the counter and smiles broadly...](if:$Roll is 78)[The two pals make a dash for it and are soon shivering under a nearby clump of trees...](if:$Roll is 79)[By some nifty manoeuvring Sonic manages to lure the fish into coming towards him from opposite directions. At the last minute Sonic swerves out of their way, causing the Choppers to smash into each other...](if:$Roll is 80)[The two friends run along yet another gleaming metal corridor which curves round the outer edge of the Weather Egg...](if:$Roll is 81)[There are two exits: the one to the left (turn to **265**) and the one on the right (turn to **94**).](if:$Roll is 82)[Raising his mighty fists, Knuckles prepares to resist Sonic's spin attack...](if:$Roll is 83)[Well, we can't stay here,' Sonic declares. 'We've got to sort out all this stupid weather!' Should he and Tails try to venture further into the zone against the wind (turn to **257**) or take to the air, with Tails carrying Sonic (turn to **70**)?](if:$Roll is 84)[Sonic lies in a dazed heap at feet of the victorious Knuckles. 'I'm going to find out what's going on around here so I can get back to my island,' the dreadlocked red dude declares, turning to go. 'Stay away from me, Sonic,' he adds warningly. 'If you cross me again, you'll really be for it!' With that, the echidna dashes off after the rapidly disappearing, Robotnik-shaped cloud...](if:$Roll is 85)[Tails flies off with Porker, making for the top of the cliffs and leaving Sonic being swept towards the rapids on Porkers house! Do you think our hero should stay on the roof (turn to **283**) or jump off and swim for it (turn to **214**)?](if:$Roll is 86)[The ice flips over as Sonic and Tails leap on to it, depositing the pair in the rushing river...](if:$Roll is 87)[As he approaches the table, Sonic hears an ominous hissing and, looking around, he sees a large metal snake slithering towards him across the dusty floor...](if:$Roll is 88)[Sonic tumbles forward into the snow and keeps rolling, gathering snow with every revolution...](if:$Roll is 89)['Time for a pit-stop,' Sonic says, unstoppering the canister. 'I'm really thirsty.'
'Me, too,' Tails agrees, and the two pause to take long swigs from the bottle...](if:$Roll is 90)[Unable to work out which way he's going in the thick fog, Sonic hits the ground head first. Whump! He must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 91)[With Foggy Froggy the Fog Frog destroyed, the mist is already beginning to thin and clear, revealing a damp but familiar landscape...](if:$Roll is 92)[Sonic goes to make a heroic leap, but he slips and gets knocked off the ramp by a barrel. He lands in a heap at the base of the scaffolding and must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 93)[Because it is so well made, Sonic must fight this opponent using his Good Looks (plus 3 because Tails is helping) against the android's rating of 8...](if:$Roll is 94)[The corridor slopes up and up, curling round the edge of the Weather Egg. Eventually Sonic and Tails come to a door set in the side of the metal corridor...](if:$Roll is 95)[Hanging motionless from a branch, Sonic waits, hardly daring to breathe. The Badniks are hovering right above him...](if:$Roll is 96)[Squirting the Octopus ink in Robotnik's direction, Sonic manages to cover the glass viewing-plate...](if:$Roll is 97)[Unable to free himself from the belt, Sonic is dragged into the snow-maker. The blades whirr and chop, and Sonic is deposited on the other side, minus all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 98)[Roll against Sonic's Quick Wits, to beat an 8. If he succeeds, turn to **183**. If not, turn to **110**.](if:$Roll is 99)[It is soon raining very hard and the two heroes are soaked to the skin. 'If this keeps up it'll soon be raining cats and dogs,' Tails announces glibly...](if:$Roll is 100)[The frozen darts hit Sonic and pin him against a wall of ice. He must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 101)[Each of the Choppers has a rating of 6, and Sonic must beat fight them using his Strength...](if:$Roll is 102)[The circuit-board is covered in computer chips and has the letters 'IV' printed on it. 'So this must be robot number four...](if:$Roll is 103)[Leaving the echidna lying in a heap on the walk-way, Sonic and Tails hurry off in search of a way to get off the Weather Egg...](if:$Roll is 104)[Oh no, you don't!' Sonic commands, slapping his hand quickly across the fox's mouth. 'Watch what you're saying in future!' As the rain continues to pour down, Robotnik-shaped cloud speeds up and flies away across the zone...](if:$Roll is 105)[Although the fog is very thick, Sonic does manage to spot three gold rings shining under a bush (he may take them)...](if:$Roll is 106)[Fiddling with the controls at the base of the crystal-tipped rod, Sonic suddenly manages to make a freezing blue ray shoot out from it...](if:$Roll is 107)[The two friends swing through the trees right up to the Octopus, then they attack simultaneously before it can grab either of them in its terrible tentacles...](if:$Roll is 108)[As they plod through the sandy wastes, Sonic and Tails spy on the horizon a large pyramid, built from stone blocks...](if:$Roll is 109)[As the Snowworm snaps at Sonic, he dodges around it, trying to hit its body while avoiding the head. Sonic must fight using his Speed, against a rating of 8...](if:$Roll is 110)[The Mummy staggers forward and sparks shoot from its hands as it swings a blow at Sonic. The Mummy has a rating of 10, and Sonic must fight it using his Strength (plus 3 because Tails is helping)...](if:$Roll is 111)[Bobbing along through the flooded zone, Sonic and Tails are suddenly confronted by a very peculiar sight. Their piggy pal, Porker Lewis, is sitting on the roof of his house, which seems to have been washed along by the flood...](if:$Roll is 112)[Just do as I do,' Sonic hisses under his breath, grabbing Tails. 'I have a really cunning plan.' The two friends start to skate around, arm in arm, performing a spectacular ice-dance routine that Orville and Spleen off the vids would be proud of...](if:$Roll is 113)[Sonic is beginning to wonder whether they have in fact wandered into a totally different zone. Then, in the distance, what looks like a giant sandcastle appears, and several dark shapes are coming out of it...](if:$Roll is 114)[Although several of Sonic's makeshift missles hit the ape, they don't seem to have any effect on it...](if:$Roll is 115)[The plank hits the water and Sonic follows it. Unable to swim against the strong current, Sonic is dragged along by the river...](if:$Roll is 116)[As the two friend trudge north across the hills, it starts to get noticeably colder and when they reach the brow of the next hill they find themselves looking across a snow-covered landscape! ..](if:$Roll is 117)[Sonic bounces off walls and ceiling in his attack, and he smashes one of the Coconuts. Unfortunately, he also smashes into his pal, Tails, sending him flying...](if:$Roll is 118)[Wooah!' Sonic yells as the root comes away in his hands. He hits the ground several metres below with an almightly thump, losing all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 119)[Sonic, Tails and Sally sit down in the middle of the pile of Robot parts, to catch their breath. With the giant Apebot gone, the wind has dropped and the air is still. Everything is calm...](if:$Roll is 120)[Sonic ducks just in time, and the frozen darts fly harmlessly over his head. Suddenly a freezing blue ray shoots from the Yeti's eyes...](if:$Roll is 121)[Sonic hits the worm with enough force to send it reeling, but not hard enough to destroy it totally. Sonic must now fight, using his Speed, against a rating of 8...](if:$Roll is 122)[BOOM! The next bomb is right on target. Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 123)[Thanks, guys,' a very relieved Porker sighs, pulling his two rescuers on to the roof of his floating cottage...](if:$Roll is 124)[The two heroes manage to negotiate the ice-floes and reach the riverbank safely...](if:$Roll is 125)['Hey, look! Over there,' Tails pipes up, pointing at what looks like a fast food stall, standing in the middle of the desert and shimmering in the overheated air...](if:$Roll is 126)[With the welcoming committee well and truly stomped, and Knuckles done, it's time to explore further; but which door should Sonic and Tails use: the one to the left (turn to **229**) or to the right (turn to **234**)?](if:$Roll is 127)[When Sonic regains his senses, Tails is shaking him furiously and squealing, 'Wake up, wake up! We've got to get out of here!' (Note that 2 more minutes have elapsed.) The hedgehog staggers groggily to his feet...](if:$Roll is 128)[They dash for the door, but their way is blocked by a third Coconut. Sonic and Tails must fight all three...](if:$Roll is 129)[The river soon divides, going in two different directions. One rout carries on between the cliffs, but the other way leads into a dark cave — and this is the direction in which Sonic is being carried. The river rushes along through the caves, sending Sonic hurtling this way and that — it's like a really exciting funfair ride...](if:$Roll is 130)[Jumping down from their metal camels, the penguins pull out funny-looking, curved little swords and advance on Sonic and Tails...](if:$Roll is 131)[Sonic and Tails scurry away from the spooky voice, hurrying through the trees. Soon they are totally confused and can't even tell which way is north, everything looks much the same...](if:$Roll is 132)[The Snakebot has a rating of 7, and Sonic must fight it using his Speed to dodge its fangs...](if:$Roll is 133)[The last robot collapses in a heap of transistors and short-circuiting connectors. Now, should Sonic leave the room immediately (turn to **156**), or should he smash the mirrors first, if he hasn't done so already (turn to **196**)?](if:$Roll is 134)[Half buried in the mud are five gold rings! (Add them to Sonic's Vital Statistics.) Pleased with his find, Sonic is spurred into looking for his friends. Turn to **233**.](if:$Roll is 135)[There is no doubt about it: this part of the Emerald Hill Zone has now turned into a scorching desert. 'Blimey, but I'm gasping for a long, cool drink,' Tails pants...](if:$Roll is 136)[Sonic is now under the second laser. Roll one dice again. This time, on a roll of 2, turn to **18**. On anything else, turn to **176**](if:$Roll is 137)[In one wall of the large pyramid is a dark opening. Stepping cautiously inside, Sonic and Tails descend a flight of steps and find themselves in a short corridor...](if:$Roll is 138)[Tails lands on top of one of the cliffs and deposits Sonic safely. 'Help me!' Porker's voice comes from below...](if:$Roll is 139)[Swinging round and round on the branch, Sonic builds up momentum, then lets go. The hedgehog hurtles into the air, flying between the trees , and crashes into two Buzzers, smashing them into pieces...](if:$Roll is 140)[The hedgehog sets off at a gallop dow the steep hillside, follwing the path of Tails' snowball and dodging Badniks' bullets at the same time. As he speeds along between icicle-laden trees and boulders, he does not spot the tree-root that lies, hidden, just beneath the snow. Whoops! Roll one dice. On a roll of 1 to 3, turn to **217**. On a roll of 4 to 6, turn to **88**.](if:$Roll is 141)['Come on!' Sonic shouts to Tails. 'Run for it!' Leaving their opponents bruised and batters, the two friends race away from the penguins. Soon they are far away, running through the dune. Turn to **235**.](if:$Roll is 142)[Dashing through the door marked 'Teleporter', Sonic and Tails clamber over the broken bits of Android and thrust the triangular key into its socket...](if:$Roll is 143)[Oi! Ugly! Yeah, you with the pincers on!' Sonic shouts at the top of his voice. 'Over here, you useless bag of bolts.' Next to him, Tails sticks out his tongue and blows a loud raspberry at the Scorpion...](if:$Roll is 144)[Sonic passes through a cave-like section and is able to grab two gold rings hanging from stalactites above him. If Sonic has made three rolls, turn to **44**. If not, return to **129** and roll again.](if:$Roll is 145)[Hey! What's that up ahead?' Sonic says, peering into the gloom. In the foggy distance they can just make out two yellow lights which are blinking on and off irregularly. 'Oh no, Flashers!' Sonic cries — but it's too late: the two robotic fireflies have spotted them and are buzzing into the attack...](if:$Roll is 146)[Does Sonic also possess a battery power pack? If he does, turn to **172**; otherwise, turn to **184**.](if:$Roll is 147)[Holding on to Tails with one arm, Sonic sticks out the other, grabs a nearby steel pipe and hangs on for dear life. When the gust has passed, Tails is able to set off again. Turn to **263**.](if:$Roll is 148)[On the table are twelve gold rings altogether, and Sonic can take them, before darting back out of the room and slamming the door. Turn to **269**.](if:$Roll is 149)[Sonic and Tails push together to open the heavy stone door — and gasp aloud at the sight which greets them inside. They are in a magnificently decorated tomb...](if:$Roll is 150)[..](if:$Roll is 151)[Fumbling with the laser's controls, Sonic suddenly produces a beam of bright red light, which hits the ice holding Tails, turning it to water! 'Th-th-thanks, bu-bu-bu-bu-bu- pal,' the fox shivers. Lying in the water are six gold rings, which Sonic can take. Now it's time to go; turn to **59**.](if:$Roll is 152)[Sonic hurtles out of the shelter of the trees just in time, grabbing Tails by the hand and pulling him away from the falling tree...](if:$Roll is 153)[Racing across to the teleporter, Sonic and Tails both jump on to a disc marked with a cross which is set in the floor below the device's massive teleport ray generator — but nothing happens...](if:$Roll is 154)[You must be joking!' Tails laughs. 'I couldn't carry him down! He's way too heavy.' So, Sonic will have to try something else: improvising a see-saw (turn to **201**) or knocking the tree down (turn to **45**).](if:$Roll is 155)[Unfortunately, this puts Sonic directly in line with the super-hot beam. The hedgehog yelps in dismay as it singes his spines; Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 156)[Hurrying from the room, Sonic and Tails proceed onward and upward. The corridor comes to an end when it reaches a rectangular room which houses a huge coil, powered by clusters of golden rings...](if:$Roll is 157)[Shuffling through the desolate zone, Sonic and Tails suddenly become aware that is is growing distinctly foggy. The further east they walk, the denser the mist gets...](if:$Roll is 158)[Swinging from branch to branch, Sonic starts to make his way across the zone, followed by his foxy friend, who is flying, using his twin tails like a helicopter...](if:$Roll is 159)[One of the limpets' bombs hits Sonic and explodes, causing him to lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 160)[With each step, Sonic's trainers sink deeper into the sand, and he is beginning to feel dizzy from the heat. Poking out of a nearby sand-dune are two gold rings, which Tails collects for Sonic...](if:$Roll is 161)[While the robots are distracted, Sonic breaks through their line, dragging Tails behind him. After a few moments, the dim-witted Badniks realize what has happened — but by then the two friends are well away. Eventually, with no sign that the Badniks are following them, Sonic and Tails stop to rest by a steep wall of ice. Suddenly a huge, shaggy, white shape appears in front of them, as if out of nowhere...](if:$Roll is 162)[Outside the pyramid, Sonic and Tails waste no more time but set off again across the desert. Sonic is beginning to wonder whether they have in fact wandered into a totally different zone...](if:$Roll is 163)[Sonic quickly throws one end of the roll of Mummy's bandages up over the top of the cliff and calls to Tails to pull him up. The little fox isn't very strong, but eventually he manages to hoist the hedgehog back to relative safety of the clifftop...](if:$Roll is 164)[Without warning, a huge gust of wind catches Tails and blows him backwards. Roll against Sonic's Quick Wits, to beat a 6...](if:$Roll is 165)[As Sonic is swept past crumbling, half-submerged columns, he is able to snatch five gold rings hanging from them...](if:$Roll is 166)[Seeing a superhero hedgehog making for their precious machines, the Badniks leap to defend them, blocking Sonic's path...](if:$Roll is 167)[Flapping with all his might, Tails battles against the wind to get into the right position. When he is directly above the ape, Tails yells, 'Bombs away!' and lets go of Sonic...](if:$Roll is 168)[Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life). 'How many times do I have to tell you, you great steaming dag? Keep out of my way!' Knuckles spits, then adds, half to himself, 'There's a Chaos Emerald powering this place, I'll bet.'
Wasting no more time with Sonic, Knuckles dashes away through the left-hand door...](if:$Roll is 169)[Sonic lowers his head and runs straight at the block. He hits it, cracking the ice but knocking himself out (cross off all his rings or a life)...](if:$Roll is 170)[Inside the eggs-o-skeleton, Robotnik's strength is greatly enhanced, giving him a rating of 12! Sonic must fight using his Strength (plus 3 because Tails is helping)...](if:$Roll is 171)[Using all his fabled speed, Sonic eventually catches up with his rival. 'Not you again!' Knuckles exclaims as the hedgehog races up...](if:$Roll is 172)[Fortunately Sonic is able to improvise his own light-sabre. Turning the laser on, Sonic tunes it so that a beam of blue light emerges like the blade of a sword...](if:$Roll is 173)[Suddenly they hear a loud, booming croaking sound up ahead, and out of the gloom hops a seriously huge, toad-like, robot creature. It croaks again and a huge cloud of mist and fog belches out of its cavernous mouth...](if:$Roll is 174)[Remembering the teleport room, Sonic and Tails speed off along the corridors. (Add 2 minutes to the time elapsed.) Hearing the sound of clanking footsteps behind them, Sonic glances back, to discover that the two of them are being pursued by a motley bunch of Badniks...](if:$Roll is 175)[Forging ahead in the direction of the voice, and with a nervous Tails scurrying along behind him, Sonic almost walks slap bang into a tree that looms out of the fog. 'Heinous! That was close,' he says, with his nose just millimetres from the trunk...](if:$Roll is 176)[Keep on rolling for each of the remaining six lasers. If you roll the same number as the laser, turn to **18**...](if:$Roll is 177)[Sonic has a brainwave: if he starts dancing, and does all of his drop-dead coolest moves, he might be able to charm the snake...](if:$Roll is 178)[Nope, no squirrels passed by here today. I would have remembered,' the bear says doubtfully...](if:$Roll is 179)[The triangle looks like part of a computer circuit-board; it is covered in chips and diodes and has the letters 'KO' embossed on its other side. 'Well, that's only fair. It almost knocked *me* out,' Sonic chuckles. Turn to **119**...](if:$Roll is 180)[Walking south, Sonic and Tails can see that, rather than being wet after all the bad weather, this part of the zone is quite warm and dry — and it seems to be getting warmer and drier by the minute...](if:$Roll is 181)[Sonic, barely visible inside a speeding blue blur, shoots forward at the robotic worm. Roll against Sonic's Strength, to beat an 8. If he succeeds, turn to **55**. If he fails, turn to **121**...](if:$Roll is 182)[Where can they run to? They're surrounded! The Badniks open fire. Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 183)[As the Mummy staggers forward, Sonic spots a loose strip of bandage flapping round the thing's knees. Ducking under the Mummy's flailing arms, Sonic grabs hold of the wrapping and keeps running. The Mummy starts to spin round very fast...](if:$Roll is 184)[Without a light-sabre to defend himself, Sonic is going to be hard pressed to defeat the egg-crazed lunatic advancing on him...](if:$Roll is 185)[Hearing an ominous clicking sound, Sonic looks up — to see a huge robot Scorpion scuttling towards the pair, snapping its metal claws menacingly. Where its sting should be hangs a large, glowing laser-gun..](if:$Roll is 186)[Hold on a sec!' Sonic says, holding up his hand. 'This will take us back to Mobius — which is all very well, but there's still the matter of a certain large, annoying, egg-obsessed supervillain by the name of Robotnik who needs a darn good bashing before the day is out! Only a real cowardy-custard like Knuckles would sneak off before the job was done!' Turn to **229**.](if:$Roll is 187)[You won't take a hint, will you?' Knuckles sneers. 'How many times do I have to tell you? LEAVE ME ALONE!' Turning on his heels, the echidna speeds away...](if:$Roll is 188)[Sonic takes another step forward — and there is nothing beneath his feet! As he falls, Sonic throws out his hands and manages to grab a tree-root that is protruding from the the sheer cliff-face...](if:$Roll is 189)[A barrel hits Sonic suare on, knocking him flat. He must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 190)[If Sonic has some old Mummy's bandages that he could wrap round his hands first, and you think he should try this, turn to **207**. Otherwise, turn to **250**...](if:$Roll is 191)[The daring duo step into an empty room, which is featureless save for a sand-covered floor. 'Aw, empty!' Tails complains...](if:$Roll is 192)[Reaching the base of the tower, Sonic starts to run up the various ramps and ladders that have been built into the scaffolding, in an attempt to get up to the overgrown Coconut...](if:$Roll is 193)['I do not know what it is zat you are saying. Zis 'as always been desert 'ere; zis is ze Desert Zone.'
Sonic had been right: the new desert that now covers part of Emerald Hill Zone does link up with another zone...](if:$Roll is 194)[Sonic aims the crystal-tipped rod at the water round the Octopus and fires. Absolutely nothing happens — perhaps there's too much water for it to freeze...](if:$Roll is 195)[The heat is unbearable. Sonic suddenly collapses and must lose one life (regardless of any rings he may have)...](if:$Roll is 196)[The heroic hedgehog hurtles round the room in a rush of blue spines. There is a cacophony of breaking glass and soon there isn't a single mirror left intact. In the course of all this mayhem Sonic uncovers twelve gold rings and a Shield power-up (the very next time Sonic must lose all his rings or a life, he can ignore the instruction). Turn to **156**.](if:$Roll is 197)[Sonic successfully steers round every obstacle until he comes to a halt at the bottom of the hill. Close by, Tails is lying against a tree among the broken remains of his snowball...](if:$Roll is 198)[Although he is wearing his super-sneakers, Sonic slips down and slides across the floor in a sitting position, slamming into the far wall of the chamber half upside down. He must lose all his rings (but he does not have to lose a life if he has none)...](if:$Roll is 199)[The freezing blue ray hits Tails, who is instantly imprisoned inside a large block of ice! Sonic must fight on without his chum's assistance (so no 3-point bonus)...](if:$Roll is 200)[The For Frog hops towards Sonic, trying to squash him under its feet. As a result, Sonic will have to battle using his Agility score (plus 3 because Tails is helping), to beat the robot's rating of 10...](if:$Roll is 201)[The whirlwind must also have strewn masses of debris across the zone, because it doesn't take Sonic very long to find a plank of wood and a round log with which to construct an impromptu see-saw...](if:$Roll is 202)[Sonic starts fumbling with the knots securing Sally to the tower. The squirrel glances over his shoulder and, with a look of terror widening her eyes, she screams, 'Sonic! Behind you! Look out!' The hedgehog spins around just in time to see — and feel — the ape's giant fist smash into him with so much force he is sent flying from the tower...](if:$Roll is 203)[Stomping towards Sonic and Tails, Frostie the Snowbot prepares to crush them in its icy grip...](if:$Roll is 204)[The hedgehog and fox give as good as they gte, but eventually they find themselves captured. Expecting to be led off to the penguin's distant sandcastle, Sonic is surprised when their captors start digging two holes in the sand; but all becomes clear when the penguins stick him and Tails in the holes and bury them up to their necks! Then the strange birds ride away, leaving our heroes to swelter in the baking sun...](if:$Roll is 205)[Oh all right then. Catch!' Sonic scowles, tossing the Chaos Emerald to Knuckles...](if:$Roll is 206)[What with explosions and gunfire going off all around, it is hardly surprising that Sonic fails to spot a half-buried boulder...](if:$Roll is 207)[His hands insulated by the bandages, Sonic is able to remove the gold rings from the lightning machine without being harmed by the dangerous electricity coursing through it...](if:$Roll is 208)[Lying glinting in the sand is a solitary gold ring, which Sonic can take...](if:$Roll is 209)[As Sonic floors the echidna, the door to the right hums open and three peculiar Badniks glide into the chamber. They look like metal footballs and are circled by smaller, spiked spheres. They are Orbinauts and they mean Sonic and Tails harm...](if:$Roll is 210)[Sonic and Tails dash away across the Emerald Hill Zone, following the fast-moving cloud. As they reach the brow of another hill, in the distance they see a cottage being struck by a bolt of lightning which has come from the cloud...](if:$Roll is 211)[Sonic sprints towards the nearest Badnik, but he suddenly finds his feet slipping under him on the rain-soaked floor! Roll against Sonic's Agility, to beat a 7...](if:$Roll is 212)[Sonic gives the ice an almighty karate kick and shatters it into a hundred pieces, freeing his friend. Also frozen in the ice were six gold rings, which Sonic can take. Turn to **59**...](if:$Roll is 213)[Sonic braces himself, then he lands on the top of the tower, just behind the ape...](if:$Roll is 214)[Holding his breath, Sonic leaps into the raging torrent and is immediately dragged along by the river, unable to either control where he's going or to swim against the force of the current. Roll one dice. On a roll of 1 to 4, turn to **129**. On a 5 or 6, turn to **230**.](if:$Roll is 215)[Has Sonic already used the Scorpion's laser in the course of his adventures? If he has, turn to **146**. If he hasn't, turn to **172**.](if:$Roll is 216)[Continually ducking and diving, darting and weaving, Sonic manages to avoid being trapped by the robots. All this while it goes on raining, huge drops splashing down from the strange cloud...](if:$Roll is 217)[Sonic trips over the root and falls flat on his face, making an easy target for the Badniks...](if:$Roll is 218)[Sonic spots the appendage just in time to avoid it. However, Tails is not so lucky: he is grabbed and held, struggling, in the Octopus's grasp...](if:$Roll is 219)[Sonic revs up on the spot, before letting himself go and hurtling at the frog...](if:$Roll is 220)[Heeeeeeelllpppp!' the two friends wail, but there is no one around to hear their feeble pleading. The Scorpion continues to approach them...](if:$Roll is 221)[The heroic hedgehog hurtles round the room in a rush of blue spines to the accompaniment of a cacophony of breaking glass. Soon there isn't a single mirror left intact and Sonic has uncovered twelve gold rings and a Shield power-up (the very next time Sonic must lose all his rings or a life, he can ignore the instruction)...](if:$Roll is 222)[Sonic has now been bashed and battered so many times that he is feeling distinctly bruised. He must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 223)[Stumbling throught the fog, the two pals can hear all sorts of strange noises coming from ahead of them. After several minutes, however, they still haven't come across anything, and now there is a fork in the forest path...](if:$Roll is 224)['THREE... TWO... ONE. SELF-DESTRUCT INITIATED.' The Weather Egg explodes in a spectacular display that will be talked about by all the inhabitants of the Emerald Hill Zone for years to come. By all, that is, except Sonic and Tails. For them, it is Game Over!](if:$Roll is 225)[Flattened by a spinning blue ball of spines and attitude, Knuckles falls to the ground, dropping ten gold rings he was carrying (Sonic can take these)...](if:$Roll is 226)[For a long moment the penguin leader peers down from his camel at the two animals, then finally he says, 'Very well, I accept your grovelling apology. But oo are you two?'..](if:$Roll is 227)[I just thought it was global warming gone a bit haywire — you know, from everyone using spray cans,' the polar bear admits...](if:$Roll is 228)[In a whirling super spin blue, Sonic lands right in the centre of the freezing machine, wrecking it utterly. 'Smashing!' he puns, leaping at the next stage in the chain. In no time at all, the machines are scarcely in a state to produce even slush...](if:$Roll is 229)[The corridor leads away into the distance, but close by is a bank of small tubes which point down into the corridor...](if:$Roll is 230)[The river divides, continuing between the cliffs in one fork and disappearing into a cavernous tunnel in the other, but Sonic is swept past the cave and on through the rapids...](if:$Roll is 231)[Hey!' Sonic snaps, gazing out at you. 'He may be a little twit sometimes, but he's my chum, and this hedgehog doesn't let his chums go rolling off round the zone in the middle of giant snowballs. There may be Batniks about! I'm going after him.' Turn to **75**...](if:$Roll is 232)['Where are we, Sonic?' Tails whines.
'Haven't a clue, little dude,' Sonic admits. Which way now: straight ahead (turn to **145**), left (turn to **105**) or right (turn to **239**)?](if:$Roll is 233)[Running through the rain, Sonic and Tails soon catch sight of a bedraggled chicken trying to shelter under a lightning-scorched bush...](if:$Roll is 234)[Our two heroic companions run along a gleaming, polished-metal corridor which gradually slopes up-wards as it curves round the inside edge of the Weather Egg. Soon they come to a closed door bearing the word 'Teleporter' in a tacky, futuristic lettering...](if:$Roll is 235)[In no time at all it seems as if Sonic and Tails have been walking for hours under the blazing sun, and still there seems to be no sign of the desert coming to an end. If Sonic has a water canister, turn to **89**. If he hasn't, turn to **256**...](if:$Roll is 236)[The object is a cloud-shaped circuit-board, printed with the letters 'ɪʀ'. Sonic ponders a while. 'It must stand for "infra-red",' he decides...](if:$Roll is 237)[The door opens into a large room, which is full of humming machinery. Immense blocks of ice, created by a freezing machine are deposited on a conveyor belt, at the end of which whirling knife-blades are chopping them into snowflakes! These are then being sucked out of the Weather Egg and whirl down to the Emerald Hill Zone, far below...](if:$Roll is 238)[Managing to keep his balance on the slippery floor (thanks to his super-sneakers), Sonic smashes into two of the Badniks, which explode into tiny pieces...](if:$Roll is 239)[You know, Tails,' Sonic says, 'I can't see a darn thing in this bogus fog stuff.' Roll against Sonic's Good Looks to beat a 6. If he is successful, turn to **16**. If he is not, turn to **188**...](if:$Roll is 240)[Sonic doesn't find a way out — but he does find a bunch of Orbinaunts guarding a corridor...](if:$Roll is 241)[At this point Knuckles suddenly appears, running across the sand-dunes, sweating profusely. When he sees Sonic standing next to the wrecked Scorpion, he screeches to a halt with a look of annoyance on his face...](if:$Roll is 242)[Sonic and Tails make the relative safety of a workman's cabin near by, but not before being hit but not before being hit by more bananas...](if:$Roll is 243)[The ape gives Sonic a mighty wallop, knocking him clean off the tower...](if:$Roll is 244)[The android falls apart where it stands. On a shelf next to where it was standing Sonic finds a large, triangular key (add this to his Vital Statistics)...](if:$Roll is 245)[Taking on all four Badniks will not be easy. Each has a rating of 6, and Sonic must fight using his Agility (plus 3 because Tails is helping)...](if:$Roll is 246)[Opening the door, Sonic and Tails peer into a small room which is empty, save for a stone table set against the far wall...](if:$Roll is 247)[Tails and Sonic are blown into the open end of a large concrete pipe and they slide down inside it, only to be deposited out of the bottom into a huge pile of foul, green, chemical gunk...](if:$Roll is 248)[Spinning across the room, Sonic powers into the surprised robots. Roll against Sonic's Speed, to beat a 9. If he succeeds, turn to **51**. If he fails, turn to **12**...](if:$Roll is 249)[If that was the Mummy, I'd hate to see the Daddy,' Tails jokes nervously...](if:$Roll is 250)[Sonic makes a grab for the nearest ring — and is instantly zapped by several million volts. Electricity is seriously dangerous! He must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 251)[As Sonic feared, the robots soon catch up with the pair. The Badniks have a combined rating of 9, and Sonic must fight them using his Speed (plus 3 because Tails is helping)...](if:$Roll is 252)[It has stopped raining now in this part of the zone, but the damage has already been done. As Sonic and Tails reach the crest of the next hill, they look down, to see that the entire area is flooded...](if:$Roll is 253)[Sonic stands his ground, ready to bash the Badniks. However, this just makes him an easier target to hit. Sonic loses all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 254)[Swept along by the turbulent water, Sonic unfortunately has no way of revving up to go into a super spin...](if:$Roll is 255)[Just as Sonic suspected, the Yeti is a robot covered in plastic fur; it is now lying on the ground in a pile of smoking pieces...](if:$Roll is 256)[Water... water!' Tails is muttering as he falls to the ground. Sonic leans over to help him up, but his head starts spinning and he, too, succumbs. Sonic must lose all his rings (or a life)...](if:$Roll is 257)[The Bananas continue to rain down round and on the two as they run deeper into the Chemical Plant Zone...](if:$Roll is 258)[The ground if dry and cracked, but poking out of the parched soil they spot a gold ring, which Sonic can take...](if:$Roll is 259)[On the far side of the lasers, Sonic is so happy to have survived that he leaps up and down in glee. He bangs his head on the ceiling and a panel falls open, allowing six gold rings to drop out...](if:$Roll is 260)[Non,' the leader says. 'No acorns, no squirrels at all. Sorry.'..](if:$Roll is 261)[A single lucky throw strikes the robot square on its temple. This must be its weak spot, because the huge thing topples backwards off the tower...](if:$Roll is 262)[The corridor open out into the vast, hollow heart of the Weather Egg. A narrow walkway leads across to a round platform bearing a large computer screen and a terminal, in the very centre of the void. It looks like the yolk of an egg. Bravely, Sonic steps on to the walkway...](if:$Roll is 263)[There seems to be no end to the gale, nor to the storm of rubbish, barrels and stray fruit that are flying past...](if:$Roll is 264)[Probing the debris, Sonic manages to extract the glowing object. It looks like a computer circuit-board, but it is in the shape of a raindrop rather than rectangular...](if:$Roll is 265)[The corridor continues to slope upwards round the inside of the Weather Egg. Having seen little but the monotonous metal walls of the passageway for several minutes, Sonic and Tails are eventually relieved when they come to a door, set in one wall. If they should investigate, turn to **237**. If not, turn to **156**...](if:$Roll is 266)[Sonic crashes into the door, smashing the stone into pieces, and lands, unharmed, in the corridor outside. Tails trots out and helps him to his feet, and the pair decide where to go next...](if:$Roll is 267)[Tails scurries about, collecting armfuls of flowers; but the Badniks cotton on to what is happening. Surrounded, the two friends are soon grabbed by strong metal hands...](if:$Roll is 268)[Sonic drops from the tree into the floodwater and is immediately carried away by the swift-moving current. Not wants to be left alone with the Buzzers, Tails jumps into the water too. Turn to **111**.](if:$Roll is 269)[Which door will Sonic and Tails try next (choose one they haven't tried yet): the one to the right (turn to **191**) or the one at the end of the corridor (turn to **149**)?..](if:$Roll is 270)[Sonic sees in time that the red shape speeding towards him is his arch-rival, the read-dreaded echidna, Knuckles! (Echidna = spiny anteater — Who says gamebooks aren't educational!) 'Phew, thank goodness I didn't try to catch that bogus dude,' Sonic chuckles...](if:$Roll is 271)[Because it is so well made, Sonic must fight the droid using his Good Looks (plus 3 because Tails is helping) against its rating of 8...](if:$Roll is 272)[As Sonic is peering and poking at the strange sun-deflecting mechanism, a hidden door slides open and two red droids trundle into the room on wheeled tracks, intent on apprehending the intruders...](if:$Roll is 273)[Come on,' says the anxious fox. 'Let's get out of here. I'm frightened.'
Should Sonic do as Tails asks turn to **131**) or should they first find out what's making the strange noise (turn to **175**)?](if:$Roll is 274)[With the fog gone, it's time to explore somewhere else, but where? Choose an area they haven't visited yet: they can go north (turn to **116**), south (turn to **180**) or west (turn to **252**)...](if:$Roll is 275)[With his final blow, Sonic knocks the evil Robotnik off the walkway and the scientist plunges down into the void, his voice trailing behind him: 'You meddling menace... IIII'llll geeeet yooooooooooouuu...' The victorious hedgehog watches until the bulky shape has disappeared from view...](if:$Roll is 276)[The pair start scrabbling in the sand, their eyes peeled for any sign of hidden treasure...](if:$Roll is 277)[Tails and Sonic are now feeling thoroughly uncomfortable as they trudge through the dusty terrain under the merciless dun. Should they keep to a southerly course (turn to **63**), or head west (turn to **160**) or east (turn to **208**)?..](if:$Roll is 278)[Sonic gives his leg a good tug and his foot comes free, allowing him to flip backwards and smash into several more surprised robots. Turn to **203**...](if:$Roll is 279)[A spider-like Grabber drops suddenly from the ceiling of the cave on a thing line from a metal spider's web and makes a grab for Sonic...](if:$Roll is 280)[Sonic loses all his rings (or a life). 'I hope that's taught you not to mess with me, hedgehog,' Knuckles spits. 'Now, tell me what you know about what's going on!'
At that instant, hearing the sound of the wind picking up again, everyone looks around in dismay — to see a large whirlwind speeding across the Chemical Plant Zone towards them...](if:$Roll is 281)[Among the fur and diodes, Sonic finds a glowing circuit-board in the shape of a large snowflake...](if:$Roll is 282)[Walking through thick grey clouds of fog, Sonic and Tails hear a strange flapping sound. Without warning, two bat-like robots emerge out of the mist ahead of them: Batbrains! Sonic must fight the pair, each of which has a rating of 5, using his Speed (plus 3 because Tails is helping)...](if:$Roll is 283)[Sonic stays on the roof, but he stands up to help keep his balance. Suddenly the house comes to a jolting stop, wedged between the narrow rocks, causing several of the wooden slats of the roof to come loose — including the one Sonic is standing on! Roll against Sonic's Coolness, to beat a 7...](if:$Roll is 284)[The tentacle wraps itself round the hedgehog's waist and pulls him under the water...](if:$Roll is 285)[The ape grabs Tails and lifts him up into the air. With a gentle puff, the thing blows the fox halfway across the zone! Sonic will have to fight on alone (and so lose Tails' 3-point bonus)...](if:$Roll is 286)[Before Sonic can reach the huge robot, the other Badniks are upon him! Roll against Sonic's Speed to beat a 9...](if:$Roll is 287)[The Android collapses into a zillion pieces. On a desk near by is a triangular key, which Sonic snatches up and fits into a similarly shaped socket in the control panel...](if:$Roll is 288)[Hurriedly Sonic starts patting on the walls, looking for a secret lever or a loose stone that could provide a way of escape...](if:$Roll is 289)[Racing across to the teleporter, Sonic and Tails both jump on to a disc marked with a cross which is set in the floor below the device's massive teleport ray generator — but nothing happens...](if:$Roll is 290)[The heroic hedgehog, closely followed by his fearless foxy friend, dives into the water and splashes towards the Octopus...](if:$Roll is 291)[Goodness!' Tails gasps as he and Sonic get their breath back. 'What strange weather we've been having recently...](if:$Roll is 292)[After Sonic defeated Foggy Froggy the Fog Frog, Tails saw that they were very close to the Chemical Plant Zone. If you think the pair should head in that direction to look for Sally Acorn, turn to **3**...](if:$Roll is 293)[Then I'll have to take it from you!' Knuckles shouts, swinging one of his enormous fists at Sonic's head. Sonic must fight using his Agility, against Knuckles' own rating of 7; Tails cannot help...](if:$Roll is 294)[The two heroes are in a room, one side of which is open to the air. Standing in front of this gap is a gigantic magnifying glass and, thanks to a complicated arrangement of mirrors and prisms, the sun's rays are directed into a powerful beam which is scorching a great gouge across the ground far, far below...](if:$Roll is 295)[Grabbing a loose piece of one of the Snowworm's segments, Sonic jumps on it and slides away down the hillside, using it as an improvised toboggan...](if:$Roll is 296)[Staggering this way and that through the deserted landscape, Sonic and Tails can continue east (turn to **195**), turn west (turn to **208**) or go south (turn to **113**)...](if:$Roll is 297)[Sonic performs a triple spin and lands neatly on both feet. He looks around, beaming, basking in the applause of his chums...](if:$Roll is 298)[Just when they are thinking that things couldn't get any worse, Sonic and Tails look up as a loud buzzing sound gets closer — to find themselves surrounded by four Whisps! The large robot insects each have a rating of 5 and, because he is splattered with slime, Sonic will have to fight each of them using his Good Looks (Tails helps, so add a 3-point bonus)...](if:$Roll is 299)[Roll on Sonic's Quick Wits to beat a 7. If he is successful, turn to **79**. If not, Sonic is unable to think of something clever, so he must fight (turn to **101**)...](if:$Roll is 300)[As Sonic and Tails leap into the teleporter beam, there is a sharp, electrical crack...](if:$Roll < 90 set $Roll to 90)**$Roll**
(display:"WrongPage")(Set:$Roll to it +1)
(display:"WrongPage")(Set:$Roll to it +1)
(display:"WrongPage")(Set:$Roll to it +1)
(display:"WrongPage")(Set:$Roll to it +1)
(display:"WrongPage")(Set:$Roll to it +1)
(display:"WrongPage")(Set:$Roll to it +1)
(display:"WrongPage")(Set:$Roll to it +1)
(display:"WrongPage")(Set:$Roll to it +1)
(display:"WrongPage")(Set:$Roll to it +1)
<div class="game">(link:"**Next Page**")[(set:$Roll to it +1)(goto:"Wrong Page Debug")]</div><center><img src="https://sonicadventuregamebook.neocities.org/Book6Images/SonicGamebook_Stormin'Sonic.jpg" style="z-index:1; padding: 0 15px; height: 600px;">
Adventure Gamebook 6
*For Sal*
This is not an ordinary book, it's a gamebook. You don't read it through from front to back like you would a normal story. In *Stormin' Sonic* you will decide how Sonic and his pal, Tails, will defeat the sinister Dr Robotnik. How will they fight the Badniks, and how will they overcome all the other tricks, traps and puzzles they will encounter along the way? The choice is yours. If you choose well for them, they will win. If you make the wrong choices — well, you'll soon discover what happens then!
<div class="game">Correction: This is not an ordinary gamebook, it's an electronic gamebook.
The text presented here was first published in 1996 by the Penguin Group, and wherever possible the text is presented unaltered.
Any additional information will be presented in this format. Any dice rolls or note-taking will be automatic, and page turning will be done with links, [<div style="font-weight: normal; display: inline;">like this</div>]<example|.(click:?example)[]</div>
Before you start to read the adventure, take a quick look through the simples rules which are set out on the next few pages. They are not at all complicated, so don't worry! They are like those used in the other Sonic gamebooks in this series — so, if you have already played one of those, the rules will be familiar. You will also need one ordinary six-sided dice, a pencil and an eraser.
<div class="game">If you are familiar with the rules you may [[skip to Sonic's Vital Statistics|Sonic's Vital Statistics]].</div>
<center>**Playing the game**</center>
In *Stormin' Sonic* you help guide Sonic and Tails through the action. Every so often our heroes will need advice on what to do next, and it's up to you to decide for them what they should do. Their adventure will succeed or fail depending on your choices.
The book is divided into three hundred sections, each one with a number. The first section is **1** and the last is **300**, but you don't read them in that order. Instead, each section ends with a list of several different actions that Sonic could take next, and a number for each one. Once you have decided what you want Sonic and Tails to do, turn to the section with that number and read it. Keep doing this until you have either finished the adventure — or have failed along the way! If you lose, you will have to start again and perhaps try to find a different way to victory.
<div class="game">This version of the gamebook includes checkpoints that you may return to after a game over. If you wish to play as the authors originally intended you may opt not to do this.
Checkpoints will only activate when certain conditions are met to prevent you from being locked into an unresolvable loop.</div>
<center>*Sonic's Vital Statistics*</center>Before you start, you have to decide how good Sonic is at doing certain things. Sure, everybody knows that he's very fast and very cool, but do you know exactly how fast and how cool? Here's how you find out.
If you turn to page 12, you will see Sonic's *Vital Statistics* sheet: a list of Sonic's abilities, what he is carrying, how many lives he has left, how many rings he has collected, and a few other things besides. Tails doesn't have a sheet of his own; his abilities are the same as Sonic's.
There are six of these abilities: Speed, Strength, Agility, Coolness, Quick Wits and Good Looks. Beside each of them is a description of the ability and a box, which is currently empty.
Read the descriptions of Sonic's abilities, then choose the one that you think Sonic is best at; write a '5' in that box. Put a '4' in the next best, a '3' in the third best and '2' in all the rest. The different numbers show what Sonic's strengths and weaknesses are; the higher the score, the better Sonic is at doing something.
<center>*Doing Things*</center>Some sections of the adventure will ask you to roll on one of Sonic's abilities in order to beat a certain number which is given in the text. This means that you should roll one dice, add the number you've written to that particular ability, and compare it to the number given to beat. If your score is equal to or higher than the number, Sonic has succeeded (all right!). If your score is lower, Sonic has failed (crunch!). Follow the instructions in the section you're reading to find out what happens next.
<center>*Fighting*</center>Sonic also uses his abilities to fight his enemies. Sometimes defeating them is so easy that you won't have to roll the dice, but at other times you'll be told to roll for combat against one of Sonic's abilities. It can be any of them, depending upon the enemy and the type of attack they use.
All of Sonic's enemies have a rating, and number between five and ten; the higher the number, the more deadly they are at fighting. To fight an enemy, roll one dice and add it to the ability Sonic is using in that fight — the section will tell you which ability that is. If Tails is fighting alongside Sonic, our heroic hedgehog can add three points to this roll. If Sonic rolls equal or higher than the enemy's rating, he has landed a blow on the enemy (wallop!). Sometimes this will destroy the enemy, but some enemies are stronger and will need more than one hit to knock them out.
If the enemy are not destroyed, they can try to hit Sonic back. Roll one dice and add it to their own rating. If the result is higher than 10, Sonic has been hit (bam!). If there is more than one enemy, each can try to hit Sonic back in this manner, unless they are fighting one at a time (the text will tell you if this is the case).
When Sonic is hit by an enemy or a trap, one of two things will happen. If he is carrying any gold rings, he loses them all. However, if he is not carrying any rings, Sonic must lose a life! If the opponent fails to hit, Sonic can then try to hit again, and so on.
<center>*Lives*</center>Sonic starts the book with three lives, just like in the game. If he loses them all, he has failed and must start the adventure again from the very beginning. Tails has no lives of his own; if Sonic loses, then Tails must also start again.
There are two way to get extra lives. The first way is for Sonic to find them concealed along the route of his adventure. The second way is to collect 100 rings which he can then swap for an extra life.
<div class="game">A peculiarity of this book is that the rules regarding lives differ from others in the series. Other books in the series state that 'if he can collect more than 100 rings, he gets an extra life', while this book implies that 100 rings should be *traded* for a life. This also contradicts text on the *Sonic's Vital Statistics* page.
You may interpret the rules on this occassion:
<div class="game">[(display:"LivesOptions")]<Options|</div></div>
<center>*Carrying Stuff*</center>Sonic starts the game with nothing, but he and Tails may pick up items along the way, or they may lose some in the course of the adventure. Always write any new items down on Sonic's *Vital Statistics* sheet and remember to cross off the ones he and Tails don't have any more.
Throughout the adventure, Sonic and Tails will find and collect gold rings, which will protect our heroes from hurt and may help them gain extra lives. When you finish the adventure, your final score will be the number of rings that Sonic has left. Challenge your friends to see who can end up with the most!
That's everything you need to guide Sonic and Tails through the dangers that will be inflicted by the Weather Egg. Now turn to <div class="sic">`[`[[Sonic's Vital Statistics]]`]`</div> and read on...(set:$Speed to 0)(set:$Strength to 0)(set:$Agility to 0)(set:$Coolness to 0)(set:$QuickWits to 0)(set:$GoodLooks to 0)(set:$AbilityScore to 5)(if:$RingRules is 0)[**Sonic gains a life after collecting 100 rings**
[<div style="font-weight: normal; display: inline;">Sonic must swap 100 rings to gain a life</div>]<Choice2|](else:)[[<div style="font-weight: normal; display: inline;">Sonic gains a life after collecting 100 rings</div>]<Choice1|
**Sonic must swap 100 rings to gain a life**](click:?Choice1)[(set:$RingRules to 0)(replace:?Options)[(display:"LivesOptions")]](click:?Choice2)[(set:$RingRules to 1)(replace:?Options)[(display:"LivesOptions")]](if:$AbilityScore is 5)[<div class="game">Choose the ability that you think Sonic is best at:</div>](if:$AbilityScore is 4)[<div class="game">Choose the ability that you think Sonic second is best at:</div>](if:$AbilityScore is 3)[<div class="game">Choose the ability that you think Sonic third is best at:</div>](if:$AbilityScore is 2)[(if:$Speed is 0)[(set:$Speed to 2)](if:$Strength is 0)[(set:$Strength to 2)](if:$Agility is 0)[(set:$Agility to 2)](if:$Coolness is 0)[(set:$Coolness to 2)](if:$QuickWits is 0)[(set:$QuickWits to 2)](if:$GoodLooks is 0)[(set:$GoodLooks to 2)]]
<div class="vitalsheet">(if:$Speed is not 0)[$Speed]</div>(if:$Speed is 0)[(link:"**SPEED**")[(set:$Speed to $AbilityScore)(set:$AbilityScore to it -1)(goto:"Sonic's Vital Statistics")]](else:)[**SPEED**]
Sonic is seriously fast! In his special trainers, at top speed, Sonic can evade Robotnik's trap and evil Badniks easily. But sometimes he runs too fast — right into danger!
<div class="vitalsheet">(if:$Strength is not 0)[$Strength]</div>(if:$Strength is 0)[(link:"**STRENGTH**")[(set:$Strength to $AbilityScore)(set:$AbilityScore to it -1)(goto:"Sonic's Vital Statistics")]](else:)[**STRENGTH**]
Our hero is pretty tough and can zoom around all day, jumping on bad guys and smashing traps. Sonic must be careful, though, not to act too hastily and to remember to think before he smashes something that may be important.
<div class="vitalsheet">(if:$Agility is not 0)[$Agility]</div>(if:$Agility is 0)[(link:"**AGILITY**")[(set:$Agility to $AbilityScore)(set:$AbilityScore to it -1)(goto:"Sonic's Vital Statistics")]](else:)[**AGILITY**]
Sonic is a natural gymnast. Climbing, jumping, diving, exploring — he can do it all, and he loves to show off his athletic skill whenever it's time to be a hero.
<div class="vitalsheet">(if:$Coolness is not 0)[$Coolness]</div>(if:$Coolness is 0)[(link:"**COOLNESS**")[(set:$Coolness to $AbilityScore)(set:$AbilityScore to it -1)(goto:"Sonic's Vital Statistics")]](else:)[**COOLNESS**]
Hey, of course Sonic is cool! Just look at those natty spikes, those spotless trainers and that attitude of his. So what if it means that he will try to charm his way out of trouble a little too often?
<div class="vitalsheet">(if:$QuickWits is not 0)[$QuickWits]</div>(if:$QuickWits is 0)[(link:"**QUICK WITS**")[(set:$QuickWits to $AbilityScore)(set:$AbilityScore to it -1)(goto:"Sonic's Vital Statistics")]](else:)[**QUICK WITS**]
Sonic's speed means he has to think fast, which can often help him out of tricky situations. Trouble is, it also means he can sometimes be too impatient and hasty!
<div class="vitalsheet">(if:$GoodLooks is not 0)[$GoodLooks]</div>(if:$GoodLooks is 0)[(link:"**GOOD LOOKS**")[(set:$GoodLooks to $AbilityScore)(set:$AbilityScore to it -1)(goto:"Sonic's Vital Statistics")]](else:)[**GOOD LOOKS**]
Perhaps the most important thing in Sonic's life is looking good and acting cool. This can impress people so that they will help him, but at other times it just annoys them!
LIVES LEFT:<font size=4>■■■□□□□</font>
(Sonic starts with three lives.)
`(`Remember: if Sonic collects 100 rings, he gets an extra life.)
(Note down everything that Sonic collects while on his adventure.)(if:$AbilityScore is 2)[
<div class="game">Now [[turn to Section **1**|1]] and read on...</div>](if:(passage:)'s name is not "Load Checkpoint")[<div class="game">**Checkpoint reached!**</div>(set:$CheckpointPage to (passage:)'s name)(set:$CheckpointTurnTo60 to $TurnTo60)(set:$CheckpointRayMissed to $RayMissed)(set:$CheckpointTailsOnIce to $TailsOnIce)(set:$CheckpointSoughtShelter to $SoughtShelter)(set:$CheckpointLaserUsed to $LaserUsed)(set:$CheckpointSnowFlakeCircuitBoard to $SnowFlakeCircuitBoard)(set:$CheckpointRoundCircuitBoard to $RoundCircuitBoard)(set:$CheckpointRaindropCircuitBoard to $RaindropCircuitBoard)(set:$CheckpointCloudCircuitBoard to $CloudCircuitBoard)(set:$CheckpointInkSac to $InkSac)(set:$CheckpointFreezeRay to $FreezeRay)(set:$CheckpointLaser to $Laser)(set:$CheckpointBandages to $Bandages)(set:$CheckpointWaterCanister to $WaterCanister)(set:$CheckpointSallysScarf to $SallysScarf)(set:$CheckpointBattery to $Battery)(set:$CheckpointBananas to $Bananas)(set:$CheckpointTriangularKey to $TriangularKey)(set:$CheckpointNorthExplored to $NorthExplored)(set:$CheckpointEastExplored to $EastExplored)(set:$CheckpointSouthExplored to $SouthExplored)(set:$CheckpointWestExplored to $WestExplored)(set:$CheckpointCaveRolls to $CaveRolls)(set:$CheckpointPyramidLeft to $PyramidLeft)(set:$CheckpointPyramidRight to $PyramidRight)(set:$CheckpointPyramidAhead to $PyramidAhead)(set:$CheckpointBreakWarning to $BreakWarning)(set:$CheckpointZoneHits to $ZoneHits)(set:$CheckpointSurfing to $Surfing)(set:$CheckpointSonicsStuff to $SonicsStuff)
](set:$Lives to 1000000)(set:$Speed to 50)(set:$Strength to 50)(set:$Agility to 50)(set:$Coolness to 50)(set:$QuickWits to 50)(set:$GoodLooks to 50)
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